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Although the auction hall is divided into 9-Layer, a few 100 boxes, plus the bottom seats, when all are full, the number reaches nearly 5000.

The 5000 people are all rich and expensive, and gathering together is very lively.

At this moment, an old man wearing a long robe in Tianqi Building strode off the auction booth with a smile on his face, bowed his hand to the audience, and announced that

“Everyone, thank you for coming to Tianqi Building to participate in” World’s First Divine Weapon “auction!”

This sentence sounded, and the entire auction hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone’s eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the old man on the auction stand, were full of excitement.

“At this time, my Tianqi Building prepared a total of 100 lots, including materials for creating” World’s First Divine Weapon “, provided by a hidden expert …”

The words fell to the ground, a heavy breath rang from the audience, and all eyes suddenly turned red.

The Auctioneer of the Tianqi Building is obviously an expert. In just one sentence, the atmosphere of auction is directly lit.

“Not much nonsense, now, the first lot!”

With Auctioneer’s big wave, a beautiful maid in Tianqi Building holding a wooden case, cautiously walked onto the stage and stood next to Auctioneer, facing the audience with a charming smile, beautiful and alluring.

Chu Yan and Situ Yang are in the 9-Layer box, and they looked towards the podium.

“Look at everyone …”

Following Auctioneer’s words, I saw Mei Shi, lifted the jade hand, and gently opened the jade box on the wooden case.

Weng! weng!

2 Dazzling rays of light rushed out, one gold one silver, just like sun and moon, dazzling.

Along with 2 rays of light, a strangely shaped Jade Talisman rises from the box, hangs half a foot, and trembles.

The old and sacred aura swept the audience instantly.

“Pisces Jade Talisman, a Martial Emperor, obtained from a Danger Land in Ten Directions Star Domain, is a middle grade magic charm!”

Tianqilou Auctioneer, gazing across the audience, seeing everyone staring closely, softly, again

“This Pisces Jade Talisman, as judged by the Treasure Inspecting Maater of our Tianqi Building, is a thing of the Antiquity era, the main function is …”

Speaking of being here, Auctioneer paused a little before speaking again.

“This Jade Talisman can be merged with any Spirit Treasure and Spirit Armament to double the amount of attack or defensive power, that is, double the formidable power!”

In a word, all the faces of the audience started at the same time, and the pupils shrank.

Double the formidable power! ?

God, what is this concept …

“And, below the middle grade of the imperial rank, there is no limit!”

After a short pause, Auctioneer finally said the last sentence.

“What !? Unlimited …”

“I rely on, this does not mean double the battle strength !?”

“This thing I want!”

“, …”

The auctioneer’s words fell to the ground, which suddenly caused the audience to boil. All Martial Artists roared together, their eyes red.

Martial Soul World, strength is respected!

Spirit Treasure, which can improve battle strength, is almost the most sought-after, and the most precious one among them is the charm!

Because, the charm can be directly enforced on Spirit Treasure.

This improvement is the simplest and most direct, and the effect and formidable power are also the best.

In the case of Spirit Treasure or Spirit Armament, it is necessary to replace the current one, and to urge it during the battle. Obviously, the practicality is much worse.

“This middle grade Pisces charm, starting price, 100,000 Emperor Jing! Now auction!”

Auctioneer saw a fierce audience and immediately quoted the reserve price and announced the start of the auction.

“2 100,000!”

“4 100,000!”

“50 50,000!”


Almost 1st round asking price, less than ten breaths time, the price of this Pisces Jade Talisman, directly over 5 times, was instantly raised to 50 50,000.

All the powerhouse bosses present are aware that the price of this charm is probably at least about 100 500,000.

Moreover, the auction of Tianqi Building will often bring out good things at the beginning of the auction to enhance the auction atmosphere.

So, do n’t look at the base price of only 100,000, I am afraid that in the end, it may be dozens of times down …

Antiquity Spirit Treasure, from Ten Directions Star Domain!

9-Layer No. 3 Box, Situ Yangteng stood up, his face flushed red, his nose heavy, his eyes full of blood staring at the Pisces charm underneath.

“Fatty, this is just the beginning!”

Seeing fatty ’s reaction, Chu Yan could n’t help but laugh bitterly, hook the head, said

This pair of fish charms is too tempting for Stuart Yang, who is a Spirit Mark teacher, to be impossible to bear at all.

But Chu Yan is very clear that Tianqilou throws such a precious Spirit Treasure as the first lot in the auction house. On the one hand, it is to set off the atmosphere, and at the same time, it is also temptation.

Holding the Golden Cauldron Jade Talisman, plus the conditions to talk to Tuoba Xiong, 5 times to choose the treasure of any townhouse.

In other words, even if Chu Yan offered a high price to auction any item on the auction, the final payment was still the Tianqi Building.

Therefore, Chu Yan gave up the opportunity to go directly to the treasure house of Tianqi Building, and came to auction specifically, waiting for the emergence of the treasure.

Pick a place and use it once or less!

At this time, Tianqi Building has 100 auctions of Chongbao, who knows when it will appear.

At least, in the eyes of Chu Yan, this Pisces charm is definitely not worth using a selection opportunity.

“This … this … what a great thing!”

Although Situ Yang said on the mouth, he sat back with a buttocks, already knowing the meaning of Chu Yan.

“Relax! Wait to see …” Chu Yan chuckled, comforting fatty.

It was also a coincidence that the first tentative treasure thrown by Tianqi Building just hit the weakness of fatty.

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered slightly, his eyes swept, and indeed in a corner of the auction hall, he saw a silhouette of Tuoba Xiong with a smirk.

“Hmph! Want to seduce me to shoot and dream!”

Rolling the eyes directly, Chu Yan slowly picked up the spirit tea in his hand and took a sip.

In the auction room below, 1st Layer ordinary seats, nearly 3000 people, even battling for the Pisces charm, finally sold at the price of 90 60,000 Dijing.

This result surprised Chu Yan.

The sky-high price of nearly 1,000,000 Emperor Jing made Chu Yan understand that this outland continent, indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there are really a lot of rich people.

In fact, Chu Yan did not know that Tianqi Building almost used half of the power of Wan Family branch building above Tianqi Building for this time auction, making a big impact.

Moreover, more than 10000 Artifact Refining Masters were mobilized, and temporary Transmission Arrays were built in various realms.

As a result, almost in just a few days, all the forces of continent and Sect in the field came to the majority.

Even the influence of Ten Directions Star Domain has come a lot.

All this is for “sword soul divine liquid”!

As long as it is sold, and then refined into the real Divine Weapon, these two revenues are enough for Tianqilou to make a fortune.

The auction continues …

The treasure that followed out was an Antiquity inheritance Spear Art martial skill. Although it was not bad, it was significantly worse than the original Pisces.

Including Chu Yan, the gangsters of 9-Layer box almost didn’t fight for it.

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