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When Chu Yan had just walked to the window, a strong wind blew in directly from the window.

This cold wind with a cold wind rushed through the body, causing Chu Yan and Situ Yang to tremble at the same time, and the whole body’s pores were wide open.

“Fuck! Such a evil door !?”

Situ Yang’s True Qi surged throughout his body, forming a thick body protection Gang Yuan, his face pale.

After all, he came to Tian City just a day earlier than Chu Yan. Many things were just heard, not at all.

“There is movement underground!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, his face pale, and shouted softly.

Even if it is the pupil of Qilin, at this time, the grey mist that filled the whole city has become so dense that it seems to be in the sea of ​​clouds, naked eyes, except for the upper part of some buildings, above the ground, almost completely unclear.

Moreover, these mists are still getting thicker, the color changes from gray to black, and in the end, it almost surges like a stream of water, which makes people feel strange.

Hum … hum …

In less than a few breaths, a large group of illusory shadows emerged in the dense fog …

These illusory shadows, all face looks sinister, fangs exposed, illusory figure, simply not a real existence.

Moreover, densely packed, almost all the illusory shadows of all the city streets, the number is so large, people look at the scalp tingling.

With the surging of the mist, like a group of falling leaves flowing along the stream, they also moved towards the center of the city.

Passing all the way, the dark air is extremely rich, bringing up countless ghosts …

A team of teams, row by row, although the number is very large, but neat and orderly, without falling to the ground, drifting all the way, continually gathered to the city center.

This scene fell in the eyes of Chu Yan and Situ Yang, and the two seemed to see the Abyss Demon… ..

“These should all come towards Tianqi Building!”

Chu Yan looked down the street and saw a 9-Layer tower standing tall in the center of the city. On top of the tower, there was a little golden light, suddenly bright and bright, as if the endless golden stars flickered.

These golden stars flash every time, but will leave the tower a lot and flow to all directions in 4 directions.

Those illusory shadows that are crowded and drifting towards the tower body will directly dissipate after hitting these golden stars …

“this is….”

Seeing a scene, Chu Yan’s face showed a look of surprise.

Because, Chu Yan clearly saw that on that heavenly tower, almost every layer, stood a tall old man silhouette.

Above the spire, there is a powerhouse that continuously releases the horrible aura, sitting cross-legged, the body of Diwei surging and pouring into the tower body continuously.

Suddenly, between the spire powerhouse and this celestial tower, it seemed to be fuse together.

“It turns out that there are still people guarding the Tianqi Tower!”

Chu Yan muttered to himself, slightly pondered, light flashed, and a Divine Consciousness in Sea of ​​Consciousness, rushing out, moved towards the direction of the Celestial Tower, and slowly flew away.

Passing all the way, Chu Yan was extremely careful to avoid all the illusory shadows of monsters, and at the same time, with the gap of the black mist surging, a little moved towards the tower body.

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan’s tiny Divine Consciousness, just before the tower body, flickered gently and did not enter the tower body.

Buzz …!

Divine Consciousness entered the tower, and Chu Yan suddenly felt that a vast force filled the whole tower.

This power is simply not the power of Martial Artist, as the power of Heaven and Earth, with endless vastness and majesty, like a shock wave, moved towards the tower body and swept away from the tower.

This force can’t be seen by naked eye at all. If Chu Yan is not Divine Consciousness entering the tower, it’s also impossible to discover.

This shows that the powerhouse of the celestial building on the tower is consuming and merging the monsters with the help of the celestial building, so as to cultivate a special cultivation technique.

“Awesome! Even demons dare to devour fusion. This demonic path cultivation base may have reached the median Martial Emperor.”

Chu Yan has also seen many Martial Artists in the cultivation demonic path, but since ancient times, demonic path inheritance is extremely rare, it is extremely difficult to cultivate Martial Artists in this way.

Therefore, Martial Artist cultivation demonic path and cultivation base are few and far between.

But today, in this Tianqi building, such a powerful demonic path Martial Artist is hidden, which is also very unexpected for Chu Yan.

“What kind of demon is suppressing under this heavenly tower !?”

Chu Yan saw that a large number of monsters illusory shadow, like moth flies into the flame, rushed towards the heavenly tower, and was instantly twisted into the powder by the invisible shock wave released by the tower body.

Such a move can only show that under this celestial tower, the suppressed Demon Venerable might have a lot of articles.

Moreover, Chu Yan speculates that the existence of Tianqi Building, and even towards Tian City, has great secrets with this demon of underground suppression.

“This heavenly building, not simple!”

Chu Yan shook the head, slowly withdrawing his gaze, diverging Divine Consciousness, and no longer paying attention to the situation in the city.

For him, the things of Tianqi Building and the underground Demon King, although he was very interested, but did not have time to find out, simply disinclined to pay attention to.

“Situ Yang, you said there was lively night, this is it !?” Chu Yan looked towards Situ Yang, asked.

“Ah … yes, no, not …”

Situ Yang, who was full of energy and looked up, was suddenly called by Chu Yan. He was shocked and quickly replied.

“Big brother, it is said that after 2 hours, the natural phenomenon in Tian City will all disappear …”

“When the time comes, toward Tian City’s underground pawnshop, the door will open!”

“Underground pawnshop !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Hehe, yes! There are good things …” Situ Yang grinned and said, “This is famous for Tian City, not just Tianqi Building, this underground pawnshop is also very famous!”

“It is said that the entire outer domain continent, all high rank black goods, will go to the underground pawnshop of Tian City to sell.”

“On the one hand, underground pawnshops provide a means to keep their identities secret. All illicit goods don’t matter where they came from and where they came from, they just deal with it. At the same time, all the gold owners in this underground pawnshop are very promising and can get out of the sky.”

“Isn’t it the black market !?” Chu Yan suddenly.

“Almost! Or rather, it should be called foreign domain continent, the biggest black market, hehe, there must be a lot of good things …”

Situ Yang said with a smile.

“Well, just look …” Chu Yan nodded, distracted.

Later, Situ Yang began to wait hard …

But in the end, waiting for the results, let Situ Yang greatly disappointed.

The natural phenomenon of the ghost in the city lasted for a whole night, simply did not stop.

In this way, don’t say what underground pawn shop to go to, even going out, it is simply impossible.

When the eastern sunrise and the sky were pale, Situ Yang’s face was depressed and his face was flushed with anger.

“Fuck! What dogs, fart rumors, he is fake …”

Situ Yang, who was so angry that he kept scolding, finally woke up Chu Yan in the cultivation.

“This kind of rumor, It shouldn’t be wrong, there may be other reasons are not necessarily, wait to see this evening, it will understood!”

Chu Yan was also surprised, looking at Situ Yang with a smile.

“Hu… forget it! Auction is the right thing!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Situ raised his breath and suppressed his depression, and told Chu Yan.

“Big brother, it’s almost time, let’s go.”

Hearing this, Chu Yan ordered nodded. The two of them went out of the restaurant and moved towards the Tianqi Building in the center of the city.

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