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Although Yan 10000 guessed, Chu Yan had a hole card.

However, he originally thought that Ling Shuangtian had given Chu Yan a piece of Supreme Treasure in Lingyun Pavilion.

For some Supreme Treasure in Lingyun Pavilion, he certainly knows it, so he did n’t take Chu Yan into consideration.

But now, Chu Yan just waved his hand and even summoned an Antiquity Monster Emperor!

Moreover, it is still the Peak Emperor Peak cultivation base.

What is this concept! ?

The battle strength of Monster Emperor is much stronger than that of human Martial Artist. Therefore, according to the most basic Rank 3 battle strength calculation, the battle strength of this Antiquity Monster Emperor is probably endless close to the Holy Emperor.

What makes Yan 10000’s calf tremble even more is that he clearly sees that the Antiquity Monster Emperor holds a Divine Weapon in his hand!

This … this is a fart! ?

I just returned a proud face of 10000 seas, a pair of trembling pupils, looked towards the ninth of up to hundred zhang, the whole face became a dead gray.

Own a median Martial Emperor, provoke an Antiquity Monster Emperor of the superior Martial Emperor Realm Peak strength! ?

What is the difference between this and the ant tiger elephant! ?

Not only Yan 10000 sea, but also the powerhouse of the Matriarch Great Elder, and other Wuming 2 people, seeing the appearance of 9 Ming, they are all eyes full of surprise.

“Dragon Race, come out!”

Next moment, Ignored at all, each and everyone’s stunned Wu Ming 2 clan gangster, Chu Yan waved again, and 8 golden light brilliant silhouettes appeared.

“His …! Emperor Realm Yin Puppet! Yi!? How can there be Longwei aura !?”

“God, this Yin Pup, turned out to be the emperor’s body refining ?!”

“I depend, those golden bones, won’t they be dragon bones !?”

“Doesn’t … 2 Holy Masters, can’t deal with this Chu Yan!”


Everyone felt monster Qi and Yin Fiend Qi, eyes straight out simultaneously.

“Chu Yan, you really surprised me, but still die!”

Glancing at the front, the whole trembling Yan 10000 sea was frightened. The Matriarch Great Elder kicked him directly, kicked him away, and hurried towards Chu Yan.


It was shot with a palm, and the waves were like peaks, and the air broke out, and the sky was mighty.

At the same time, several Wuming 2 clan powerhouses standing in the back also flashed together, but instead of killing Chu Yan, they attacked 9 Ming and Dragon Race guard.

As long as Chu Yan’s help is used, it is easy to blow Chu Yan with the cultivation base of the Maori Great Elder.

At this moment, the Matriarch Great Elder watched Chu Yan completely enveloped by his palm force, and suddenly raised his mouth with a grin in his eyes.

Even including Yan 10000 Hai, when he saw all the powerhouses of Wuming, he shot together and cheered up and joined the war circle.

Two high-ranking Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, headed straight to 2 Nether, these two, together with Maori Great Elder, are the strongest 9 people.

Others, most of the cultivation base is in the middle Martial Emperor, rushed to the Dragon Race guard, and entangled with it.

At this time, whether it is 9 Ming or Dragon Race, there is no help, and I can help Chu Yan.

“Hehe, Chu Yan, die!”

The Maori Great Elder, with a smile on his face, is determined to win.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan’s bland face, his eyes suddenly burst into light, and five different rays of light rose into the sky.

Roar! roar! roar!

5 trembling beast roars made the sky tremble, 5 tall silhouettes appeared together, almost covering the whole sky.

left Azure Dragon, right White Tiger, front Vermilion Bird, after Profound Rank, middle Qilin… ..

5 Beast Lingtian, Heavenly Dao Spirit Power, with the power of Beast God, sweeps through Heaven and Earth, deterring all directions.

The spirit of the beast was like a tide, and the attack by the Great Elder of the Wu people suddenly stopped. All the people were terrified, and they looked up at the back towards Chu Yan.

“5… 5 Martial Soul !?”

Elder, a Matriarch, shivered with horror and shouted in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

“5 souls … also Five Elements is complete! God …”

This Chu Yan has 5 Martial Souls, and the Five Elements attribute is complete.

Everyone sucks in a breath of cold air.

The Matriarch Great Elder was full of horror, looking towards the 5 tall beast souls, and stood stiff on the spot.

Out of continent, among the human Martial Artists, there are Twin Martial Soul and even the 3 born Martial Soul, he has seen it, it is not surprising at all.

Because, most of Twin Martial Soul or 3 born Martial Soul are mostly a main Martial Soul, two weak Martial Soul, innate talent and strength are several times stronger than ordinary Martial Artist.

Only a very few Martial Artists, like as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, can have 2 or 3 powerful Martial Soul.

Such a genius, the future Martial Dao achievement, is not only a side of Overlord, the existence of the world invincible.

But now, this Chu Yan actually has … 5 Venerable Lord Martial Soul! ?

Moreover, what makes the Elder Great Elder dare not imagine that all of these five Divine Beast Martial Soul Five Elements attribute have, and the power of Martial Soul between each other can also be blended and improved.

Five Elements Soul Power gather, this effect …

Maori Great Elder, with straight eyes, dare not continue to imagine.

Looking at the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul behind Chu Yan, and then confirming that it was not his own dazzling, the face of the Great Elder of the Matriarch Great Elder became darker and darker, and slowly turned into a gray color.

He must admit that, like Chu Yan, the genius with Five Elements attribute Martial Soul, continent in the foreign domain, and even in Ten Directions Star Domain, did not appear for millions of years.

As for the God and Devil era before millions of years, that is not what he can know.

Full of shock, fear and doubt, all shivered in the eyes that everyone could not believe.

At this time, the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul behind Chu Yan had already completed the power to condense the Martial Soul, and the 5 violent Martial Soul attacks were exploding.

The power of Martial Soul of 5 different colors, condensed together, gathered into a group of dazzling different color light groups, directly slammed into the palm shot by the Matriarch Great Elder, and directly dispelled the palm of the upper Martial Emperor. .

Perhaps, Martial Soul and Martial Artist battle, the strength is greatly reduced, but, after the strength of Five Elements Martial Soul gathered, this Innate disadvantage was instantly reversed.

Roar! roar! roar!

Under the leadership of Qilin Martial Soul, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul’s offensive continued, madly spitting out Martial Soul’s power and attacking Maori Great Elder.

The space burst, Heaven and Earth collapsed, and countless void cracks appeared above the sky.

Maori Great Elder, besieged by 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, seems to be suppressed by 5 mountains, the mighty Divine Beast might, although the attack power can still withstand, but those gods beast might suppress aura, let his body fall into the swamp .


How could Chu Yan miss such an opportunity, with Clear Sky Sword and sword glow in the hands, and a sword slashing out constantly, attacking the Great Elder Maori.

On the surface, the Maori Great Elder is fighting Chu Yan alone. In fact, he needs to deal with 6 of them alone.

At this time, the Matri Artist of the Malay, without Martial Soul’s Innate disadvantage, was exposed.

Moreover, this is Chu Yan ’s Martial Soul, which has not been transformed into a soul of war. Otherwise, as long as a Divine Beast is out of 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, he can deal with him.

“Ah! Come and help me!”

The Maori Great Elder, who persisted for less than ten breaths, under the pressure, his face was purplish red, and the green muscles burst, almost crazy.

In particular, the Divine Weapon Clear Sky in Chu Yan’s hands, even his palm gang, can be cut into two.

Therefore, the Great Elder, who is not an opponent at all, can only turn around and call for support.

However, when he looked back, his eyes were swept, but he was shocked by the cold hairs, all standing upside down, and his eyes were bigger than the bullseye.

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