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Qilin Martial Soul and Chu Yan are not the first to show. Although most people do n’t know it, it is not surprising that the Supreme expert powerhouse like the Southern God Emperor.

And Saint Rakshasa true body, Chu Yan also used before, the natural phenomenon produced by cultivation technique Form Transformation, many Martial Artists have.

Although these two big cards are rarely played at the same time by Chu Yan, who are the 2 people present? ?

One is in the Antiquity era, the Southern God Emperor of the Vault of Heaven Number One Blade, and the other is Ten Directions Star Domain, the first Demoness of the Dark Temple.

The two of them, in terms of knowledge, are definitely much stronger than the Martial Artist of ordinary.

How could it be so surprising to see Qilin Martial Soul and St. Rakshasa true body.

The point is, this reaction is too big.

Especially the Southern God Emperor, when Chu Yan summoned Qilin Martial Soul, he recognized it at a glance. Qilin Martial Soul was Divine Beast Martial Soul. At the time, he had no surprise reaction.

However, after seeing Saint Rakshasa true body, why did the reaction so great! ?

what’s going on! ?

After nearly ten breaths, Ouyang Nangenius reacted first.


A silhouette crossed, Emperor God of the South flicked forward, rushed in front of Chu Yan, right hand waved, and pressed directly on Chu Yan’s shoulder.

This hand, the speed is too fast, Chu Yan is too late to respond.

The next moment, a majestic force rushed into Chu Yan within the body, rushing all the way to the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.


Almost Ouyang Nantian’s Divine Consciousness exploration, when touching Chu Yan Shenhai, an azure force broke out directly.

In that battle just now, I was already impressed by the blue armor giant who slept in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness. Just after appearing, I found that someone wanted to explore Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The blue armor giant under anger, there will also be polite, directly blasted Divine Consciousness of Ouyang Divine Emperor’s exploration into scum.


The fundamental didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, also hides a terrifying existence of Ouyang Nantian, who was directly slammed back 3 steps, opened his mouth and breathed out a breath, almost gasping.

“you you….”

Finally, Ouyang Nantian suddenly looked up, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all changed.

Or, in looking towards Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, the terrifying existence’s eyes have all changed.

“Bold! Can I peep from my existence !?”

a Thunderous sound like Heaven and Earth suddenly sounded in Ouyang Nantian’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Big … Sir, is it really you?”

Suspicious on the mouth, but Ouyang Nantian’s legs were soft, already pouting, and fell to his knees.

“Senior, you …”

Ouyang Nantian’s sudden reaction scared Chu Yan and looked at him with a dazed face, kneeling in front of himself, Ouyang Nantian was instantly silly.

What is the situation! ?

Sir! ?

That Sir! ? What Sir! ?

“Is it …”

Chu Yan startled, the body trembles, and Divine Consciousness is transformed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness directly.

Sure enough, on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, the azure sky lotus was like a shining star, and the rays of light masterpiece was put on the palm by the tall mountain-like green armor giant, right hand.

The appearance of Chu Yan did not make the Green Armor Giant react too much, just turned his head and glanced at Chu Yan, but continued to tell Ouyang Nantian.

“9 130,000 years ago, did you ever realize the big crime you committed?”

Hearing the words of the blue armor giant, Ouyang Nantian kneeled to the ground, softly trembled, and a struggling color appeared on his face.

“Big … Sir, I … I …”

“I’m so angry that the sword is buried between Heaven and Earth! What a good Ouyang Nantian! What a good Vault of Heaven Number One Blade! Hmph!”

After the green armor giant snorted, it was silent for a long time, but it was a faint sigh again.

“Never mind! Yeah! Things are impermanent, Heavenly Dao reincarnation, maybe, you are just a pawn, why do you insist!”

“Comprehend as soon as possible, reincarnation early!”

When the word fell to the ground, the blue armor was huge and there was a long sigh. Then, the silhouette dissipated, the azure Tianlian floated, and again hidden in the sea of ​​spirit clouds, disappeared.

Until the aura of the green armor giant disappeared for ten breaths, Ouyang Nangenius trembled up from the ground, staring straight at Chu Yan without blinking, as if thinking about something.

“Little Brother, what’s your name !?” Ouyang Nantian asked.

“Senior, under Chu Yan!” Chu Yan bowed his hand and replied.

“Chu Yan!”

Ouyang Nantian was nodded, a smile appeared on his face, and muttered “Yes! Yes!”

“Do you have many questions !? Now, you can ask!”

While speaking, Ouyang Nantian raised his hand and waved. The gloomy grotto in front of him instantly changed. The earliest scene of hidden land of peace and prosperity appeared again.

Chu Yan, 3 people, in front of the wood house, in front of a wooden case, 3 wooden benches.

It’s just that the first woman I saw in a white dress never saw it again.

“sit down!”

The aura on Ouyang Nantian’s body was all introverted, without any trace of exposure, with a smile on his face and a light expression. He reached out and gestured to let Chu Yan and Yue Linglong sit down.

At this time, Ouyang Nantian no longer has any sorrow, it looks like an ordinary Martial Artist Senior.

“Good!” Chu Yan nodded, sitting lightly.

Yue Linglong looked at Chu Yan and Ouyang Nantian again, pouted, lightly snorted, and sat down.

Ouyang Nantian’s big hand turned over, a pot of fragrant tea appeared, and 3 cups of tea were placed in front of 3 people.

Holding a cup of fragrant tea, at this time Chu Yan, Sea of ​​Consciousness, countless problems are crowded together, and suddenly, there is a sense of inability to speak.

“Excuse Senior, why are you here!” Chu Yan asked for a moment.

“Oh, this matter …”

Ouyang Nantian chuckled, just about to speak, but Yue Linglong next to her had two eyes glowing and rushed to say

“I know I know!”

“Legend, in the Antiquity era of 100 10,000 years ago, Ouyang Nantian Nai was the chief principal of Primeval Beginning Palace, with a sword skill and powerful …”

The next time, Yue Linglong painted sounds and colors, and flirted the love story of Ouyang Nantian and Yue Qingying.

And the whole story made Chu Yan’s heart thrilling …

“Being angry with anger, between Heaven and Earth!”

Thinking of the words of the blue armor giant, Chu Yan looked towards Ouyang Nantian’s eyes, there is a respect.

“Senior, why did you react so much when I saw my Martial Soul and cultivation technique Form Transformation !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Well …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, Ouyang Nantian smiled bitterly, hooked the head, and then looked away, but looked towards Yue Linglong.

The meaning in that eye couldn’t be more obvious.

“Little Chu Yan, you know, what’s so special about your Martial Soul and cultivation technique Form Transformation !?” The smile on Yue Linglong’s face was also closed, looked towards Chu Yan, and said seriously.

“Uh … my Martial Soul and cultivation technique are nothing special, they were all awakened and gained when I was in Vast Heaven Continent!”

Chu Yan thought for a while and shook the head

“Did you know that Martial Soul World is divided into 9 genera and 10000 methods are compatible. Only the Yin-Yang way is mutually exclusive and cannot be integrated !?”

Yue Linglong continued to ask.

“This … I have heard of it!” Chu Yan nodded, a clear comprehension flashed in his heart, as if he understood something.

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