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Looking at Star Peak, as the battlefield of the emperor list, there are 3 emperors who stop, until now, they are regarded as Holy Land.

Since the birth of continent, this Star Peak has existed.

Over millions of years, this Spirit Qi-filled emperor peak has witnessed the rise of countless genius.

Today, it is another 100-year battle for the Emperor List.

This matter is related to the continent’s luck in the outer domain, as well as the fate of the continent Heavenly Dao in the outer domain. At the same time, it is also the most anticipated day for countless ethnic Sect forces.

Therefore, when Wang Star Peak issued a convening order, all the continent genius of the outer domain came hurriedly.

There is no one at all, even if it is late for an hour.

Above Emperor Peak, Emperor Bang ’s battle stage has been completely evolved. Several emperors and envoys are waiting for their turn. Several people turn the hand seal at the same time to open Star Peak Formation.

As the old man, he floated in the air, his eyes flashed, and he was about to announce that the war of emperor list began.

However, just the moment he opened his mouth, looking at Star Peak sky, a thunderous thunder sounded.

Boom … Rumble!

The whole sky starts with a little golden light, just like the first star on the night sky, the dazzling golden light will light up the whole sky and make it dazzling.

Immediately after that, with that golden light as the center, a large piece of empty ripples rippled up like waves on the lake.


A trembling sound that sounded sky seemed to sound in the depths of everyone Divine Soul, making everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness tremble.

Along with the sky, a void zhang’s void crack exploded, and there were several thousand eyes in the audience, all looking up together.

Tweet …!

Among the loud birdsongs, a golden giant wing first appeared in the void crack, then a group of golden light burst out, and the huge Phoenix body rushed out of the void crack and traveled through the sky.

The big men of all ethnic groups present, the genius, were all beating.

Miaolian Anju, Guo Tian City, Ji Tiancheng, Lonely Chong, and even the new one, ranked emperor Long Tianyao, also have twinkling eyes and a doubtful look towards the sky.

Who! ?

At this time, there are people coming! ?

However, the few 100 Sects of Continent Peak in Outland have almost arrived.

Who is coming now! ?

The big brothers of the audience, as well as the genius, watched the sky, the monstrous monster qi, surged Heaven and Earth, a pair of eyes, staring straight, want to see clearly, that golden Phoenix back , The blurry silhouette.

Finally, the golden light of the sky slowly converged, and the silhouette hidden on the back of Golden Phoenix was also revealed.

Wait for everyone to see who the silhouette is, the whole scene, directly blasted the pot!

“Chu Yan!”

“God, it turned out to be Chu Yan from Human Race!”

“He … Isn’t his cultivation base abolished !? How is it possible !?”

“Aura really strong, this is where the cultivation base is damaged, it seems to be stronger than a few months ago!”

“Nonsense! This emperor ranking is ranked, what’s going on?”

“Fuck, that is, more than 700 ranked, can there be this aura !?”


Numerous geniuses, looking at Chu Yan in the sky, all looked dumbfounded, all kinds of exclamations, one after another.

The golden Phoenix in the sky is like a round of divine sun, radiating 10000 golden lights, moved towards a thousand zhang mountain peak, slowly falling.

That a golden tail feather, fluttering like a golden wire 1000 illusions, one after another fire-colored Phoenix head, and a monster monster qi surge, let everyone Divine Soul stir.

Phoenix has always been the king of 100 birds!

It is comparable to the existence of Divine Dragon, even as Martial Soul, it is also a 10 Star full level existence.

“Everyone, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

Riding on 10000 strands of golden light, Chu Yan fluttered down from Phoenix, gazing around the audience, speaking indifferently.

Although this sound is light, it is like thunderclap, resounding in all Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The whole audience was genius and started together.


With a tweet, the golden wings Phoenix rose into the sky again, and the golden light waved like a meteor in the sky, moved towards the sky, and the void crack went straight into the sky.

After a while, the void crack in the sky, after engulfing the golden wings Phoenix, disappeared instantly when the gate was closed.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes moved and fell on Chu Yan.

At the top of the mountain peak, above the head is a golden sky, the black robe is like a flag, welcoming Feng Feiyang, Chu Yan’s imposing manner, like the mountains of Tianyue, a pair of thunder eyes, overlooking the audience.

At this moment, the audience genius was shocked by this imposing manner, and the complexion changed suddenly.

“Human Race, Chu Yan! Come and participate in the Emperor List Battle!”

This fell to the ground, and the cultivation base True Qi on Chu Yan exploded in an instant, like a shock wave, centered on the top of the mountain peak, moved towards 4 all directions, and rushed.

Just like Hong Feng’s anger, pushing the void, layers of waves, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

This is Chu Yan’s announcement!

At the same time, it is also a great Battle General revelation, a war book issued to all genius!

War God, why fear the world!


Looking at Star Peak, because of the appearance of Chu Yan, it became dead.

Everyone glared and looked at the top of the peak, that tall black robe silhouette, all kinds of eyes, constantly flashing.

Even, looking at the top of Star Peak, several emperor leaders, all looked surprised.

“Chu Yan !? It really is him!”

“Coming from the Royal Phoenix, declaring war on the world, in such an imposing manner, have courage!”

“Human Race Chu Yan! It seems that this time the emperor list battle will become very interesting! Ha ha …”

“More than 700 emperors ranked, so arrogant, hmph!”

“Looking at him, it seems that in this World’s First, he is determined to get ah!”

“Strong! Very strong!”

“Whoever says Chu Yan cultivation base is abolished, I will die him tenderly!”


After a long time, the silence was broken in an instant, and the audience was full of waves, and a variety of exclamations and heavy breathing sounded.

Undoubtedly, the sudden appearance of Chu Yan and the powerful debut at the last moment of the battle of Emperor List, surprised everyone.

At this moment, Chu Yan appeared, which caused a great impact on all genius.


Body flashed, before Chu Yan arrived at the Human Race camp, he looked at 8 Elder with a smile on his face and wandered around.

8 Elder’s face was wrinkled and he smiled and looked at Chu Yan with a look of excitement.

“Big brother, I will say you will come! Ha ha ha…” Situ fatty rushed to Chu Yan and was very happy.

“Senior Brother Chu, you …”

“Chu Yan, your cultivation base …”

A group of Human Race genius and 9 Elders surrounded Chu Yan. Although they had received the summons, they were still somewhat stunned.

“It’s just a chance!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

Human Race genius hearing this, all started together.

A little chance! ?

What kind of opportunity can make Emperor Bang Tao Envoy unable to peep at the cultivation base aura, this is a little opportunity! ?

“Chu Yan!”

At this moment, a strange noise sounded, a tall silhouette, striding forward.

Hearing the sound, Chu Yan turned his head and looked, but he saw that it was the genius of Ranked 1st, Long Tianyao!

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