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Looking at Chu Yan’s hands, 3 St. Soul Crystal shining with different light, Miao Lianju’s eyes are straight.

“Hehe, Chu … Brother Chu is really Deity, such a terrible holy emperor’s prestige, can’t hurt, and also got St. Soul Crystal, really reincarnated, unstoppable ah!

Miaolian Anju strongly endured, fiercely pulled a few times, but could not move her gaze from the 3 Saint Soul Crystal.

“Really ?! But you just asked me, is a person a ghost !?” hearing this, Chu Yan play said with a smile.

“Uh … is there !? I said clearly that you are a man and a god! Hehe, trivial … trivial …”

Miaolian Anju’s face was slightly red and embarrassed.

“These three Saint Soul Crystals, you take one, I have two, how are you?” Chu Yan said.

“What …!” Miao Lian settled in amazement, looked at Chu Yan, and said, “Brother Chu, this is Saint Soul Crystal, why don’t you give it to me !?”

“Finally, join hands in the trial, and get rare treasure, naturally you have a point!” Chu Yan faintly smiled, handed over a Saint Soul Crystal.

After receiving Saint Soul Crystal, Miaolian, who was full of astonishment, settled in a daze.

Didn’t expect, when a sentence that joined forces, it turned out to be such a shocking return that Miaolian was completely stupid for a while.

“Ah … many thanks, many thanks Brother Chu!”

Suddenly awakened, Miao Lian Anju held the hand of Saint Soul Crystal, all shaking, quickly opened the mouth and said thanks.

It was only at this time that Miao Lian looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, and there was some more clarity and redness.

“Go! Go back to the grotto and find some more!” Chu Yan turned around and moved towards the cave.

Back to the grotto! ?

Miao Lian was surprised, seeing that Chu Yan silhouette had disappeared within the cave, quickly put away the Saint Soul Crystal, and quickly followed along.

At this time, there is no prohibition in the cave passage, and it walks very fast.

Back in the grotto, Chu Yan and Miao Lian raised their eyes and swept all around, their faces stunned.

Just now, such a terrible attack wave did not cause any impact on this cave.

Even among the three altars, the antiquity remains, Chu Yan clearly saw it explode at that time, but at this time, it was sitting there completely intact as if it had never been moved.

“These three altars, not simple!”

Chu Yan’s pupils of Qilin’s eyes moved, and looked towards 3 altars, but they found them, which was a little different from before.

“Yi !? It seems that there is a faint brilliance, overflowing from these three altars and condensing above !?”

Miaolian Anju raised her eyes and suddenly discovered the anomalies of the three altars.

“Good! If I guess right, these three altars can open the way to the core of ancient martial arts battlefield!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sweeps through, it is easy to find the fluctuation of the force of the first line of space.

“Could this grotto be a test !?” said Miaolian, who was frowned and looking thoughtful.

“It should be that the remains of Saint Antiquity, there are probably countless years here. In the past, the emperor list genius has not got Saint Soul Crystal, so this test cannot pass …”

Chu Yan nodded, Divine Consciousness stared closely at the three altars and felt the whole heart.

“It’s coming! There should be another hour, and the altar channel will be opened!”

Chu Yan turned his head and said to Miaolian, “Let’s hurry up and see if we can integrate Saint Soul Crystal!”

Miaolian’s heart was tickled. When Chu Yan said it, she could not bear it. When fiercely nodded, she found a place at random, sat cross-legged, took out Saint Soul Crystal, and began to merge.

“This Saint Soul Crystal, 9 can also be used!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness scanned the two Saint Soul Crystals in his hand, collected one of them, picked up the other, and swallowed it with his mouth open.

The mouth of the Holy Soul entered the body and instantly turned into a majestic Spirit Power, which rushed to Chu Yan’s whole body of flesh, as if the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses transited, mighty tide.

Within a few breaths, a mysterious force poured out in Chu Yan within the body.

At this moment, Chu Yan only felt that the whole body was up and down, from the Fleshy body to the Martial Soul, including cultivation base True Qi, all of which were madly improving.

What Chu Yan could n’t believe the most was that his own cultivation of Celestial Emperor 3rd Style had no clue. At this moment, suddenly divine light flashed, he had more insights.

A variety of found mystery, constantly evolving in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, rapid comprehend improvement.

“Okay! What a good thing!”

A look of surprise appeared on Chu Yan’s face, didn’t expect, the role of this Saint Soul Crystal is really the same as legend.

Quickly converge, while continuously cultivation, while using this mysterious power, quickly comprehend collapse Celestial Emperor.

Time passed quickly, an hour passed by quickly.

With Chu Yan, mysterious power is getting weaker and weaker, and Chu Yan slowly opens his eyes.

“It’s a pity … pity …”

With a bitter smile on his face, Chu Yan looked helpless.

Although in this hour, Chu Yan’s collapse of Celestial Emperor 3rd Style has completely evolved the method of cultivation.

However, the cultivation base, which should have been upgraded by one order, was not achieved.

However, the median level of 7th Layer cultivation base, which was only recently broken, has been improved a lot. When it reached the Peak limit, it was almost a goal and it broke directly.

“Thirty inner core, breakthrough is too difficult!”


At this moment, there was a burst of air next to it, and the void trembling violently.

10000 golden lights, on the top of Miaolian’s house, merged into a sitting Buddha illusory shadow, a pair of golden Buddha eyes, slowly opened, the light of the pupil passed, and the void collapsed.

“Heaven and Earth is immortal, I will not move!”

With the Sanskrit of Heaven and Earth, a huge Sanskrit seal, shot from that Buddha shadow, fell straight into the body of Miaolian.

“Haha, breakthrough! Finally breakthrough!”

Amidst the wanton laughter, Miaolian jumped up from the ground, her face full of ecstasy.

“Yi !? Brother Chu, why … you didn’t have a breakthrough !?”

With a hint of golden light in her eyes, she glanced across Chu Yan and her face suddenly started.

“Uh … Almost!” Chu Yan smiled wryly.

what! ?

so close! ?

Miaolian lived there for a moment, and there was a mess in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, staring at Chu Yan as if he had seen a ghost.

I myself was the lower Martial Emperor 6th Layer, a Saint Soul Crystal, all broke a heavy cultivation base, and promoted to the lower Martial Emperor 7th Layer.

Chu Yan was only a quasi-imperial cultivation base, but there was no breakthrough! ?

what is happening! ?

Miaolian settled down in a daze, feeling that Chu Yan was like a monster in front of him.


At this moment, the three altars were softly trembled, and a red light door suddenly opened.

“Go! Let’s go in!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness scanned the light door to make sure that there was no problem and spoke to Miaolian Road.

However, at this moment, the sound of 9 Ming suddenly sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Lord, in the era of Antiquity, Emperor is like a cloud. Among them, the emperor of demonic path is far more than the present. These Demon Emperor acted by heart, and they are not only a few!

Chu Yan hearing this, his face suddenly changed, and then nodded.

9 The reminder of Ming is the right time to remind Chu Yan that the Antiquity era is completely different from the present.

The current Martial Dao World, the number of demonic path Martial Artists, in ten-thousand does not have one, but in the Antiquity era, the Martial Artists of cultivation demonic path are afraid of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Therefore, in the Antiquity battlefield, most of these lost Antiquity Martial Emperors are probably Demon Emperor.

As a result, these kinds of trials and trials, I am afraid that the probability of traps is not small.

After a little pondering, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, body flashed, and rushed into the red light door, Miao Lian follow closely from behind.

The silhouette of 2 people disappeared into the red light gate at the same time.

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