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On the wide streets, there are already crowds of people, full of voices, and lively extraordinary.

Seeing such a scene in front of me, it was simply unimaginable. Last night, this was a hell-like scene towards Tian City.

100 streets, a large crowd, almost moved towards the same direction, and hurried away.

In the center of the city, the tall and mighty Tianqi Tower is directly inserted into Yunxiao.

This black giant tower, and its all around, large group of buildings, is where the Tianqi Building is located, occupying the center of the city, the most expansive piece of land.

Outer continent, all directions forces, Three Sects 9 stream, the purpose of coming to Tian City, mostly to come to this heavenly building.

Whether you are buying Spirit Armament medicine pill, or looking for heavenly materials earthly treasures, or even luck, hoping to hit heaven defying the chance, so many people are there.

Because of this, it also resulted in the prosperity of Tian City and Tianqi Building in 10000.

Walking on the street, Chu Yan and Situ Yang are closer and closer to the center of the city, the white building complex.

At this time, the flow of people on the streets in all four directions was gathering above the square, moving towards the gate of the Tianqi Building.

The large number of people gathered also led to a noisy voice, and various voices of discussion appeared extremely enthusiastic.

“Have you heard !? Last night, Demon Domain natural phenomenon seemed to break the rules, and it lasted all night!”

“Who is it, I have heard about it, it’s really strange …”

“This is strange. It is said that there have also appeared in the history of Tian City, because this time there were heaven defying things in the Tianqi Building auction, so it will cause this natural phenomenon.”

“Heaven defying things !? What is that !?”

“No! Are you stupid, the propaganda of Tianqi Building, you didn’t see it, World’s First Divine Weapon!”

“It is said that this World’s First Divine Weapon was born, and even the Heavenly Sword 9 sword had a natural phenomenon, and finally it was obtained by Tianqi Building.”

“And, at this time, in order to build momentum, Tianqi Building opened the treasure house directly. Even the treasure of the town building was taken out of 100 pieces and put out for auction.”

“God ah! This … really hit back. No wonder so many people!”

“Nonsense, who doesn’t want to see it, World’s First Divine Weapon is born !?”

“Don’t say it, go in quickly, there is no place late …”

“…… ..”

Among the crowd, all kinds of discussions, such as ebb and flow, whether it is talking about the Demon Domain natural phenomenon last night, or World’s First Divine Weapon in Tianqilou, all are excited and excited.

Chu Yan and Situ Yang also diversified Divine Consciousness, listening to the all around discussion, and following the crowd, walking towards the gate of Tianqi Building.

However, at this moment, a screaming sounded in front of the gate of Tianqi Building.

“Front, get away!”

Under the rough roar, there were more than a dozen powerhouses, True Qi surging, forcibly crowding the crowd away, 2 minutes magnificently dressed youth, holding Spirit Armament, striding forward proudly.

These two young people, who are only in their 2s and have a cultivation base, have also reached the quasi-imperial realm, with aura exposed all over the body and an arrogant attitude.

Among the crowd who was forced to push away, some people hurriedly avoided, while others were angry, turned their heads and just opened their mouths to scold, but at a glance, they saw the 2 magnificently dressed youth and the dozen powerhouses around them , Suddenly shook the rope, and opened his mouth there.

Not to mention the two magnificently dressed youths, only the dozen powerhouses around him, each of which has a quasi-imperial Peak cultivation base.

A purple black robes, with a big “Dragon” word written on his chest, everyone’s face is engraved with a conspicuous scar, which is also a “Dragon” word.

“Tiangang Domain Dragon Mansion! Tiangang Battle Guard!”

In the crowd, there was a cry of exclamation, which aroused more people suddenly, looking sideways …

The stars protect the dozen magnificently dressed youth powerhouses of two magnificently dressed youths. It is the outer domain continent and the Tiangang Battle Guard of the Dragon House of the Tiangang Realm.

These days Gang Warrior is different from ordinary Martial Artist. They are some family members of Aristocratic Family who used special secret methods to cultivate family deceased since childhood.

“Didn’t expect, even the Dragon House in Tiangang, came to participate in …”

“Dragon House ah! Those 2 must be Dragon House Shizi!”

Seeing the emergence of the Dragon House in Tiangang, all the Martial Artists present were suck in a breath of cold air, complexion slightly changed.

Outfield continent, in addition to ethnic Sect forces, this Aristocratic Family force is often an Overlord, especially among the family, out of 2 median Martial Emperor, it is like the sun at high noon, prestigious.

Family asylum, the dead open the way, enough for these Martial Emperor family generations to run wild!

“Don’t you have ears in front of you ?! I don’t want to give up this life, I don’t want to live …

Seeing that the crowd was still crowded, among the two magnificently dressed youths, the young man holding a jade fan was full of violent faces, and he directly shouted.

Hearing the sound of Longfu Shizi, although unhappy in his heart, the crowd around all around still managed to make way for them.

“Hmph! Longfu Shizi, so great majesty!”

At this moment, a voice of coldness resounded through the square …

At the same time, a fur robe wearing a thick beast, a gigantic silhouette, and striding meteor, walked directly in front of the two magnificently dressed youths, blocking them.

Just as everyone glared at the beast robe robust man, suddenly, a strange sound rang again.

“Ha ha ha, old 3, I haven’t seen it for a few years, how come I like to shut up the gossip! 2 little dolls, why bother …”


A silhouette, like the black ghost remnant, just fell by the side of the robust man.

This person is small and thin, with no flesh on the face, a pair of smart triangular eyes, talking to the robust man on the mouth, but looking straight towards the opposite 2 magnificently dressed youth, a short bone dagger, but he has already grasped In hands.

“Old 2, old 3, come so early …”

tread! tread! tread!

There was another rapid rush of footsteps. An old man stepped on the thunder and walked a few steps to the middle of the two. He took the a iron rope hanging from his waist and took it off directly, holding it in his hand.

in a flash, three Martial Artists in a row, all blocked before the Longfu Shizi, the audience suddenly calmed down, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

“His …! Then … that is the silkworm Martial Emperor, look at the black cord in his hand …. The color is darker again, I do n’t know how many people have been killed in these years !?”

“Then … that’s Martial Emperor, a wild animal, he, … was wearing a Monster Emperor’s hide …”

“The lying trough, the Great Shadowless Emperor, his bone dagger …. assassinated at least 2 Martial Emperor …”

The three people who appeared suddenly stood in front of two magnificently dressed youths, waiting for everyone to see clearly, but they caused a cry of exclamation.

Suddenly, 3 Martial Emperor appeared, and all of them were famous, how could it not be surprising.

These people, usually in remote areas, rarely appear, but that one is the existence of a master Overlord.

On the other hand, the Longfu Shizi relied on the reputation of the family Martial Emperor, but really let them face the Martial Emperor powerhouse, but it was not enough to look at.

“The Martial Emperor of the Silkworm, Martial Emperor of the Beast, None … The Great Emperor of Shadowlessness, Junior pay respects to 3 people!”

2 magnificently dressed youths, there dare to be arrogant, quickly walk 2 steps, walked in front of 3 people, bowed to worship, and smiled respectfully.

“Hmph! 2 little dolls, succeed in the future, depending on the place …”

Martial Emperor hummed, turned directly, and strode away.

“Good! In front of the gate of Tianqi Building, it is also your arrogant place …”

The silkworm Martial Emperor put away the long black cable glowing with blood light, smiled gently, and turned away.

“hmph! ”

The shadowless Great Emperor was only lightly snorted, and the whole figure disappeared directly on the spot, and then looked up, but it was already beyond 100 steps.

A heaven defying movement art, even Chu Yan standing in the crowd, are eyes shined.

“The auction of Tianqi Building attracts a lot of hidden powerhouses! Interesting….”

If it weren’t for those 2 princes, it was too arrogant to deliberately show up in front of people. The 3 Martial Emperor was excited. Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness just did not find that there was such a powerhouse among the people around him.

“Go! Let’s go in …”

Slightly pondering, Chu Yan and Situ Yang strode towards the gate of the Tianqi Building.

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