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Traveling through Space-Time, the rays of light burst in front of me, and the scene changes constantly.

When Chu Yan was able to eyes opened again, he was already in another place.

In the eyes, a tall Spirit Peak and a bluestone avenue lead from the foot of the mountain to the summit of Spirit Peak.

The huge stone tablet gate, tall buildings along the road, and large squares.

No matter from where it looks, it looks like a mountain gate where strong Sect forces are located.

However, in this mountain gate, there was a dead silence, which could not be seen, nor could it sense the slightest aura of life, and there was no aura that restrained the spirit array.

Obviously, it is also a completely decayed mountain gate, which has lost its endless years.

Along the stone gate of the mountain gate, Chu Yan walked all the way up, and it didn’t take long to walk to a tall palace building.

This palace carved a lot of divine runes should be this Sect, the former main hall.

Standing in front of the main hall, Chu Yan 4 looked around, all around a silence, even the sound of Insect Cry of birds and beasts, could not be heard.

Time, as if here, disappeared completely.

took a deep breath, Chu Yan strode out, moved towards the temple door.

Put your hands flat and push gently. Suddenly, in a creak sound, the temple door was easily pushed open.

With the opening of the hall door, a Great Desolate aura suddenly rushed out of the hall, making Chu Yan’s expression suddenly tighten, and the whole body of True Qi burst out instantly, forming a body protection gang yuan, holding himself and Little White Bear Block behind.

Waiting for nearly ten breaths, except for those Great Desolate aura rushing out, there was no other movement before Chu Yan stepped into the great hall.

In this great hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor, there are 8 huge jade pillars, each of which has a thickness of nearly ten zhang.

嘡 啷 啷 …

The sound of the iron chain slamming sounded, and eight huge monster beasts were bound by the iron chain and tied to the jade pillar.

These 8 heads of Monster Beast, each head has a nearly zhang high degree, and, it seems, it is easy to judge. It is the same as the Little White Bear now, this is not their true body.

However, the incarnation of Little White Bear is only half a person tall, and when it turns into a true body, it is almost 9 ten zhang high degrees.

And now, these 8 Monster Beasts, incarnation have thehundred zhang high degree, to what extent will the true body be taller! ?

At least 500 feet!

Chu Yan was amazed by the answer in his heart, and immediately remembered that the Great Desolate black marsh lion scorpion outside the guarding transmission array, its demon body, is nearly 500 feet in size, like a hill.

Of the 8 Monster Beasts, 2 are golden scale pythons, 2 golden wings thunder eagle, 2 blue ring sea whales, and 2 golden tooth Fierce Tigers.

There are 8 heads of Monster Beast, 4 types, above heaven under earth, sea forest, all.

The key point is that Chu Yan has never seen these 4 types of Monster Beast, which are obviously Antiquity Rare Beast, which is very different from the current Monster Beast.

Especially the Great Desolate Monster Power on them, rushing away, like 10000 hectares of wind, tyrannical aura, shocked Heaven and Earth.

Roar! roar!

Just when Chu Yan tried to get close and wanted to test the strength of these 8 Monster Beasts, the Little White Bear around him suddenly turned into a true body, facing the 8 Monster Beasts, roaring roar constantly.

Roar! roar! roar!

Hearing the roar of the Little White Bear true body, the 8 Great Desolate giant beasts roared together, and the monster qi in the hall swept across, as if an endless storm swept through.

“En !?”

Chu Yan was startled and suddenly turned his head, looking towards Little White Bear, and saw the original pair of purple eyes,

At this time, it became crimson, extremely crimson, contorts one’s face in agony, bear hair upside down, monster qi rising, obviously is to shoot, fight with these 8 monster Beast, fight.

“Dangdang, wake up!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan burst into anxiety, immediately Divine Consciousness condensed into a ball, moved towards Little White Bear’s demon Sea of ​​Consciousness, fiercely stabbed.

Because there is a spiritual bond between Little White Bear and Chu Yan, the Dangdang demon Sea of ​​Consciousness is almost undefended against Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness.

This impact is extremely powerful.

Shocked by Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, Little White Bear’s body suddenly shuddered, and deng deng deng stepped back several steps in a row, the red eyes in his eyes quickly retreated.

Shaking to stand in shape, returning to the Incarnation state of Little White Bear, fiercely shook the head, his face sullen.

“Just … what’s wrong !?” Little White Bear’s eyes straightened and looked towards Chu Yan, asking.

“It should be the bloodline of you within the body. It was inspired. These 8 Great Desolate Monster Beasts are a little weird. Be careful! Keep the demon Sea of ​​Consciousness!”

Chu Yan while speaking, eyes looked at the 8 Great Desolate beasts, all eyes were alert.

Fortunately, I just responded quickly. If Little White Bear really rushed up, I’m afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

didn’t expect, these 8 Great Desolate Monster Beast, although the demon body is locked here, but this demon consciousness has such a horrible will.

If you let go of those chains, I am afraid that you can make yourself and Little White Bear a fan on the spot with a single blow.

With the recovery of Little White Bear, the 8 Great Desolate Monster Beasts in the hall seemed extremely angry, growling louder and louder, and constantly trying to break free of the iron chain.

“Go! Go around!” Chu Yan swept his eyes, looked towards the apse, and called Little White Bear.

In front of this great hall, there are no other than these 8 Great Desolate Monster Beasts and 8 jade pillars.

And with Little White Bear, impossible is one of them, any opponent of Monster Beast, it is better to leave early.

The corridor leading to the apse is quiet and deep.

After nearly 10000 steps, 2 talents came to the apse.

Pushing open the door of the hall, a tremendous amount of magical energy flowed out of the door of the hall, instantly swallowing Chu Yan and Little White Bear completely.

“Not good! Saint Rakshasa, explode for me!”

Feeling those magical energy, it seems like countless Corpse Insect, madly eating his body protection Gang Yuan, Chu Yan anxiously shouted.


Saint Rakshasa true body, breaking out of the sky, 10000 silver lights swayed, all the magic energy was swallowed up.

“hu ….”

“hu ….”

One bear per bear, while relaxed, his face was pale.

Fortunately, there is St. Rakshasa body protection, otherwise, just after that wave of magical energy shock, 2 people might be damaged here.

Inside the hall door, the magical energy rushing out like the water of Jiang Hai is endless.

Saint Rakshasa true body, silver light masterpiece, eyes shining, extremely excited, Rakshasa True Qi surging all over the sky, devouring these magic energy ten times purer than the outside world.

The majestic magic energy was swallowed by the Holy Rakshasa true body and transformed into a more pure Rakshasa True Qi, which was poured into Chu Yan fleshy body.

For a time, Chu Yan’s fleshy body strength increased madly.

Moreover, the forced filling infusion made Chu Yan’s face appear a bit painful.

Sitting cross-legged and directly running Rakshasa Promise, it took a long time for Chu Yan to refining all these pure Rakshasa True Qi.

fleshy body power soars!

Slowly close up and get up, Chu Yan’s eyes are bright, raising his hand is punched out.

The furious gang of fists burst out of the air, and a magical energy with a sharp drop in speed suddenly appeared in the great hall in front of him, and it burst into 4 scattered.

Fisting into the hall, the whole great hall shuddered suddenly.

Chu Yan at this time, the imposing manner on his body, was obviously a little stronger.

Immediately, Chu Yan and Little White Bear ran the body protection gang yuan and stepped into the hall gate with full attention.

Boom … Rumble!

The moment they stepped into the hall gate, the two seemed to travel through Space-Time to come to another World.

Simply in front of me is not the great hall environment of ordinary, but a mountain, lake and lake. The huge waves that set off the sky cover the waves and shoot to the shore, splashing countless blood flowers!

“This … this is the sea of ​​blood !?”

Chu Yan and Little White Bear glanced at the same time, two people started at the same time, looking at the 2 li blood sea in front of them, stunned.

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