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Through the red light door, it seems to be in an ocean, the soft and soft Spirit Power all around, wraps Chu Yan’s body, and constantly shuttles.

Soon, the red light disappeared, and Chu Yan figure stopped and came to a new world.

“This … this is !?”

Looking up, there is a palace suspended in the sky, while Chu Yan and Miao Lian are above the palace square.

The world all around this palace is nothingness, just like being involved in the chaotic Space-Time, feeling the presence of Heavenly Dao and World origin.

What surprised the two people even more was that the palace they were in was swept away at once, and there were corpses and bones everywhere, just like a world of purgatory.

“Chu … Brother Chu, are we lost in the Space-Time we just sent !?”

Miao Lian’s face was full of horror, especially when she saw the corpses and bones of the place, the cold hairs were all erected.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to open, on the other side of the square, a void ripple, gently rippling, instantly cracked a void crack.

A few silhouettes flash out of the void crack and fall to the ground of the square.

“6 Divine Sect !?” Chu Yan startled.

These three silhouettes are exactly the same as the 3 Divine Sect emperor genius of Guo Tian City same sect. At the 6 Shengyin puppets, Chu Yan had a impression of them.

These three people, seeing Chu Yan and Miao Lian live in peace, were also stunned. Soon, they turned their heads, looked towards all around, and explored carefully.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

Immediately afterwards, there were 2 more void cracks that broke open on the square, and a silhouette of a followed by a appeared continuously.

These people, including the genius of the Great Sect forces, all looked stunned, looked towards all around.

“Yi!? This is there !?”

“How come here? There are others …”

“6 Divine Sect, Daen Temple, many people …”

“Nihility Palace, what is the situation with the bones on the floor !?”


Everyone’s eyes swept Chu Yan and Miaolian, the expression was weird, and some looked towards all around, the bones were broken, and the expression changed suddenly.

“It seems that these people, like us, have also found the place of trial and trial and opened Space-Time to send it.”

Chu Yan’s mind was slightly deep, his eyebrows were contemplating, and he muttered to Miaolian

“The grotto just now should be the 1st Layer trial test, and the palace in front of it must be the second test!”

In the midst, Chu Yan seemed to feel that the ancient martial arts battlefield seemed to be controlled by what power.

Could it be that this palace is a place where Antiquity might be damaged, or where the inheritance is! ?

shua! shua!

In the square, there are two more void gaps opened, and the silhouette continues to appear.

Chu Yan turned his head and looked, didn’t expect this time, it was Xiao Wenliang and An Yue and the others.

“Yi !? Chu Yan, are you still alive !?”

An Yue looked startled and looked at Chu Yan, looking quite surprised.

As if, Chu Yan should be at the front, not at all here.

After all, in Anyue ’s mind, Chu Yan ’s emperor ranking is only over 500, and at Heavenly Sword 9 peak, even a Spirit Sword ca n’t be pulled out. With such strength, how can it be extremely difficult in this emperor ranking genius Ancient martial arts battlefield, survive.

“Miaolian lives !? No wonder …”

After sweeping his eyes, An Yue saw that the Number One Genius in the Da En Temple standing beside Chu Yan, Miao Lian lived in a sudden, suddenly smiled.

Next, arrive at the all influence genius in the palace square. While exploring for 4 times, the acquaintances quickly gather together and exchange their experiences with each other.

“Chu Yan, see how long you can live!” An Yue Divine Consciousness sound transmission, said to Chu Yan.

“Anyway longer than you!” Chu Yan indifferently smiled.

“Really !? Don’t think you can keep going by relying on Miaolian, hmph! Wait to die later!”

An Yue and Xiao Wenliang were disdainful and sneered. If it was not just here, they hadn’t figured out the situation. Several of them wanted to shoot directly to deal with Chu Yan.

Boom … Rumble!

Suddenly, the sound of a thunderclap sounded above the square, as if the entire palace was shocked.

what’s the situation! ?

The startled genius of the emperor list all looked up and looked towards the sky.

At a glance, everyone’s expressions were solidified.

I saw that there was a Monster Beast silhouette in the sky above Palace Square.

A pair of crimson beast eyes swept across the genius of the emperor list, a sneer was outlined in the corner of his mouth, and the long horn on his head sparkled.

“What is this Monster Beast !?” Miaolian startedled, looking at the beast shadow in the sky, her face stunned.

In the midair beast shadow, the body is the same as the human, only the head part, still the appearance of Monster Beast, with a sharp horn in the middle of the forehead, covered with long hair covering the face, and the true body cannot be seen at all.

“Unicorn !? Haven’t really seen it!” Chu Yan shook the head, also puzzled.

Moreover, the most weird thing is that when Chu Yan runs the pupil of Qilin and wants to peep through the body of its true body, the 5-color pupil light passes by and sees a stream of black air.

Could this Monster Beast have no true body, simply a stream of air! ?

“Gā gā gā, genius, long time no see, seeing your body reminds me of the youthful days of that year, which is so beautiful!”

The unicorn shadow suddenly spoke, bursting out a weird laugh.

“In short, welcome everyone, come to … Reincarnation Chaodu Palace!”

In a word, the audience ranked genius, all stunned.

Reincarnation! ?

Chaodu! ?

what the hell! ?

Could it be that hell doesn’t work here! ?

And those of them, in hell, won’t fall forever, there is no hope of getting out! ?

In an instant, the entire square, everyone complexion sank, the atmosphere instantly became extremely depressed and cold.

“Ha ha ha….”

Seeing the change in Genius ’s face, the unicorn shadow in midair, laughed heartily, then said

“Relax everyone, this is not hell, and you won’t lose it! But …”

Hearing this, the genius who just relaxed, their minds tightened again, and they looked up together, looking towards midair.

“However, this test is not at all as simple as that. In previous trials, genius was also lost, and all the blessings were due to strength.”

“I want to remind you that this test has a different ranking! The better the score, the shorter the time and the greater the chance!”

“In addition, like this reincarnation of Chaodu Palace, it is not only me!”

“That is to say, several tests are conducted at the same time, and there is only one ranked one. Everyone, take the opportunity!”

In a word, the genius waiting to be present reacted, and the unicorn shadow in midair directly waved his hand.

shua shua shua!

A large black air rushed out, flying towards every emperor genius present, condensing in front of them.

This black airflow, with a powerful force, was turned into a respectable monster, roar roaring, and the devil qi was soaring.

However, as everyone thought, to be with the monster time of Great War, these black airflow monsters were transformed again.

In front of Chu Yan, the black air mass, twisted and turned, the air flow was constantly restrained, and in the blink of an eye, a silhouette holding a long sword appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“Master … Zun !?”

As soon as he looked up, Chu Yan’s pupils shrunk, and he looked at the silhouette with surprise on his face. It turned out to be Ling Shuangtian with a smiling face!

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