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Chapter 2001

Lingyun great hall, which has just been suppressed, instantly became a sea of ​​joy.

Human Race 9 The big brothers of Sect, all smiled, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, full of excitement and excitement.

Laughing laughter came out of Lingyun great hall, which shocked the entire Lingyun Pavilion, attracting a large number of disciples, all looked stunned.

I originally thought that Chu Yan’s cultivation base really had a problem.

But now, not only has there been no problem, but Chu Yan, who has returned from Soul Demon Purgatory, has improved a lot of cultivation base.

“I said it’s okay! I’ll just say it!” Yuan Ba ​​smiled and looked at Chu Yan’s eyes, all bent into a slit.

“Right, Master!”

Chu Yan arched his hands, looked towards Ling Shuangtian, and asked

“Has the Star Wars already begun !? Our Human Race other genius !?”

“Other people, discovered it long ago!”

When Ling Shuangtian heard Chu Yan’s words, he immediately started, and there was an urgent expression on his face.

“Even Situ Yang, I let him go first! Otherwise, time is too late!”

“You don’t need to say more now, hurry and go!”

“If it’s this time, don’t take the top 10 of the emperor list and see how I can clean you up when I come back!”

Fiercely gave Chu Yan a look, Ling Shuangtian looked angry, but couldn’t see the slightest harshness.

“Chu Yan, you are flying like this, the speed is simply too late, so, you take my Sect Protecting Treasure of Immortal Sect, you should be able to catch up!”

Mu Feihuang was also anxious, with a big wave of his hand, a golden Jade Talisman, turned into a streamer, and shot directly outside the great hall.

Chirp …!

The golden light exploded, a long zhang, the whole body golden light The shining golden Phoenix appeared on the sky outside the hall.

In an instant, the terrifying monster qi, like a surging wave, suddenly rushed into the sky in Lingyun Pavilion.

The disciples in Lingyun Pavilion were swept by this violent monster qi, and they all looked pale and shocked.

“False Divine Item! Tiandu Phoenix!” Ling Shuangtian eyes shined.

Chu Yan is also eyes shined, looked towards the golden light, and the sky is full of surprise.

didn’t expect, the Sect Protecting Treasure of the inorganic Immortal Sect turned out to be a False Divine Item level flying Spirit Treasure.

“Go up!”

Emperor Mu Fei surged all over his body and thundered.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan body flashed and landed on the back of Tiandu Phoenix.

Covered by the light of the Golden Spirit Treasure of False Divine Item, Chu Yan’s whole body went up and down, aura surging, unable to express the excitement.

Chirp …!

Phoenix uttered a loud chirp, a pair of phoenix claw, fiercely stepped on, a large exploded void exploded, and a Space-Time channel appeared suddenly.

“Target, look at Star Peak, go!”

Mu Feihuang is covered with golden light, both hands forming seals, and is a Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base True Qi. He is crazy to infuse Phoenix on the sky.

After the golden big wing fanned again and again, Tiandu Phoenix drilled into the Space-Time channel and instantly disappeared.

Looking at the scene on the sky, Ling Shuangtian’s face, the smile on his face could not stop, nodded unstoppable.

Chu Yan is back!

He believes that in the Stars Ranking battle, Chu Yan will definitely shake the world again!

At this time, when Chu Yan took Tiandu Phoenix, shuttled Space-Time, and rushed to Star Peak on the continent border of the outer domain at full speed.

Before looking at Star Peak, the Human Race camp was also noisy.

“My big brother, impossible has an accident! They are all farting, fart!”

Situ Yang heard all four directions of all directions, and his whole body was shaking with anger, and he roared 4 feet high.


8 Elder hurriedly reminded.

Before looking at Star Peak, there were more than 100 continent peak forces gathered in the outer domain. Almost every one was stronger than the power of Human Race, and no one could offend.

“Hmph! Anyway, my big brother will definitely be fine, and, I guess he is already on the way, when the time comes, each and everyone will shove all these rubbish out of shit!”

Stuart replied humorously, the fact on his face was killing intent.

On the other hand, in all directions, Situ Young ’s reaction, the big brothers and genius of other forces, not at all care too much.

However, the discussion about Chu Yan has not stopped.

After all, in recent years, Human Race genius Chu Yan has been in the limelight, and the Secret Realm battle has come down, and its reputation has long spread to the foreign domain continent.

Especially last time, the battle of the ancient martial arts battlefield brought out 2 Great Saint emperors.

There is also a rumor that the Vault of Heaven Number One Blade in the Antiquity era and the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor were also acquired by Chu Yan.

Therefore, before the emperor’s battle started, World Yan’s First Chamber of Commerce, Chu Yan was ranked 9th among the ranks predicted by Tianqi Building.

But now, the real emperor ranking is ranked out, Chu Yan only has more than 700, how can this not surprise everyone.

For a time, before the battle for the Emperor List began, news about Chu Yan became the biggest hot spot.

However, not only the other Sect forces, but also the Human Race side, are all low-spirited, and they do n’t report any hope for whether Chu Yan can participate in the battle for the Emperor List.

After all, the rankly just announced by the emperor Heavenly Dao can never be faked.

Compared to the other genius listed as Seeded Contestant by Tianqi Building, Chu Yan’s reputation is significantly higher than them.

It’s just that most of the other genius are ranked up, but Chu Yan’s ranked down.

For this reason, in all directions on four sides, several thousand pairs of eyes are swept in the direction of Human Race from time to time, under the pointing fingers, so that all Human Race gangsters and genius are somewhat unable to lift their heads.

They all know very well that if there is no Chu Yan, the battle for the emperor list at this time, the dozen or so genius of Human Race, impossible has achieved good results, and even the top 100 is impossible.

Sorrowful clouds shrouded, as the 8 Elder with Captain old, his face was bitter, and he kept shaking his head and sighed.

On the one hand, it is because of the inability to achieve results. At the same time, it is a pity that Chu Yan is the greatest hope for Human Race.

However, at this moment, in 8 Elder Sea of ​​Consciousness, a sound suddenly sounded.

“En !?”

The sound in Sea of ​​Consciousness made 8 Elder’s whole body tremble suddenly, and his entire face changed instantly.

“No … all right !?”

It seems to be impossible to believe that 8 Elder turned over his hand, and Jade Talisman appeared in 1000 miles in his hand. A large number of Divine Consciousness probed into it and confirmed it again.

This time, his expression solidified completely.

“Good! Good! Good! Chu Yan is okay, very good! Ha ha ha….”

The laughter suddenly sounded, 8 Elder’s original decadent face, the expression was vigorous, and the flames in his eyes almost burst out of his eyes.

“Not only is it okay, but Chu Yan’s soul demon purgatory, the cultivation base has surged! This is really good!”

The sudden change made everyone in the Human Race camp startled by 8 Elder and stared at them together.

But soon, the big brothers and genius of each and everyone Human Race all received Sect’s 1000 miles of summons.

“Wait! Wait to see those guys, what expression will the time come! Hehe …”

8 The smile on Elder’s face bloomed like a flower, his eyes looked towards all around, secretly said in one’s heart.

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