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The man saw the spear glow fall, his face changed suddenly, and he flashed back suddenly.

However, the original was injured in the stone forest Great Array, coupled with the excessive consumption of True Qi, in the face of the powerful strength of 9 ghosts, this spear cannot be avoided at all.


Spear glow fell, swept the body protection gang yuan outside his body, and burst directly.

The blood-sprayed body flew upside down 1000 steps, hitting the ground like a bottle gourd, splashing the sky with dust.

Not waiting for him to get up at all, 9nd 2nd spear glow followed suit.

The spear fell and died, under the spear glow of monster qi, breaking the body protection gang yuan, and blasting the person’s fleshy body into a huge hole.

Even if the screams were too late, the man would not have a breath, and 9 Ming had stood up with the spear, his eyes were on his head, and he didn’t want to look at the man more.

It seems that in the eyes of 9 people, the strength of this person is not worth mentioning at all.

Chu Yan walked over and took out Jade Talisman’s storage from the man. With a wave of his hand, Emperor Vermilion Bird fired and burned the corpse into a pile of ashes.

Looking at the ashes on the ground, scattered by the wind, Chu Yan shook the head, a little disappointed.

Chu Yan has changed a lot. Originally, he wanted to conquer more powerhouses to enrich himself and the strength of Human Race lineage.

However, things turned out to be contrary to expectations, a median Martial Emperor Realm 7th Layer powerhouse, just so damaged.

At the beginning of the small package, the Great Desolate beast, the black marsh scorpion corpse, and Chu Yan are ready to refine Yin Puppet.

The Black Marsh Lion Scorpion is several times stronger than the median Martial Emperor.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan finally had some psychological comfort.

Divine Consciousness swept through the middle-handed storage Jade Talisman, the wealth of which made Chu Yan all moved.

There are a large number of heavenly materials earthly treasures, counted 1000000 emperor crystals, nearly ten pieces of emperor Divine Weapon, and some precious cultivation techniques martial skill.

Taking out the cultivation technique martial skill, Chu Yan found that both the obscure Antiquity cultivation technique and martial skill were presumably found and found in this soul demon purgatory.

Now, it’s all owned by Chu Yan.

Take out some precious heavenly materials earthly treasures and throw them to Little White Bear.

Although I just swallowed a lot of Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, these heavenly materials earthly treasures have much more effect on it than they do on themselves.

After all, Little White Bear’s monster cultivator is also in the bottleneck state and needs a breakthrough Monster Emperor.

Chu Yan himself, but not in a hurry to swallow Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, a pair of Qilin pupils, looked towards the Azure Ox sect cluster of palaces in the distance, always felt something special.

Afterwards, the 3 people returned to the Azure Ox Sect Master Hall again and started searching for 4 times.

This time, Little White Bear’s demon consciousness was discovered faster than Ouyang Nantian.

Although most of the buildings have been destroyed to varying degrees, Little White Bear shrugged his nose and found an underground passage in an extremely unremarkable side hall.

Through the underground passage, 3 people came to an Earth Palace.

This large Earth Palace, all around is a forbidden and spiritual array that has failed, depending on the degree of rigor, in the Antiquity era, it should be one of the core Forbidden Land of the Azure Ox clan.

There is nothing in this Earth Palace, which is as wide as 10,000 zhang, but there are some rubbing marks on the ground.

It is very likely that when the Azure Ox Sect was damaged, there was inside the sect powerhouse or Elder, which took away the treasure within the Forbidden Land.

In the empty Earth Palace, there is only a huge bronze statue of a barbarian bull standing in the middle of the Earth Palace.

Ouyang Nantian, when he saw the bronze bull statue, his eyes suddenly glared.

“This … this is Antiquity Totem!”

Antiquity Totem! ?

Chu Yan and Little White Bear turned their heads at the same time, looking towards Ouyang Nantian.

“Good! Didn’t expect, this Azure Ox sect, it turned out to be a Sect with Antiquity Totem, at least it is also a Sect with a God Powerhouse, so it was so damaged!”

“The enemies of this Sect were exterminated, the strength is probably terrifying! Who is it !?”

Ouyang Nantian’s brows tightly knit seems to begin to recall some of the situation in the Antiquity era.

However, Chu Yan and Little White Bear are confused.

“Senior, what is Antiquity Totem, …” Chu Yan opened, directly interrupting Ouyang Nantian’s thinking.

“Uh … oh, Antiquity Totem is an extremely special existence. It is a special space of Chaos World. It needs specific conditions to excite its Source Power and turn it on.”

Speaking of which, Ouyang Nantian looked up, looked towards the Azure Ox statue, and the pupil light shimmered.

“Chu Yan, this Antiquity Totem, must use the blood essence of Antiquity Sacred Beast to open it.”

While speaking, Ouyang Nantian turned his eyes and looked towards Little White Bear.

“Look … what to see!” Little White Bear turned his head and saw Ouyang Nantian and Chu Yan staring at themselves.

“Dangdang …” Chu Yan chuckled.

“Boss, No way, blood essence …” When Dangdang’s eye twitched twice, he would turn around, but Chu Yan took it over.

The Little White Bear, caught by Chu Yan, suddenly snapped, and only obediently and honestly contributed a drop of blood essence.

As soon as the blood essence sank into the surface of the Azure Ox statue, Ouyang Nantian shot a hand seal. Suddenly, there were countless azure lights on the Azure Ox statue, soaring into the sky, making the whole Earth Palace as bright as day.

Not waiting for Chu Yan and Little White Bear to react at all. Countless azure lights merged very quickly. Before the statue, 2 groups of light masks were formed, moved towards one person and one bear.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

The azure light flickered, and Chu Yan and Little White Bear were wrapped at the same time, just disappeared on the spot.

When it reappeared, the two people fell on a huge square, all around are all kinds of clouds and waves, as if they were in the Lingyun Sea at an altitude of 2 zhang.

This is a simple palace, but Spirit Qi is full of terrifying.

A square, a palace, is extremely simple, but not simple is that above the palace, a tall Azure Ox, creeping on the golden clouds, like a longhorn!

That day the cow seemed to be sleeping, nearly 800 zhang of the body’s feet, the whole body of smoke rose, and the huge Golden Spirit Seal on his forehead flickered with his breath, as bright as stars.

The palace below, the gate is closed, and the entire wall is full of divine runes. The released divine runes aura makes both Chu Yan and Little White Bear tremble at Divine Soul.

There is no doubt at all, if any a divine runes are touched, I am afraid that 2 people will be directly explodes into waste.

“Sure … as expected, this is Antiquity Totem Spirit Beast! Qingyun Divine Ox! Very powerful!”

Ouyang Nantian, immediately rushed out of Chu Yan within the body, just glanced at the huge beast shadow on the sky, suddenly surprised.

“Yi!? Injured!? Even the demon soul is damaged !?”

But soon, Ouyang Nantian’s face suddenly froze, looked towards Azure Ox’s eyes in the air, and shuddered suddenly.

“Such a serious injury, I am afraid that it may not be able to recover for several hundred years. It is so sleepy that the recovery rate is too slow!”

Hearing Ouyang Nantian’s words, Chu Yan looked shocked.

didn’t expect, in this Totem space, really Antiquity Totem Spirit Beast exists, and it is still an injured and sleeping Qingyun Divine Ox!

Although Chu Yan has never seen this Qingyun Divine Ox, Chu Yan knows that any name with the word “God” in Monster Beast can only explain that the bloodline of this Monster Beast is enough to let it cultivate to the gods!

“Who the hell !? The Azure Ox Sect is destroyed, and even the Totem Spirit Beast of the Azure Ox Sect can be hit hard !?”

Ouyang Nantian’s eyes lost his mind and fell into contemplation.

“Yi !? What is that !?” Chu Yan didn’t have any interest in what Ouyang Nantian thought. When he glanced, he saw that in the place where the huge Azure Ox creeps, a path of dazzling rays of light , Flashing constantly.

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