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Lots of lots are auctioned one after another, and the atmosphere of the auction hall has always been hot.

However, the first few of these, except for the first and second, were shot by the big guys in the box, the other few were all big brothers of ordinary seats, and the competition was fierce.

Compared to the boss of the ordinary seat, the people who are qualified to enter the box of the auction hall of the Tianji Building are the upper levels of the real continent pyramid.

These people are almost all Overlord of one side, their vision and thoughts are so poisonous.

There is no real heavy treasure to play, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to want them to pay.

Moreover, many people in the box come with huge sums of money. At least 30% of the big guys want to compete on the “sword soul divine liquid”.

In this way, it becomes more difficult for them to spend money!

“Notice to go on, a few 2 wait treasure!”

Tuoba Xiong’s eyes, like poisonous snakes, are constantly being watched throughout the audience. When he sees the situation is not good, he immediately makes adjustments.

“Yes! Deputy Building Lord!”

A Deacon hearing this, immediately heard the voice and went to arrange.

On the other side, 9-Layer No. 3 box, Chu Yan, like Tuoba Xiong, constantly observes the Martial Artist in the auction hall.

On the one hand, the treasure that is playing now does not interest him at all.

At the same time, Chu Yan is also interested in these rare gangsters who gather together, and take a good look.

“En!? Is that Mu Feihuang of Limitless Immortal Sect !?”

Chu Yan glanced at the seat on the first floor, and found the Sect Master of the Limitless Immortal Sect called Three Saints Sect and Ling Yun Pavilion, Mu Feihuang!

“Didn’t expect, he is here too!”

“Also, the inorganic Immortal Sect is good at spirit array puppets and functions like Tianqi Building, he will not miss it!”

Looking at Mu Feihuang, he saw him looking excitedly at a black altar on the auction stand that had just appeared. Chu Yan just smiled lightly and stopped paying attention.

Soon, with the passage of time, nearly 20 treasures have been auctioned one after another.

“The treasure shown below is an extremely rare Master’s work! Lou Lanyu of Ten Directions Star Domain commissioned me to auction the Tianqi Building!”

In a word, everyone in the audience suddenly changed their faces, and several thousand pairs of round glaring eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the wooden case on the auction stand.

“Tianah! You heard it right! Loulan Yu’s stuff …”

“How is it possible! Lou Lanyu’s never been rumored, this time, actually … Take it out for auction !?”

“Tianqilou is amazing!”

“What is it !? Is it really puppetry !?”

“, …”

The exclamation of the audience raised the popularity of the auction hall once again.

After all, this is Ten Directions Star Domain force, and it is still the treasure of Loulan domain, which is famous for puppets. I am afraid it is the first time it has appeared in the outside world.

Naturally arouse the high attention of all Sect forces!

Because, in the Loulan domain, no Emperor Realm powerhouse, but their strength, I am afraid that the entire foreign domain continent all Sect add up, they are not their opponents.

It is because the puppet master in Loulanyu is good at making imperial puppets.

“Good! This drawing is exactly the drawing of Loulanyu’s Puppet Technique. However, it is not a heavenly puppet technique, it is just a picture of the earth puppet technique equivalent to quasi-imperial battle strength!”

“It needs to be explained that this is a printed product, but anyone who gets the auction will get permission from Loulanyu, who can refine Loulan puppets, Loulanyu will not object!”

Auctioneer’s words are like a thunderclap, and suddenly the entire auction hall suddenly becomes silent ….

“Lou Lanyu … Geo Puppy …!”

Only these words are comparable to Heavenly Tribulation, so that the audience will stay on the spot.

Although everyone guessed, impossible is a puppet technique, but …

didn’t expect, it turned out to be a topographic map of shame, just this, it also shocked everyone.

Earth puppet surgery sounds worse than sky puppetry!

However, it is in Ten Directions Star Domain. If it is continent in the foreign domain, it is completely different.

Regardless of the Sect force, as long as you can grab this picture, without accident, it takes hundreds of years and invests a lot of resources to create a massive quasi-imperial puppet.

When I thought of it, in the wave of my hand, the puppet of the imperial emperor who hid the sky and covering the earth, directly submerged the mountain gates, and all the big men present at the scene had bloodshot eyes …

“Lot No. 31, an extension of Loulan’s puppetry drawings, starting price, 9 100,000 Di Jing!”

As Auctioneer waved his hand and the wooden box opened, a Monster Beast skin stack of neat and tidy appeared in the eyes of everyone, as if the stars were shining rays of light.

“1,000,000 Di Jing!”

“100 2 100,000 Dijing!”

“100 20 50,000 Dijing!”


No need to say anything about Auctioneer at all, as the first bid sounded, the entire auction hall almost exploded.

“One … 100 6 100,000 Dijing!”

Mu Feihuang stood up directly from the seat, his face flushed and shouted loudly.

This loud roar suddenly caused the shouting price of hiding the sky and covering the earth, and suddenly stopped, everyone turned around and glanced at Mu Feihuang.

Human Race! ?

Hum, enough qualification! ?

A path of scornful and disdainful eyes flashed over, and no one paid any attention to Mu Feihuang’s outcry.

“100 7 100,000!”

Someone immediately bid and pressed it.

“100 8 100,000!”

However, almost at the moment when the voice fell to the ground, Mu Feihuang was full of bloodshot eyes and directly raised the price again.

100 8 100,000!

This price has exceeded the affordability of most people, so the sound of bidding has not been as intense as it started.

“100 8 100,000 for the first time …”

The Auctioneer level was extremely high, and as soon as the bidding sound stopped, I immediately announced.

“180 50,000 Di Jing!”

5 In the Layer box, a voice of young people sounded …

“200 10000!”

Emperor Mu Fei seemed to be a gambler with red eyes. He roared directly and raised the price again.


This price appeared, everyone in the audience, then looked towards Mu Feihuang’s eyes, obviously changed.

You should know that the drawings of Loulan Di puppetry, although precious, can only be refined into Earth Rank puppets after all, and the materials required for mass refining are astronomical figures.

In addition, a large number of Artifact Refining Masters or puppet masters are required.

With such resources, it is better to smash the genius within the forces, and add some Martial Emperor, which is more realistic.

Therefore, after the price of 200 10000 appeared, in addition to the sound of Mu Feihuang and the 5 Layer box, there was no 3rd individual bid.

“Yi!? That’s not Mu Mu of the inorganic Immortal Sect!? Let me join last time …”

9-Layer No. 3 In the box, Situ Yang glanced across, startled.

“Good! With the background of Limitless Immortal Sect, this puppet technique is really more useful to them than other forces!”

“Maybe, it is good for Limitless Immortal Sect and the rise of Human Race!”

Chu Yan nodded, no more words.

“Human Race! Mu Feihuang! With you … also deserves to compete with me!”

5 In the Layer box, the voices of the young people were full of contempt and disdain, and they were heard directly from the audience.

“200 500,000 Di Jing!”

Immediately afterwards, the price was raised directly by 500,000 …

“This picture, even if it is useless to me, does not give Human Race … garbage!”

Martial Emperor, the son of overbearing, extremely arrogant!

In a word, Mu Feihuang’s complexion was suddenly blue, and his eyes were full of anger!

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