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Chapter 1979

The land of the apse even leads to a sea of ​​10,000 li blood! ?

Chu Yan looked shocked.

“This … some will not be real blood !?” Chu Yan was a little dazed.

At a glance, the area of ​​this sea of ​​blood is definitely not less than 10,000 li. If you want to use real blood, how many creatures do you need! ?

“No! But …”

Little White Bear’s eyes flashed a path of bloodshot, and his expression became very strange.

“But this is Monster Beast blood essence!”

With a word, Chu Yan looked at Little White Bear with a puzzled expression.

“Blood essence !?”

“Yes! I can feel the power of the rich Monster Beast among these blood essences, which makes me a little bloody!”

Little White Bear’s eyes are full of blood, but the purple light is surging and very exciting.

“Boss, these Monster Beast blood essence, did not come from killing the beast to release blood, then there is something at the bottom of the lake!”

Without waiting for Chu Yan to react, Little White Bear finished speaking and jumped into the blood.

“dong dong! ”

Seeing the silhouette of Little White Bear, submerged under the surface of the blood sea, was swallowed by the wave instantly, Chu Yan was anxious, a body, and quickly followed, jumped into the blood sea.

10,000 li The sea of ​​blood, the violent waves on the sea, but under the sea, it is a dark vortex, extremely dangerous.

However, with Chu Yan and Little White Bear, moved towards the bottom of the lake and continued stealth, the scene appeared in their eyes, but let 2 people startled.

The entire seabed, for a long time, is densely packed with demon cores!

These demon cores have a low rank and a high rank, and each one releases a faint monster qi, gleaming faint rays of light.

Originally, each monster qi overflowing from the monster nucleus was extremely weak, but the countless monster nucleus gathered together to form a violent and fierce sky, making the whole sea of ​​blood of 10,000 li, surging into the sky.

Below the sea surface, it is more dangerous than above the sea surface.

Chu Yan and Little White Bear are like floating leaves. With the vortex undercurrent, floating and floating, it is difficult to control the direction of travel.

When approaching the seabed area, under the violent force, even going one step further, it becomes extremely difficult.

Often a dark rush came, so they drove the two people back a few ten zhang, and the distance that they just struggled to swim through was all gone.

“Give me a receipt!”

Chu Yan urged the whole body of Rakshasa True Qi to the extreme, moved towards seabed to dive insanely, when approaching a pile of cone-shaped demon cores, he would ingest it with a big hand wave.

Buzz …!

Not only is the body uncontrolled, but even Rakshasa True Qi is affected, and every dash of the distance, the strength will be doubled.

When Rakshasa True Qi came into contact with the seabed monster core, only a faint trace remained.


True Qi is a roll with 100 demon cores, but Rakshasa True Qi is wrapped in a roll back and received Rakshasa Space.

“It’s too exhausting!”

Chu Yan could not imagine how even his own Rakshasa True Qi was swallowed by these undercurrents vortex, and to what extent these demon core auras.

However, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness scanned the more than 100 monster cores that had just received Rakshasa Space, and easily discovered that these monster cores made Little White Bear so excited and excited.

Because, these demon cores, although not of high rank, but each one is Antiquity demon core.

The pure Monster Power contained in it is probably the Monster Beast crystal nucleus now, which is totally incomparable.

If such a demon core is allowed to be swallowed by Little White Bear, it is not only the monster qi cultivation base, but more importantly, it can make its Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline more refined.

Therefore, Little White Bear would be so desperate, even as a demon bear, swimming like a turtle, but also desperately planing water, moved towards seabed.

clenched the teeth, Chu Yan urged True Qi again, moved towards the bottom of the lake to dive.

Withstand the terrifying undercurrent forces, as long as they are near the bottom of the lake, they will wave their hands and ingest a small pile of demon cores.

After repeating this for an hour, Chu Yan’s True Qi was almost exhausted.

If you do n’t go ashore again, with 30% True Qi of your within the body, I am afraid that a dark tide will come over and you will return to seabed.

Going back to take a quick tour, swimming for a long time, and finally returned to the shore just launched.

As soon as I climbed ashore, the Little White Bear, who was in a hurry because of Monster Power’s lack of support, hurried over.

“How about Boss !?”

Waving his hand, Chu Yan took out 2 bottles of Golden Pill and threw a bottle to Little White Bear. After serving the next bottle, he said

“It’s okay, it’s just the dark tide of this seabed, it’s too scary!”

With a wave of hands, a bunch of 1000 monster cores appeared in front of Little White Bear.

“Wow, great! Boss is 10000 years old!”

With a cheer, Little White Bear jumped onto the demon core pile all at once, swallowing those demon cores bit by bit.

Most of these demon cores are the ranks of the imperial realm, and the Monster Power and bloodline aura contained therein are not rich.

Chu Yan saw the higher rank demon core, but there was no way to get close.

One hour later, Chu Yan’s True Qi recovered 60%, and Little White Bear also ate, almost unable to move. 2 talents left the back hall and returned to the front hall.

In the front hall, 8 Great Desolate Monster Beasts have completely calmed down, as if falling into a deep sleep.

They reappeared for Chu Yan and Little White Bear again, just glanced up at the head and no longer paid attention to.

This time, I didn’t even try to break the chain. Of course, those iron chains that are all divine runes, they are also impossible to break free.

Opening the pupil of Qilin, Chu Yan explored this great hall again.

Except for the corridor leading to the apse, there is no other way to go, and there is no secret room Forbidden Land.

This time, Chu Yan’s face, like Little White Bear, was full of disappointment.

Originally, Chu Yan was looking for the spirit of chaos with hope, but the result was nothing.

However, thinking about the rareness of Primal Chaos Qi, of course, will not be so easy to find.

Out of the main hall, a Divine Consciousness, a silhouette of one person and one bear, was issued to the Southern God Emperor, and suddenly disappeared in the lost Sect.

shua! shua!

When it reappeared, Chu Yan and Little White Bear had already returned to the small mountain bag, and the Southern God Emperor was in sight.

Seeing Chu Yan and Little White Bear return safely, Emperor Nan God’s nervous face suddenly relaxed, and then asked with open mouth

“How !? Did you find the spirit of Chaos !?”

Chu Yan shook the head, with a disappointed look, briefly talked about the process, and took out a few demon cores to show to Southern God Emperor.

“This is … Zongjun Beast!” Emperor God God started.

“Zongjun Beast !?” Chu Yan asked. “Is it different from ordinary Monster Beast !?”

Emperor God Nan smiled softly and said, “This is a good thing, used to refine Spirit Treasure, comparable to the current Emperor Demon Core!”

“If you take it out for auction, I’m afraid it will be one, it will be worth 10000 Di Jing!”

Chu Yan hearing this, eyes shined suddenly, now, he is short of money, didn’t expect, these demon cores are so valuable.

“Fortunately, you didn’t provoke the 8 Great Desolate Monster Beasts!”

The Southern God Emperor glanced at Chu Yan and said, “The 8 Monster Beasts should be sect protecting Monster Beast! Don’t look at them only as the Emperor Peak’s strength. If the 8 heads are together and the Monster Beast battle line is placed, even 8 Holy Emperors , Are not their opponents! “

“What !? Monster Beast Battle !?” Chu Yan startled.

I have never heard that Monster Beast will still use battles, this is impossible! ?

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