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Hearing the name of the powerhouse in the stone forest, Chu Yan was sneaked.

This guy, when he was about to die, was still unclear about the situation. When he really was a child, he wanted to make him believe him.

This is to say that Martial Dao World in weak are prey to the strong, even the World of ordinary person, is impossible.

Naturally, he can see that the cultivation base of Chu Yan and Little White Bear can’t even reach the imperial realm.

But his cultivation base is to reach the median Martial Emperor Realm 7th Layer. If Chu Yan rescues him, when the time comes, whoever has the final say is really not necessarily.

“It’s not difficult to save you, but first you make the Heavenly Dao vow to become my servant!” Chu Yan shouted.

Among the stones, the powerhouse hearing this, immediately frowned, flashed a fierce awn in his eyes.

His thoughts really made Chu Yan guess. According to his plan, he originally thought that Chu Yan helped him out of trouble, and then he used himself to exceed the other ’s cultivation base gap of one and a half Heaven and Earth. other side.

However, he did not expect that the other party looked, but a young man about 20 years old actually saw through his mind.

brows tightly knit, hesitant face.

A little hesitant, the 5 stone giants not far away had already turned around and moved towards him.

“I promised, I promised!”

Feeling the tremor on the ground under his feet, he glanced at the Yue brother just now, which had turned into a pile of rotten flesh. The color of panic appeared.

Flip the hand seal, hit a True Qi, 8000 heavy water, 5 water arrows are shot, and the 5 stone giants that rushed directly blocked.

However, looking at the strength of the water arrow, it is estimated that it will take a few breaths to dissipate.

Boom … rumbling!

In the stone forest, the powerhouse hurriedly took the Heavenly Dao vow. Above the sky, the thunder cloud sounded. It was the natural phenomenon that the Heavenly Dao vow was fulfilled.


Chu Yan turned around, looked towards Ouyang Nantian, opened the mouth and said.

“OK! Boy, I will help you. However, you have to be careful!” Ouyang Nantian’s eyes shone with different light, and did not refuse.

In a word, Ouyang Nantian raised his hand a little, a shot was shot, and it was 7 steps away from the foot of the powerhouse in the stone forest.

“You move according to the prompt, hurry!” Chu Yan spoke shouted.

The powerhouse in the stone forest, seeing the vigorous guidance at the foot, there is still hesitation, quickly flashed over.

Almost at the same time as he flashed away, the stone giants all around turned into stones and fell to the ground, and the entire stone forest suddenly fell silent.

shua! shua! shua!

Soon, within a few ten breaths, the man followed Ouyang Nantian’s instructions and walked out of the stone forest Great Array safely.


The moment he stepped out of the stone forest, the man was lying on the ground, lying on the ground, panting and ecstatic.

Finally got a life back!

After a long time, I slowly got up from the ground, my eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, I didn’t know what I was thinking.

“Did you take the 10000 Golden Pill in the Nadan Temple !?”

After watching Chu Yan for a long time, I looked up at the Azure Ox Zongshan Gate in the distance, and the powerhouse asked.

“Not bad!” Chu Yan nodded.

If the person in front of him did not make the Heavenly Dao vow, Chu Yan would naturally not believe him and would not give details.

“In this case, now, hand it in!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, a smirk suddenly appeared on the man’s face, staring straight at Chu Yan with all disdain and contempt in his eyes.

“En !?” Chu Yan pupil light icy, looked towards the other party.

“You just made the Heavenly Dao vow !? Now dare to counter, you are not afraid of death !?”

“Ha ha ha….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the man laughed wildly in the sky and looked at Chu Yan, his face full of laughter.

“Boy, do n’t you know, I am a Martial Artist who specializes in Thunder Element. Whether it is Martial Soul, cultivation technique, or even martial skill, it is Thunder Element, and my cultivation base has reached the median Martial Emperor Realm 7th. Layer. “

“Thunder Element !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

“Good! With my current cultivation base, even if it was backlashed by Heavenly Dao, with my current strength, the worst result is that the cultivation base drops a Heaven and Earth Realm!”

“However, as long as there are 10000 Nine Revolutions Golden Pills, a Heaven and Earth Realm, it will be possible to re-cultivate back in a few years, what’s the point!”

Speaking of which, a killing intent flashed in the man’s eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, and the grin on his face grew stronger and stronger.

“As for you, a little quasi-imperial Peak, want to be my Lord, just this idea, you have to pay the price of life!”

hearing this, Chu Yan’s face suddenly appeared a helpless color, and the head said

“So that’s how it is! It seems that this Heavenly Dao vow is not reliable!”

“Ha ha ha….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the man laughed suddenly, saying, “Boy, it is not too late to know, don’t meet me again in your next life!”

While speaking, Diwei from that person rushed out in an instant.

“Next life !? No need!” Chu Yan sneered, taking the head. “Now, you are useless to me.”

With a word on the ground, the smile on the man’s face suddenly lags behind, looked towards Chu Yan, stunned for 3 breaths, and then, louder laughter suddenly sounded.

“Ha ha ha ha … What do you say! Is it possible that, you think, you and this little beast can deal with me !?”

“Two quasi-imperial realms, want to kill me the median Martial Emperor 2th Layer !? ha ha ha… ..”

It seemed that it was because he had just escaped from death, and it might be because he was about to get 10000 8-turn Golden Pills. The man’s laughter was extremely excited.

“Don’t think that I was injured in Stone Forest just now, and you have a chance!”

“Speak, what do you want … ah !?”

With a big smile on his face, he didn’t finish a sentence. Suddenly, he saw a large piece of black light behind Chu Yan, and a silhouette up to nearly zhang, tearing open the void and appearing in the sky.

“What !? This … this …”

Suddenly, the man suddenly lifted his eyes and swept it. He almost scared out his eyes.

“Antiquity Monster Emperor !? Upper Martial Emperor Peak !?”

At this glance, he almost scared away all his soul, and he could not have imagined that the young man in front of him still had a yin puppet of the upper Martial Emperor Realm Peak cultivation base.

Moreover, this yin puppet is still the body of Antiquity Monster Emperor, with the Divine Weapon in his hand!

“Kill you, why don’t I start it myself!” Chu Yan looked at each other indifferently with a cold voice.

The other party, at this time, had a sullen face, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

If you are not injured, with 8000 heavy water, maybe, you can escape from this Antiquity Monster Emperor, but now …

In the Stone Forest, I was not only injured, but also consumed a lot, even 8000 heavy water, and it was a little unstable. I wanted to deal with this Yin Pup, which was fundamentally impossible.

“I … I am surrendered! Really surrendered! I will give you everything, and the 8000 heavy water will also belong to you!”

The man quickly opened his mouth, raised his hand and took out a mercury-like Spirit Treasure, and handed it to Chu Yan.

As long as he saves his life, he still has a chance to get all these things back in the future.

“Hmph! Do you think you still have a chance !?” Chu Yan sneered.

“9 Nether, kill me!”

In a word, 9 monstrous monster qi exploded, the god spear in his hand, waved a shocking spear glow, and pierced the other side straight.

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