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2 fists and gangs collided, the energy was like waves, Chu Yan stood up, the waves passed, black robe hunted, like a banner.

On the other side, Xiao Wenliang, who had burned blood essence, had a twisted face, and the void before the right fist was rapidly twisted. The flesh above the fist was cracked a little.

Under the gaze of his frightened eyes, the flesh and even bone on his right hand seemed to be continuously cut and disappeared with an invisible blade.

First, right hand 5 means, followed by the forearm, then the upper arm, and finally the whole right hand, as if the ground is dry and cracking.

The entire arm instantly became a blur of flesh and blood.


As if the power reached the limit, Xiao Wenliang, who was still staring at his right hand, was shocked by the anti-shock force, and the whole thing flew suddenly.

Tumbling in the air, as if Wuping had fallen leaves, flew past, and hit Yan 10000 in front of the sea.

Peng …!

With the loud noise, Xiao Wenliang’s body smashed into the ground, forming a big pit.

The Yan 10000 sea that had just rushed, suddenly stunned, looked towards the feet, the whole face froze, completely froze.

How can this be! ?

A Martial Artist who is a quasi-imperialist cultivation base, blows a Martial Emperor into the soil with one punch! ?

This … this Chu Yan’s battle strength has improved so much at once! ?

As the former Supreme Elder of Lingyun Pavilion, there have been countless genius disciple.

However, those who can genius to this degree, even worse than the evil spirits, are strictly the first time 10000 seas are encountered.

A pair of red eyes, moved away from the human-shaped pit on the ground, slowly raised his head, looked towards the opposite, the black robe silhouette in the dusty sky, the violent murderous aura, constantly pouring out, smashing all the air around .

tread! tread! tread!

Footsteps sounded, Chu Yan strode forward, and walked to Yan 10000 Hai in a few steps, a pair of lightning eyes, staring straight at Yan 10000 Hai.

2 Pairs of eyes, looking directly at the same time, the murderous aura rushing out at the same time, the atmosphere of the audience instantly became extremely depressed, and the battle was about to happen.

However, at this time, a silhouette flashed out beside Yan 10000 sea and stood between the two people, causing the two people to stare at the same time.

“Chu Yan, are you willing to submit to my Wu clan !?”

The silhouette spoke anxiously and said to Chu Yan.

“Hmph !? Guishun Ming Clan !?” Chu Yan’s face started, looking up doubtfully, looking towards the person speaking.

I glanced at it, and immediately recognized it. At this time, it was outside the battlefield of ancient martial arts that the leader of the ten racial forces wanted to deal with his own, the Elder Great Mader.

Chu Yan didn’t expect, this blood lion city, this strict 10000 sea, not only colluded with the Ming clan, but even secretly ganged with the Wu clan.

If the Nether tribe is just an alien evil state, then the Matri, but the enemy of Human Race, is the main enemy directly leading to the decline of Human Race.

“Same as this old dog !?” Chu Yan sneered and raised his finger to Yan 10000.

“Yes! Yan 10000 The sea has submitted to my Wu clan! I know you have a grudge against him, but as long as you are willing to submit to my Wu clan, this person … I will kill you!”

Yan 10000 The whole body shuddered at the words of the Great Elder Matriarch, and his eyes almost burst into shock.

“Great … Great Elder, don’t believe this Chu Yan, this child temperament is vicious, untrustworthy ah! He …”

The 10000 seas that scared soul flies away and scatters, and I was really afraid that Chu Yan was nodded, and took the hand of the Matriarch Great Elder to kill himself and hurriedly roared.


Not even Yan Yan 10000 sea is finished, Maori Great Elder, raising his hand is a palm, patting Yan 10000 sea, blasting him out of the air.

Yan 10000, there will be the thought that this witch releases the Great Elder. It’s really impossible to prevent it. With one palm, it’s just too late to send a scream, and the whole person was photographed directly into the soil.

Half of his body sank into the soil, and Yan 10000 Hai’s terrified eyes were full of disbelief and humiliation.

Malay Great Elder, really shot himself! ?

All around the Nether and Wu people powerhouse, more than ten eyes swept across the Yan 10000 sea, all disdain and contempt, that look, as if looking at a ants.

There was a coldness, rising from the heart of Yan 10000, he looked up and looked towards the group of Elders of Wu Ming 2 clan who had just smiled, and they couldn’t believe it.

“Chu Yan, did you see that? This is my sincerity!” Maori Great Elder looked at Chu Yan with a tight eye at 10000.

“As long as you are willing to surrender to my Mazu, I will use all the resources of my Mazu in the name of Great Elder, as you promise, within ten years, to allow you to break through Realm of Martial Emperor, within 100 years, to allow you to break through The Holy Realm! “

The words landed on the floor, and more than a dozen people were all surprised.

Ten years Martial Emperor, 100 years Emperor! ?

Drain all the resources of the Wu people and cultivate this Chu Yan! ?

In an instant, a dozen pairs of eyes, full of crimson looking towards Chu Yan, this one-step heavenly ascension, the chance to guarantee the Holy Emperor Realm cultivation base, even more than a heaven defying opportunity.

Martial Emperor Realm, how many Martial Artists stop here.

The realm of the Holy Emperor is a realm that many people dare not dream of.

However, there is now the Maori Great Elder, who promised himself, no one doubts, even if Chu Yan’s innate talent is only ordinary, it can definitely be achieved.

Stared by a dozen pairs of envious and jealous eyes, Chu Yan shook his head and gently opened the mouth and said

“The resources of the Wu people will be mine sooner or later!”

“Besides, does the breakthrough Martial Emperor Realm take ten years !? Joke! However, if you surrender to me now, I can let you go when I destroy the witch!”

The word fell to the ground, and all the eyes in the audience shivered.

Even the 10000 seas of Yan Yan, who was halfway in the soil, were complexion changed. His eyes almost spewed out and his chin directly hit the ground.

“En!? Ha ha ha… ..”

Hearing this, Wu Elder Great Elder, first was stunned. Then, he laughed loudly in the sky, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all killing intent.

“Sure enough arrogant, really arrogant, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth kid! Since you are given the opportunity, you don’t want it, then die here today!”

Looking away, looking towards the ground, the Maori Great Elder opened the mouth and said again

“Yan 10000 sea, give you a chance to make a contribution, now, immediately shoot, kill this child! I guarantee you want the Matriarch, become Deacon Elder!”

Hearing the Malay Great Elder’s words, Yan 10000 Hai was full of excitement, and quickly climbed out of the soil, saying “many thanks Great Elder!”

The quota of Deacon Elder Maori made Yan 10000 Hai completely excited.

True Qi rises all over the body, walks towards Chu Yan, and directly opened the mouth and said “Chu Yan, since you can deal with the 2 Holy Masters of the Ming Clan, you must have some means to make it all out! Otherwise, you have no chance!”

According to the strict 10000 Hai and Wuming 2 clan discussions, originally thought that it was enough to send two Holy Masters, take Chu Yan and force confession.

But they didn’t expect, they still underestimated Chu Yan.

“Oh, 9 hasn’t seen blood in a long time!” Chu Yan hearing this, nodded said with a smile.

Just to deal with the 2 Holy Masters, Chu Yan has summoned 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, as well as 9 Ming and Dragon Race guards.

Therefore, according to his plan, no one here can stay today.

To prevent these people from escaping, 9 shots are the best choice.

“9 Hell, come out!”

The word fell to the ground, a terrifying monster qi swept the audience, a large piece of void collapsed suddenly, a tall silhouette, holding a long spear, appeared behind Chu Yan.

9 The appearance of Ming made all the ten big men present at the scene looked astonished!

Antiquity Monster Emperor! ?

The highest level of Monster Emperor Peak cultivation base! ?

“I … I rely on !?” Yan 10000 glanced across her face, her entire face green.

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