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Martial Soul World, whether it is cultivation technique martial skill or Martial Soul, is divided into 9 attributes.

This, as Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, the Martial Artist’s innate talent test, is a test that contains 9 major attributes.

However, among the 9 major attributes, in addition to Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements, Yin-Yang 2 special attributes are extremely rare.

It is said that these 2 types of attributes are simply the original attributes of Heavenly Dao.

And just now, the holy Rakshasa true body used by Chu Yan, both Ouyang Nantian and Yue Linglong, sensed Yin-Yang 2 attributes.

Originally, as Continent Heaven’s Chosen, it is not uncommon to wear Yin-Yang attribute.

However, terrifying is terrifying, Chu Yan’s holy Rakshasa true body is the state after the fusion of Yin-Yang attribute.

This time, it made Ouyang Nantian and Yue Linglong frightened.

After all, no matter whether it is a foreign domain continent or a Ten Directions Star Domain, since the endless years, I have never heard of anyone who can use the Yin-Yang attribute.

In other words, Chu Yan’s holy Rakshasa true body is the first!

Therefore, Chu Yan at this time, in their eyes, is not much worse than the monster.

“This Saint Rakshasa is made by the Rakshasa Everlasting Art cultivation technique. According to Qing Elder Yun, it is divided into golden trident Rakshasa and silver fork Rakshasa.

Chu Yan was sitting there, also a little dazed, as Sea of ​​Consciousness kept recalling.

“However, since that Sir came forward, I believe it should be related to” Heavenly Dao Ming Mantra “!” Ouyang Nantian chuckled, picked up the tea in his hand, and took a sip.

“You know that Sir’s identity !?” Chu Yan raised his eyebrows and asked.

“Oh, can’t say …” Ouyang Nantian shook his head directly, said with a smile.

“I knew that Demon Sword Martial Emperor was like that, and now you are too!” Chu Yan was disappointed.

After getting the azure sky lotus from himself, the green armor giant has been staying in the sea of ​​spirit clouds of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he never appeared except for the risk of life and death.

Chu Yan simply didn’t understand what he was doing! ?

Moreover, the last time, when getting the Cangyang Pearl to Tian City, the green armor giant also said to himself, What Heavenly Dao Ming curse has begun, he had no choice.

“Senior, what is this Heavenly Dao curse, what is it !?” Chu Yan asked urgently.

“Chu Yan, you know, there is a piece of Divine Realm above Ten Directions Star Domain!” Ouyang Nantian looked at Chu Yan and asked seriously.

“Yes! It is said that the outer domain is continent, and there are 9 connecting towers that can lead to Divine Realm!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Good! However, the existence of 9 towers is not set by Divine Realm. Even, for countless years, the aloof and remote of Divine Realm have been trying to destroy 9 towers!”

“It’s because of the existence of Heavenly Dao Ming mantra!”

“Destroy the sky tower !? Why !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Because Martial Soul!”

Ouyang Nantian with both eyes flickering, his tone sinking.

“Martial Soul !?” Chu Yan didn’t understand.

In this Martial Soul World, everyone has Martial Soul. Although Star Rank and attribute are different, cultivation to the powerhouse of Realm of Martial Emperor, almost everyone ’s Martial Soul, are extremely powerful.

On the Divine Realm, those who might have reached the Half-God Realm supreme experts, Martial Soul is not even more terrifying! ?

“On the Divine Realm, those who are comparable to God’s existence, they …”

When Ouyang Nantian said this, he paused for a moment, and looked towards Yue Linglong, who was indifferent next to it. Obviously, Yue Linglong simply knew these secrets.

“None of them … Martial Soul!”

With a word, Chu Yan’s pupil fiercely shrank, his face stagnation instantly.

No Martial Soul! ?

Above Divine Realm, those Divine Emperors with strengths above Half-God Realm have no Martial Soul! ?

How can this be! ?

Immediately, Chu Yan suspected that Ouyang Nantian simply talked indiscriminately.

“I know, you may not believe it! But this is the truth!”

Ouyang Nantian’s tone is extremely firm, Chu Yan looked towards Yue Linglong on the side, but she is also gently nodded.

Is this true! ?

Martial Soul World, any Martial Artist cultivation Martial Dao must be cited by Martial Soul, otherwise, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power cannot be refining, converted into True Qi, and cultivation base cannot be improved.

According to common sense, without Martial Soul, simply cannot cultivate!

Can’t cultivate, how can it reach Half God Realm, this …

Chu Yan’s face was full of doubts and puzzles. He looked at Ouyang Nantian and Yue Linglong again, and just started to continue to ask, but Ouyang Nantian waved his hand and continued.

“Chu Yan, you are dangerous now!”

The words fell on the floor, and Chu Yan was puzzled.


“Yes! The 9 towers are open, which means Heavenly Dao Ming mantra has been born, and you are the person who is the answer to Heavenly Dao mantra!”

“3 conditions, you already have 2 of them, and you are the last one! If 3 of them are available, when the time comes… ..”

Ouyang Nantian while speaking, deep in the eyes, a flash of pain flashed across, seeming to evoke his painful memories.

A glance at Yue Linglong next to him, Ouyang Nantian exhaled for a long time, and a few bloodshot eyes bloomed in his eyes.

He waved his hand again, preventing Chu Yan who wanted to continue his questioning, and the aura on Ouyang Nantian suddenly fluctuated a bit, seemingly out of control.

“While I still keep my mind, let me tell you more! In other words, this is also me, one of the destiny of staying here!”

Ouyang Nantian took a deep breath, picked up the fragrant tea and sipped it, as if sorting out his thoughts.

Chu Yan opposite, when he heard Ouyang Nantian’s words, was frowned, and suddenly remembered something.

A long time ago, I also asked Demon Sword Martial Emperor about the Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, and the green armor giant, I also tentatively asked.

However, nothing can be asked.

Especially Demon Sword Martial Emperor, simply dare not say one more word.

But now, as Ouyang Nantian said, the green armor Sir did not come out to stop it! ?

This is not normal!

“The so-called Heavenly Dao curse refers to Heavenly Dao of Divine Realm. Before giving way, the super forbidden curse was placed!” Before Chu Yan thought for a long time, Ouyang Nantian spoke again.

“After the last God and Demon Great War, Divine Realm Heavenly Dao collapsed and Divine King was occupied by the powerhouses now!”

“Before the Divine Realm Heavenly Dao crashed, the Divine Realm 9th layer attribute was sealed and all Martial Soul sources were expelled. So, even after millions of years, there is still no Martial Soul in Divine Realm!”

Speaking of which, Ouyang Nantian glanced at Chu Yan and pointed behind him, saying

“If you guessed right, your Divine Beast Martial Soul is the source of a Martial Soul Five Elements that was expelled, just awakening to become your Martial Soul!”

“And, your Martial Soul, there should be more than one Divine Beast Martial Soul !?”


Chu Yan had just spoken to deny that Ouyang Nantian waved again, stopping Chu Yan.

“Five Elements Martial Soul, plus Yin-Yang fusion, 9 series attribute, the day of reunion is God and Demon Great War, the day of reopening!”

“If you guessed right, Chu Yan, you have now attracted the attention of the terrifying existence of Divine Realm. Maybe someone has already come to the continent of the foreign domain to prepare to kill you!”

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