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Blood Lion City, located in the northern wasteland of Azure Dragon World, borders on Juqing.

The family of Yan 10000 Hai is located in the Blood Lion City, which is regarded as the first Great Family in the local area, with strong strength.

For 100,000 years of operation, Yan Family, a blood lion city, has large family industries and clansman not only in the North Wilderness but also in the Juqing region.

However, as everyone knows, that giant green field, for nearly 100 years, has a strange relationship with the Ming clan and is very likely to have been attached to the Ming clan.

Flying fast all the way, it took less than half a day for Chu Yan to arrive in Beihuang and land in front of the city gate of Blood Lion City.

After landing, Chu Yan raised his eyes towards scarlet city gate, his brow furrowed.

The situation is wrong!

Looking around, there is no silhouette in front of the city gate of this blood lion city. Even through the city gate, the streets in the city are empty.

On the two sides of the wide street, rows of commercial and residential buildings, the doors are closed, and the whole city has a strange atmosphere.

“no one!?”

Chu Yan slightly startedled, and immediately diversified Divine Consciousness, moved towards the city and explored.

The Blood Lion City is the land of the Northern Wilderness. The largest city, not only the number of Martial Artists is not less than 100000000 million, but also the number of ordinary persons has reached nearly 100000000 million.

A city with a few 10 li, and a commercial city, how could it be so depressed.

This simply doesn’t make sense!

With Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, sweeping the city, no aura was found in those buildings.

Towards the center of the city, the Yan Family main family like the Imperial Palace was swept away, and Chu Yan made some discoveries.

However, these findings made Chu Yan’s face even deeper and dignified.

Because of Yan Yan in the center of the city, Chu Yan discovered a familiar aura.

“Yin Fiend Qi !?”

Chu Yan’s brows slightly wrinkle has a bad hunch in his heart.

You know, this blood lion city, although in the northern wasteland, is an authentic Human Race City.

How can there be such a rich Yin Fiend Qi in such a place! ?

Combined with what I see in front of me, the entire city is empty and there is obviously a problem.

In less than ten breaths, Chu Yan swept the entire Blood Lion City, inside and out, using Divine Consciousness several times.

Except in Yanfu, a large amount of Yin Fiend Qi was found, forming a dense fog, and wrapping the entire Yanfu. In the Blood Lion City, no living interest was found.

Here, it turned out to be an empty city! ?

However, Chu Yan knew that the answers to all questions were hidden in the Yan Mansion full of Yin Fiend Qi.

“Look into the city!”

Chu Yan urged Rakshasa True Qi to form the body protection gang yuan, moved towards the city gate with the empty door wide open, and stepped in.

Yin Fiend Qi! ?

For ordinary Martial Artist, the threat may be great, but for Chu Yan, who has the true body of Saint Rakshasa, it is not at all a concern.

Step into the city gate and walk along the empty street.

The closer Chu Yan is to Yanfu, the cold he feels becomes heavier and heavier.

Moreover, the familiar feeling in Yin Fiend Qi is also becoming more and more obvious.

Do n’t say any evidence. Yin Fiend Qi, who appeared in the Yan Mansion alone, let Chu Yan be sure that Yan 10000 Hai has absolutely a close relationship with the Ming Clan.

The gates of Yan Fu, without any prohibitions and defenses, cannot even be seen by a guarding Martial Artist.

Above the vermilion lacquered door in Phnom Penh, the four large plaques of “Blood Lion Yanfu” are hung high, imposing manner out of the ordinary.

This Yan Family, because Yan 10000 lives in the Supreme Elder Position in Lingyun Pavilion, was sheltered by Human Race 9 Sect, so the whole family has developed extremely large.

“Eat inside and out, hmph!”

Chu Yan stood in front of the gate of Yan Man, his eyes swept over the plaque, coldly snorted.

At this point, the mutation is abrupt!


There was a muffled sound, and 2 Zhuqi gates were opened instantly, with several silhouettes, striding out of the mansion gate.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you are still here!”

The leader is Xiao Wenliang, the original Ling Yunge youth, Number One Genius.

On the two sides behind him are two aura thick middle-aged Martial Artists, with twinkling eyes, staring straight at Chu Yan as if staring at a prey.

These two people’s brow positions, 2 Scarlet Spirit Seals, because True Qi rises, has emerged.

“Underworld !?” Chu Yan frowned.

This bloodline Spirit Seal, Chu Yan has seen countless times and will never admit it wrong.

Moreover, the Scarlet Spirit Seal is only owned by Martial Artists who are the main line of the main lineage.

In other words, these 2 Martial Artists are Imperial Family Martial Artists.

In the Yan Mansion, how could the Imperial Family Martial Artist appear! ?

“You guys, know that I’m coming !?” Chu Yan’s complexion returned to calm, looked towards Xiao Wenliang.

“Chu Yan, you know, Ling Shuangtian’s old fox, simply made you come to die !?” Xiao Wenliang’s face was all grinning.

“Send to death !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Ha ha ha, it seems that you are still in the dark!” Xiao Wenliang saw Chu Yan’s faceless and unexplained reaction, and immediately laughed with pride.

“Poor ah! People are used as cannon fodder, and they don’t know at all!”

Xiao Wenliang was full of excitement in his heart, and then said proudly,

“Master and I, just returned to the Blood Lion City, Ling Shuangtian sent Elder to come to order, do you know the result !?”

“He Yingtian Elder, already dead!”

In a word, Chu Yan suddenly started, “6 Elder, dead !?”

“Not bad!”

Xiao Wenliang had no intention of concealment, looked at Chu Yan, and said with a sneer

“My Master, I have decided to surrender to Saint Race! 6 Elder to persuade that simply is courting death!”

“And now, Ling Shuangtian sent you again, not to die, what is it !? ha ha ha…”

Hearing Xiao Wenliang’s words, Chu Yan’s mouth was light, and he smiled.

“Xiao Wenliang, depending on you, wants to kill me too !?”

Slightly narrows the eyes, Chu Yan looked towards Xiao Wenliang, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

At this time, Chu Yan came to the Blood Lion City to kill Xiao Wenliang and Yan 10000, so, of course, Chu Yan is clear about their strength.

Even with the eyes in front of them, the Imperial Family Martial Artists of these two Ming tribes can’t even enter Chu Yan’s eyes.

Below the median Martial Emperor Realm, it is not Chu Yan’s opponent at all!

Unless the other party, the number exceeds 100, may pose a threat to Chu Yan.

However, in the Azure Dragon World domain, even in this northern wasteland, how many median Martial Emperor can be! ?

Based on these few people, want to kill themselves, simply is a dream!

Seeing Chu Yan’s eyes change, Xiao Wenliang sneered again, without a trace

“Chu Yan, I know that you are strong, but this blood lion city is not 9 mountain ranges!”

While speaking, the smile on Xiao Wenliang’s face was even more grim.

“Today, this blood lion city is where you Chu Yan died!”

“En !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan looked stern, Xiao Wenliang looked towards a grinning face, and the two Martial Artists beside him, immediately reacted.

This Xiao Wenliang obviously has something to rely on.

“Two Holy Masters, this child is Chu Yan, please do it, kill him!” Xiao Wenliang suddenly flicked back and shouted.

Almost as his voice sounded, two meditation powerhouses, and two qi waves, moved towards 2 all directions, suddenly rushed away.

Feeling the Divine Consciousness tide of 2 Martial Artists, Chu Yan’s heart tightened

“Holy Master !?”

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