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With the rise of the aura of the powerhouse of the 2 Ming tribes, all around the ground, as if fiery, continuously rising red smoke.

“En !?”

Chu Yan complexion sank, his eyes swept all around the ground, but he saw that within a range of nearly 10000 steps, they were all this kind of bloody smoke, which happened to be centered on the position where they stood.

“Is it some kind of Spirit Formation laid in advance !?”

Chu Yan body flashed, he was about to exit this area, but almost at the moment when he flashed back, suddenly, in the ground under his feet, a palm broke through the ground and suddenly grabbed his right foot.


Chu Yan was shocked and looked down, but he saw that on the ground where there was nothing, there were a bunch of earth bags uplifted, some of them were broken, a bloody palm, with a black, from the ground Reach out.


With a heavy drink, Chu Yan stomped on the ground with his right foot, and the violent power burst out instantly.


In the muffled sound, with Chu Yan’s right foot as the center, all the bloody palms on the ground were instantly crushed by True Qi.

“What are these !?”

Chu Yan stood up, suspended in midair, looked towards the ground, his face full of surprise.

Because, in the first blow, although the red palm that broke out of the ground was all shattered, Chu Yan could clearly sense that the shadowy Baleful Qi breath under the ground did not weaken, but instead became more and more Strong.

Not far away, the Imperial Family powerhouse, two of the Ming family, has red eyes and black eyes in its eyes, radiating dazzling rays of light, and the hands seal in both hands, which seems to be controlling some strange power.

Moreover, what surprised Chu Yan was that among the entire Yanfu, the rich Yin Fiend Qi was also rising wildly, and a roar came from the depths of Yanfu, which sounded like send cold shivers down one’s spine.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not waiting for Chu Yan to react, the ground below was cracked and exploded, the soil guide arched up, a respected body climbed out of the ground, and the body wobbled 4 times.

These silhouettes crawling out of the ground are broken, some have missing hands, some have missing feet, and some even have no heads.

Every stupid body is crimson all over the body, with black veins all around it, and it seems to have no skin, looks terrible, and bloody.

However, the densely packed remnant, almost every chest position, has a weird mark, flashing black rays of light, which looks far away, like a flashing black light on the chest. .

“These are not ordinary puppets of ordinary!”

Chu Yan frowned has a bad feeling in his heart.

As a Martial Artist of Dual Cultivation, Chu Yan didn’t have a special cultivation method for refining Yin puppets, but he didn’t know much. Moreover, he also refined Yin puppets by himself.

But the stupid yin puppets in front of them look completely different from the ordinary yin puppets.

You know, according to the order of Yin puppet, it is divided into corpse puppet, iron corpse, silver corpse, golden corpse, emperor corpse and legendary divine corpse.

At present, in the foreign domain continent, divine corpse has not appeared for countless years. It is said that its refining method has been lost.

That is because the corpse refinement method requires the corpse damaged by the powerhouse, so Martial Dao has always banned it, and no one dares to disclose it.

However, Chu Yan is well aware that all the Great Sect forces are secretly refining Yin Pup, especially some powerful Sects, who are trying their best to invest a lot of resources to refine the emperor’s corpse.

Moreover, some puppet masters who have fallen into the demonic path are even constantly reforming the method of refining puppet puppets, sacrificial refining the same special puppet puppets.

At the moment, Chu Yan can clearly conclude that these are not ordinary puppets of ordinary.

Moreover, the body of these yin puppets shone with different light, obviously the whole residual body, and also experienced a refining process similar to Spirit Treasure.

“Ghost Dao 3000, the ghost returns!”

The 2 powerhouses of the Ming tribe, almost in unison, sing one in one, and Yin Fiend Qi in all directions in four directions, becoming more and more intense.

Moreover, as these obscure sounds spread, the lingering puppets who crawled out of the ground gradually became quiet, and each and everyone stood like a wooden pile, motionless there.

“Holy Master !? It turned out to be Yin Puppet Master!” Chu Yan floated in midair, his eyes flashing.

It turned out that Xiao Wenliang and the Ming tribe wanted to deal with themselves with Yinyang.

At a glance, there are nearly 500 Yinyang puppets, at least the ranks of which are above the golden corpses, and there are several high rank emperor corpses with extremely large residual bodies.

Moreover, the 5 emperor corpses, holding Spirit Armament in hand, the remaining Emperor Wei, without a trace of suppression, rushed to the four directions like a frenzy.

“1000 soldiers of dead soldiers, fierce 10,000 li, kill me!”

With a cry, two Yin puppet masters from the Ming tribe waved their hands, and Yin Fiend Qi, like a frenzy, rushed away and set off a violent black wave.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Was swept by the black tide, a respectful puppet-like puppet, suddenly turned his head together, a few hundred pairs of blood-red eyes, simultaneously shua shua stared at Chu Yan suspended in midair.

Like the roar of wild beast, it is suppressed in the depth of the throat, which makes you feel a thick and fierce aura.

The next moment, a few hundred silhouettes, rose into the air and moved towards Chu Yan.

At the same time, each corpse yin puppet body exploded a black light at the same time, turned into a path of gang, and slammed into Chu Yan.

Hundreds of 100 attacks, like a flood, hiding the sky and covering the earth, completely covering the space of all directions in Chu Yan 4 without leaving a trace.

“hmph! ”

With a loud hum, Chu Yan’s True Qi burst out of his body. In front of him, he condensed into a golden dragon shadow, trembling in the void, and dragon snarling.

“Give me out!”

With thunderous sound, Chu Yan raised his hand to punch out, and the huge golden dragon shadow, like lightning, stormed down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just like the giant dragon rushed into the herd, the golden dragon shadow passed by, and a group of black attacks, and was instantly smashed into pieces, exploding the stormy weather waves, and 4 rushing.


Dragon terrified, and shattered all the sky, and at the same time, the heavy weight was rushing towards the body of an emperor who was at the front.


With the strength of 10000 Dragons, an instant burst, that Emperor’s corpse was blasted backwards, shot straight at the ground, and was blasted out of the depths of the ground.

“Bon Celestial Emperor, mad thunder!”

With one punch, Chu Yan didn’t stop at all, raising his hand was another move.

Boom … Rumble!

In the endless thunder, count 100 fists, like the rainstorm pear blossoms, covering the whole sky, moved towards the yin puppet corpse tide, suddenly slammed down.

thump! thump! thump!

In a muffled sound, the yin puppets knocked by Celestial Emperor’s technique, like dumplings, were all blasted down.

All of a sudden, the fierce and violent sky cleared instantly.

“Xiao Wenliang, and you Ming clan, want to use these puppets to deal with … Hmm !?”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, who just spoke, did not finish a sentence, but his face suddenly plummeted, his face looked towards the ground in amazement.

I saw that after falling into the eyes, the yin and puppets that were bombarded under the ground, each and everyone crawled out again.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, wait to die!”

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wenliang seemed to have expected it and laughed loudly.

Not only Xiao Wenliang, but even behind him, the 2 Ming Clan Yin Puppet Masters also sneered, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all killing intent.

“What are these puppets !?”

Chu Yan looked at the yin puppets who crawled out of the depths of the pit, and found that there was no trace of scars on their bodies, and they immediately frowned.

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