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For Mo 1000 Blade and Wumufeng, Chu Yan’s death, as it should be, is not worthy of much attention at all.

However, they might not have thought of it, just when they left the heart of the lake, less than ten breaths time, deep below the bottom of the lake, a silhouette stood up, his eyes cold.


Standing at the bottom of the lake, Chu Yan’s whole body surging with Rakshasa True Qi completely cut off the water around the lake.

“What a Martial Soul, didn’t expect, such a powerful Divine Consciousness!”

At this time, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, azure light masterpiece, is like a hurricane, and all the red Divine Consciousness attacks of the Eye of Hell are stirred into nothingness.

With the azure Tianlian, sinking into the sea of ​​spirit clouds again, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness gradually subsided.

Divine Consciousness is back, Chu Yan’s consciousness is also completely sober.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw that I was at the bottom of the Devouring Lake. I suddenly remembered the scene of Wu attack peak and Mo 1000 blade, teaming up with sneak attack.

Obviously, the two guys deliberately waited until the end, and followed behind them, obviously in order to shoot themselves.

Although Chu Yan is prepared, he did n’t expect anything. The Mo 1000 blade has the eye of hell. Such a special Martial Soul exists.

Although Chu Yan has seen Situ Yang ’s Martial Soul, but Situ Yang ’s Martial Soul is used to enhance Divine Consciousness, to refine Spirit Mark and Spirit Array, and rarely used to fight.

The Eye of Hell, the difference is that the other pupil system Martial Soul, its combat capability, is obviously much stronger.

Especially when the opponent is unprepared, a wave of Divine Consciousness attacks, causing the opponent to fall into the chaos of Divine Consciousness, and then take out the killer, the success rate is extremely high.

“Underworld 2 great clan Number One Genius teamed up, it’s a great way!”

In Chu Yan’s eyes, the killing intent flashes and slowly subsides over time.

“Here, it is the bottom of the Devouring Lake !?”

Chu Yan looked up at all around, dark, with eyesight, but within 100 steps.

“Real strong’s evil spirit! Fortunately, my Rakshasa True Qi is the same as it!”

After stabilizing his mind, Chu Yan strode out, stepped on the bottom of the lake, and moved towards towards the front.

Woo …! Woo …!

I just walked less than 100 steps, and suddenly, deep in the dark lake, 2 groups of black shadows stirred the water flow, making a dark wu wu sound, and moved towards Chu Yan.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Chu Yan squinted, raised her hand is punched out.

However, next, a scene that made Chu Yan stunned appeared.

Golden’s fist, in less than ten steps in the water flow of the lake bottom, was all around the lake water, as if 10000 ants had eaten the gods, decomposed and swallowed thoroughly, disappearing without a trace.

“What !? This lake water can even swallow the fist !?”

Chu Yan’s face was stagnant, and fundamentally didn’t expect. The legendary “Sacred Lake”, which could devour Martial Artist Divine Soul, even swallowed True Qi.

Ooo … Ooo …!

2 The huge shadow of the roar came from the roar sound, as if with endless ridicule, pushing the lake water, forming a huge force, making Chu Yan’s body a little unstable!

Qiang …!

In a flash, Chu Yan did not dare to hesitate, silver light flashed in his hand, light moon sword appeared.

However, just as Chu Yan was preparing to make the sword, a ten-foot step behind him, a chilling sword light came straight.


Almost wiped Chu Yan’s scalp, silver bright sword glow, crossed Chu Yan, cut the two shadows in front of him, a sword 2 broken, directly cut into 4 pieces, turned into a large amount of black sewage, 4 dissolve.

“En !?”

Chu Yan was shocked, and suddenly turned his head to look around, but he saw that in a white dress, like a fairy in the water, he swam quickly.

“Yue Linglong !?” Chu Yan startled. “Why are you also at the bottom of the lake !?”

When seeing the flashing spirit eye, Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong with a hook on the corner of his mouth, and Chu Yan looked puzzled.

Just on the lake, when I was fighting Wumufeng and Mo 1000 Blade, I really didn’t notice Yue Linglong’s situation.

But didn’t expect, she actually fell into the lake.


It seems there is a problem! ?

Wumufeng and Mo 1000 blades shot at their sneak attack, which is the past.

However, in the face of the Stars Ranking genius of the Ten Directions Star Domain Dark Temple, Yue Linglong, even if they gave them 10000 courage, I am afraid they would not dare to shoot her.

So, how can this Yue Linglong appear in front of yourself! ?

“Chu Little Yan, eat the bottom of the lake, martial skill is useless, only Spirit Armament!”

Yue Linglong in white clothes immediately fell in front of Chu Yan, looked at Chu Yan, and smiled.

“I saved you, you owe me a favor! You will listen to me in the future! Hehe …”

She smiled with 2 eyes, Yue Linglong, who crooked her crescent moon, pouted her lips, and said with a smug face.

“Uh … you save me !?”

Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong with a smile on his face, and suddenly his head was black.

Ordinary 2 demon evil monsters, can be done with a sword, can she save her! ?

However, after all, the opponent really shot and helped himself, what can Chu Yan say?

“Ha ha…”

Helplessly shook the head and smiled bitterly, Chu Yan looked at the Demoness in front of him, suddenly speechless.

“Yi !? What’s ahead !?”

Seeing Chu Yan not speaking, the smile on Yue Linglong’s face was thicker. When he was talking, he suddenly had eyes shined, pointing at a large shadow in the distance, and swam away quickly.

“Be careful!”

Chu Yan’s face started, seeing Yue Linglong as if the little girl found a new continent, rushed away, and suddenly the complexion changed, hurry to keep up.

What is this place! ?

Here is the bottom of the God Eater Lake in the battlefield of ancient martial arts. I don’t know how much genius and Martial Emperor powerhouse were swallowed.

So, two people one after the other, at the bottom of the Devouring Lake, flew like arrows, split two water lines, moved towards a few miles away, the huge shadow, swam away quickly.

If anyone else sees a scene, they will surely be surprised to drop their chins to the ground.

Even someone can, in the Devouring Lake, roaming so arbitrarily, as if to swallow Martial Emperor Divine Soul Devouring Lake water, it has no effect on both of them.

Even Chu Yan was a little surprised. The Yue Linglong in front, in this Devouring Lake, will move so fast.

Even if I use all the power of True Qi myself, I can only maintain a distance of about ten steps from Yue Linglong in front, and I can’t get closer.

Ten Directions Star Domain, the strength of the first Demoness in the Dark Temple, is really terrifying!

In less than breath breaths, Yue Linglong in front of him finally slowed down, his body sank and fell to the ground at the bottom of the lake.

“En!? This is an underwater tomb !?”

Chu Yan fell beside Yue Linglong, looked up, and suddenly the complexion changed.

The ancient martial arts battlefield, the bottom of Devour Lake, has such a huge ancient tomb! ?

“Yi!? There is a door here!”

Yue Linglong whispered, and the spirit eye swept over, and saw a stone gate with a height of nearly 3 people, with various Spirit Marks on it.

“How can the ancient tomb have a door !? Something wrong, eh !? These Spirit Marks …”

Chu Yan followed Yue Linglong’s voice, just spoke, but saw the Spirit Mark on the stone gate, and suddenly eyes shrank.

“This is … divine runes!”

Just like the divine runes seen on the Ten Directions Divine Realm, 9 Nether Coffin, the stone gate is actually engraved with divine runes!

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