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Feeling the peeping Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan suddenly became frowned.

“St. Spirit Mark, give me the town!”

Shouted in a low voice, not only myself, but even Stuart, all of the peeping Divine Consciousness were all dispelled by St. Spirit Mark.

However, what made Chu Yan didn’t expect was that one had just been dispelled, and within a blink of an eye, oh la la rushed and rushed up a dozen more Divine Consciousness.

“En !? These buildings …”

Chu Yan’s face started, turned towards all around, but found that almost every building on the 2nd side of the street, there are some Spirit Mark painted on it.

Moreover, Divine Consciousness can be found at a glance, there is a connection between Spirit Marks on each building, and they form an incomparable gigantic that covers the entire pool of the giant Great Array.

This kind of Great Array is completely different from the Great Array of Keeping City. It is obviously a kind of Great Array that comes to monitor the movement of the whole city.

In particular, the 4 tall city gates in 4 directions, and the various Spirit Marks on them, are spread over almost every brick.

With such a large amount of work and a huge amount of resources, I am afraid that only Tianqi Building has such a wealth of wealth.

You know, a Great Array of fortifications, and the Spirit Array on every brick across the field, that is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Ordinary Sect forces, no matter how strong they are, will definitely not be able to do so.

However, the benefits of this approach of Tianqi Building are also huge.

With such a large amount of investment, the entire Tian City will be built like an iron barrel, and it will be a spiritual array throughout every angle of the audience, equivalent to Martial Artist’s Battle Domain.

Anyone fighting Tiantial Tower Martial Artist within the limits of Tian City will have a minimum strength reduction of 50%, while Tiantial Tower Martial Artist’s battle strength has more than doubled.

At the same time, even if you lay Tian City, every brick in the face of the city is Spirit Mark. There is no way to shovel the entire city except for the entire city.

But in this way, it took 9000 2 tigers to lay down the city, which is equivalent to getting a ruin.

“This Tianqi Building …. In this way, almost the entire city has been turned into a Spirit Treasure!”

Stuart also discovered Chu Yan’s anomaly, sound transmission told Chu Yan.

He is more familiar with Chu City than Chu Yan, and as a Spirit Mark teacher, he naturally knows more about this horror than Spirit Treasure city than Chu Yan.

“Good! Good!” Chu Yan smiled softly, nodded.

Divine Consciousness is restrained and only completely blocks his Sea of ​​Consciousness. For those who explore Divine Consciousness, they are also disconlined to pay attention to.


With a bang, Chu Yan and Situ Yang walked quickly, moved towards the end of the street.

The more they saw the power of Tianqi Building, the more people looked forward to the treasure house of Tianqi Building.

The road that Stuart took Chu Yan with was the most prosperous main road leading into the city center.

Seemingly infected, Situ Yang appeared extremely excited, constantly introducing Chu Yan to the all around shop, as if he was not here for the first time.

Moving forward, Chu Yan was also amazed by the prosperity of Tian City.

Even if it ’s an ordinary Spirit Medicine Store, Golden Pill is available for sale. Although the quality is not good, the pill recipe is also continent, but the price is much cheaper than other cities. It attracts a lot of Martial Artists to buy it. .

On some stalls, there are all kinds of strangely heavenly materials earthly treasures, and the selling price is amazing.

What surprised Chu Yan most was that no matter whether it was a shop or a street stall, he could not see a fake.

This is an order out of Tian City, which is ridiculously good.

Moreover, it did n’t take long for Chu Yan to see with his own eyes that in a shop, because of a fight for a Spirit Treasure, there was a quarrel, and it was almost less than a breath. The Law Enforcement Group in the distance came from the sky and directly suppressed 2 people drove out towards Tian City.

Thunderbolt means, overbearing, and Chu Yan opened his eyes.

“Big brother, are we going to find a place to stay first, after all, understanding starts before we understand!”

Not long after walking, when passing by a luxurious restaurant, Situ Yang asked Chu Yan.

“Football !? Doesn’t Tianqi Building have a residence hall?”

Chu Yan was somewhat surprised and looked doubtfully towards Situ Yang. Originally, according to Chu Yan’s plan, he was prepared to live in Tianqi Building.

“Hehe, big brother, this is towards Tian City, there are many things that are completely different from other places.” Situ Yang said with a smile.

“The main building of Tianqi Building really doesn’t have a living hall.”

“No house !?” Chu Yan suddenly froze.

Looking at the prosperity of Tian City, and the horrible financial resources of Tianqi Building, how can this Tianqi Building have no residence, this is not reasonable.

“Yes! Don’t say that the outsiders’ residences, even if they are themselves in Tianqi Building, will never stay in Tianqi Building at night.” Situ Yang said.

“Why is this !?”

Chu Yan heard that it wasn’t stingy in Tianqilou. There should be a special reason.

“It is said that this building of the celestial building is an Antiquity Spirit Treasure! It seems to be called a tower, suppressing an Antiquity abyss magic altar. The celestial building does not know what method was used. Without the recognising Master, Occupy this tower as the headquarters of their Tianqi building. “

Situ Yang said here, his voice lowered, approaching Chu Yan’s ear, saying

“In the evening, near the Tianqi Building, the devilish spirits are so high that most people can’t get close at all …”

“En!? There is such a thing …”

Chu Yan eyes shined, a look of surprise on his face.

However, relative to Situ Yang, Chu Yan was completely unfamiliar with the situation of Tian City in North Korea, so, temporarily, according to Situ Yang’s arrangement, he walked into the luxurious restaurant next to it.

Stepping into the largest and most luxurious restaurant in the distance from the center of the city, Situ Yang still directly produced an emperor crystal and asked for the best room.

The shop waiter saw a dozen pieces of emperor crystals rolling off the countertop, his eyes were green, and he quickly smiled and brought Chu Yan and Situ Yang to the Tianzi room.

It is a room with a huge area. There is a Spirit Gathering Formation in the middle of the room and the rank is not low.

As soon as Situ Yang entered the room, he began to arrange various prohibitions and spiritual arrays. After a long busy, he grew relaxed and walked towards Chu Yan.

“Hehe, big brother, there is hilarity tonight! You first cultivate.” Situ raised his face with a smile.


Chu Yan was sitting cross-legged in the Spirit Gathering Array, preparing for cultivation. When he heard Situ Yang’s words, he was too lazy to ask questions and nodded at random to start cultivation and collapse of Celestial Emperor.

The sunset goes west, the sky fades …

Time passed quickly, and after a few hours, night fell.

As the darkness swallowed towards Tian City like a tide, the originally lively towards Tian City turned into silence.

On the streets of the entire city, I could n’t see a silhouette at all. I do n’t know the thin mist coming there, spread out in the city.

“Get started!”

Situ Yang has been standing in front of the window, looking down on the whole city, and seeing a large area of ​​mist, along the 100 streets in the city, moved towards the 1000 zhang high building moved towards the center of the city like a tide, and suddenly opened with a face full of excitement the mouth and said.

“En!? Something is wrong !?”

Even Chu Yan in the cultivation sensed something, suddenly eyes opened, with both eyes 5 color lightning flashing, and got up to the window.

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