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Asahi Martial Emperor’s words, let all participating genius, bright eyes.

didn’t expect, in addition to the 1st place rewards, even they also have rewards.

Those who get 8 Spirit Swords are one of more than 30%. Such a wide range of rewards will naturally not make people dissatisfied.

“Okay! Today I am a tribe, set up a banquet to entertain Elder and recipe of all tribes, and please enjoy the light!”

“Celebrate well!”

As the voice of Asahi Martial Emperor fell, all the people in the square immediately cheered in unison, a joyous scene.

Next, the rewards are distributed, and the banquet begins.

At this time, the Nether tribe has given up its blood, and has provided a large amount of Spirit Treasure and resources to reward nearly half of the genius of all tribes.

At such a great price, no one mentioned the strange phenomenon of Heavenly Sword 9 again.

Throughout the scene, a scene where both guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After all, whether it is the Ming clan as the main party of this session, or the genius of the various ethnic groups participating in the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, although we all know that a large number of Spirit Swords are born, everyone benefits, and the water is extremely great.

However, no one is willing to pierce the window paper for such a thing that involves everyone’s face, so that everyone can’t step down.

So, if you pretend to be confused, I also pretend to be confused. Everyone pretends to be together and decorates peace and security.

Chu Yan has no interest in these.

Before the banquet started, he was body flashed and went directly to the Demi-God clan.

Of course, he would not go to the celebration feast of false feelings.

“I want to see, what is the origin of that golden basin !?”

When Chu Yan entered the cultivation hall, he would close the door and be ready to study today’s gains, but he didn’t even wait for him to close the door, a golden robe silhouette, and flashed in.


The person who came was Jiang Yuchuan, just a flash, and fell behind Chu Yan, staring straight at Chu Yan.

“Uh … Jiang Great Elder ….” Chu Yan’s face started, and Jiang Yuchuan’s face was dull.

“Chu Yan!” Jiang Yuchuan stared at Chu Yan for a long time, and finally sighed, said

“You know, how precious is the qualification token of Heavenly Sword 9 !?”

“This one….”

Chu Yan pondered, thinking about whether to tell Jiang Great Elder what was inside the mountain.

“Do you know that this time you represent my Demi-God family!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s lingering expression, Jiang Great Elder suddenly lost his breath. When he thought of being counted by Ling Shuangtian, he gave Chu Yan a very precious qualification token, and he was so angry .

Tokens are stolen by you, even if you do n’t, but fortunately, you also have a few Sword Intents to think about, so that the Demi-God family has a little face.

After all, the Demi-God clan is one of the ten major racial forces, and Jiang Yuchuan took Captain old and returned to the clan, how to explain! ?

In addition, if Chu Yan has no strength and can’t really harvest Spirit Sword, Jiang Great Elder will not be so angry.

However, based on his knowledge of Chu Yan, he certainly knew that Chu Yan must have been intentional.

You know, Chu Yan’s performance at Heavenly Sword 9 this time has always been very satisfying for him. First, he cut the black iron sword column, and at the Tian Jian’s seminar on Guo Jian City, he overwhelmed the heroes.

These performances made Jiang Great Elder’s performance and expectations for him to a very high level.

However, the final result! ?

It ’s true that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment …

“Ah … forget it! Between you and me, this is the agreement first, only blame myself, I believe you and Ling Shuangtian too.”

Jiang Yuchuan suffocated his face with redness, and finally his body became slack, and he exhaled a long breath, looking at the head, very disappointed.

“Uh … Jiang Great Elder, this … it may be that there is no chance between me and Spirit Sword, but …”

Chu Yan thought for a long time, still hesitant to tell the other party, but just as he pondered, there was a silhouette outside the gate behind him, flying by.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, this time Heavenly Sword 9 peak, the harvest is not small !?”

Tuoba Xiong’s face was red light, and his mouth was full of alcohol. He laughed loudly and stepped through the door.

“En !? The harvest is not small !? Tuoba Xiong Deputy Building Lord, did you drink too much, did not see clearly where this is !?”

“hmph! ”

Jiang Yuchuan’s anger that just disappeared was suddenly aroused by Tuoba Xiong’s words. He suddenly stared at the other person with a bad face and hummed directly again.

“En!? What do you mean !?”

Hearing Jiang Yuchuan’s words, Tuoba Xiong froze for a moment, staring at Jiang Yuchuan with doubts on his face and asked.

“You still ask me what I mean !? I want to ask what you mean, did Chu Yan have any harvest, did you not see it in the square !? Those rubbish, ridiculed Chu Yan is not enough, are you still coming …. ”

Seeing Tuoba Xiong’s appearance, Jiang Yuchuan was completely angry, and he directly roared and said, Tuoba Xiong, who was close to his eyes, sprayed a spittle star.

“Ha ha ha….”

Hearing Jiang Yuchuan’s words, Tuoba Xiong finally reacted, but he laughed again with his mouth open again.

“Jiang Great Elder, you … you, you, you do n’t really think that Chu Yan has nothing to gain !?”

“It doesn’t matter if no one else finds it, you are a Demi-God clan Great Elder, and Chu Yan was recommended by you. Didn’t even find the aura change in him !?”

On the ground, Jiang Yuchuan’s entire face instantly solidified and suddenly turned his head, looking towards Chu Yan, his eyes were full of surprise.

“Change !? What dog, fart changes … yi !? Chu Yan, Sword Qi on you, why is it so unstable !? What’s going on !?”

At a glance, before a word was spoken, Martial Emperor Divine Consciousness scanned, and suddenly found that the aura on Chu Yan was really different.

Suddenly, Tuoba Xiong with a sly smile, Jiang Yuchuan with a surprised face, two people stared at Chu Yan….

“Uh … this time Heavenly Sword 9 peak, I am in the middle of the mountain, there is some harvest …” Chu Yan said

“What !? You entered the mountainside !?”

“What !? You entered the mountainside !?”

Jiang Yuchuan and Tuoba Xiong didn’t even wait for Chu Yan to finish his speech. At the same time, he roared, and the roaring sound shook the whole great hall, buzzing.

“You … you …”

Chu Yan was taken aback by the reaction of the two bigwigs, his eyes twitched twice, and quickly replied

“Go in … in !? What’s wrong !? Can’t you in ?!”

“Fuck, fart! Of course you can enter. Hmm !? No … That mountainside is not a question of whether you can enter, but a question of whether you can enter.”

Jiang Yuchuan answered Chu Yan’s question, but when he opened his mouth, he found something was wrong, and suddenly the complexion changed, and he roared again.

“Hurry … hurry, what do you see in the belly of the mountain !? Or, you … took … to … what !?”

Tuoba Xiong dragged Jiang Yuchuan behind him, staring at the bloodshot eyes, staring at Chu Yan, and asked.

“This is it…..”

Chu Yan turned over and took out the golden pool.


With the emergence of the golden pool, a small wave splashed on the surface of the pool the size of the table, and the violent aura that was picked up, instantly flooded the entire great hall, 10000 golden light direct shots, stabbed 2 big men’s Eyes, a golden light.



The two big brothers looked at the golden pool at the same time, sucked in a breath of cold air, cultivation base a little lower Tuobaxiong, and even retreated 2 steps, the whole body shook, almost collapsed to the ground.

2 eyes, 4 eyes, staring at the golden pool, all look of shock.

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