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Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Yue Linglong froze, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, his big eyes flickered a few times.

In the spirit eye, a surprise appeared, looking at Chu Yan, and suddenly smiled, the small face was all playful.

“Fun! Chu Little Yan, go, let’s go in and see!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to answer at all, Yue Linglong had rushed to the stone gate, and had enough strength to push hard.

Boom … Rumble!

With the palm of Yue Linglong, the whole tomb near hundred zhang high suddenly shuddered, like a mountain shaking.

However, Yue Linglong held the stone gate, but it was like a root, completely motionless.

“Yi!? Is there a bolt !?”

Yue Linglong brows slightly wrinkle, looked at the stone gate in front of him with puzzled face, looked down at his hand again, and whispered.

The words fell to the ground, almost making Chu Yan unstable, falling directly to the ground.

“Big sister, even if there is a bolt, your palm will be smashed, okay!”

Chu Yan, who was speechless, looked at Yue Linglong.

“Yes! Hey, wait, what did you just call me !?”

Yue Linglong was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded. The smile on his face disappeared instantly. Instead, it was a cold face, and in a pair of spirit eyes, it was full of killing intent.


Chu Yan was startled by Yue Linglong’s sudden change of eyes, unable to bear suck in a breath of cold air.

In front of this Yue Linglong, how can you change your face faster than turning a book!

“You call me Chu Little Yan, I will call you … big sister!”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, directly opened the mouth and said.

“That’s … well, I’ll call you in the future …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the coldness in Yue Linglong’s eyes swept away, her small face reddish, her red lips bitten, some sorry thought.

Listening to the meaning of Chu Yan’s words, I really called Chu Little Yan.

However, just when Chu Yan was relaxed and thought of a good man not fighting against a woman, preparing to make a sacrifice, Yue Linglong’s next sentence made Chu Yan speechless.

“I’ll call you little Chu Yan in the future! How is it !? This is nice!”

Yue Linglong seemed to have expended a lot of energy, and suddenly said excitedly, his eyes flickered and stared at Chu Yan. The expression was like a little girl waiting for praise.

“Little … little Chu Yan !?”

Hearing Yue Linglong’s words, she looked again at her shining eyes, and Chu Yan’s corner was unable to bear twitched again.

How does this name sound like she is naming her pet!

Staring straight ahead, Yue Linglong with glowing eyes!

In an instant, originally in the heart of Chu Yan, the Darkness Temple’s first Demoness, fighting alone with a 3 Saint Yin puppet, the image of monstrous strength suddenly collapsed.

“I’m not … small … Chu … Yan! I am much older than you!”

Chu Yan almost gritted his teeth, saying word by word, not knowing why, Chu Yan felt that this Yue Linglong body seemed to have some special magic.

In this situation, if you change a person, Chu Yan will not care about the other party, and it is more impossible to argue with the other party about this boring topic.

However, as long as she saw Yue Linglong’s twinkling eyes and looked at herself purely, Chu Yan was unable to bear to argue with her.

what is happening! ?

“It doesn’t matter! Just call Chu Yan, I will cover you in the future!”

However, not listening to Chu Yan’s rebellious side at all, Yue Linglong finally made a major decision, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, and he turned his head, looking towards the gate of the tomb again.


The violent magic energy surged from Yue Linglong, a Martial Emperor cultivation base, which was urged to the extreme by her.

A terrifying demon rushed out, and on top of her head, a water tornado near a hundred zhang high, a lake around all around, all stirred up and rolled up.

The sudden mutation surprised Chu Yan complexion changed, didn’t expect the strength of Yue Linglong, so strong.

However, waiting for Yue Linglong in an imposing manner like a rainbow, raising one finger and exporting, Chu Yan’s mouth twitched violently again.

“Break through the door, you can open it within 3 breaths, otherwise, you will be removed!”

Imposing manner like a rainbow, Yue Linglong with his body full of magical energy, staring at the stone tomb door, making an ultimatum.

Not far away, Chu Yan stood next to Yue Linglong, staring at Yue Linglong with a look of consternation, and a face of consternation.

He really doesn’t understand whether this Demoness is a normal person or not … it threatens a stone gate! ?

“and many more….”

Quickly a flashing body, blocked in front of Yue Linglong, stopped.

“This is the tomb of Antiquity. The stone gate is full of divine runes. Obviously, it can’t be broken with external force! And, if any prohibition is triggered, it will be troublesome!”

Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong and explained anxiously

“This is the bottom of the Devouring Lake!”

Seeing that Chu Yan was anxious, the imposing manner on Yue Linglong’s body gradually calmed down, and his unhappy mouth pouted.

“Well, if you don’t dismantle, don’t dismantle, what are you fierce!”

“hu …”

The long relaxed, Chu Yan can still take care of Yue Linglong, hurried a flash, rushed to the stone gate, carefully checked.

“Yi!? There are 2 sword-shaped grooves here!”

With just two glances, Chu Yan found two card slots at the left and right door knockers of the stone gate. From the shape, it looks like the engraving of the Spirit Sword with 2 handles, which fell into the stone gate within an inch.

“There … there, let me see … Really!”

Hearing the words of Chu Yan, Yue Linglong, who was still angry, suddenly flashed two eyes and rushed to the stone gate, looking towards the door knocker position of the stone gate.

Sure enough, 2 Spirit Sword grooves, one left and one right, are extremely conspicuous.

“This should be the organ that opened the ancient tomb! So conspicuous, did you not see it just now !?” Chu Yan looked towards Yue Linglong, speechless.

“Hmph! How can such a ugly stone gate be favored by this Miss!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Yue Linglong’s petite face suddenly lifted, and he hummed softly.

“Good … good … you are ruthless!”

Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, and decided to talk less to this Demoness, otherwise, sooner or later she would be angry.

“This shape looks a bit like Light Moon Sword!”

Looking towards the stone gate, Chu Yan’s big hand turned over, and the light moon sword appeared in his hand, and it was exactly the same shape as the sword groove on the stone gate on the right.

Ka cha !

With just a light push, Qingyuejian did not get into the stone gate ka cha on the right, perfect and without blemish.

“Sure enough! Hurry, what about you !?”

Seeing this, Chu Yan suddenly looked excited, turned his head quickly, looked towards Yue Linglong, opened the mouth and said.

However, what made Chu Yan didn’t expect was that Demoness, first frowning her small eyebrows, looked at it for a long time, and immediately shook her face, saying


The faceless rejection did not give Chu Yan any room for discussion.

“Why … why?”

Chu Yan stared at Yue Linglong, completely ignorant, could she not see that the 1 handles of Antiquity Spirit Armament obtained in the 2st Layer hall of the old castle was the key to unlock this tomb! ?

Now, the light moon sword in Chu Yan’s hand has been put into the right card slot. As long as Yue Linglong takes out the spirit sword, he can open the ancient tomb.

And the ancient tomb in front of me, for millions of years, has been hidden at the bottom of the God Eater Lake, I am afraid that no one has ever been in.

But Chu Yan didn’t understand why Yue Linglong would refuse! ?

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