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It seems to see that all the emperor genius’ relaxed expressions, in midair’s emperor’s emperor’s ambassador, but his lips are light, showing a strange smile.

“You should have heard that Soul Demon Purgatory is the battlefield of Antiquity God and Demon Great War!”

Hearing Emperor Bangtao ’s words, everyone is slightly nodded.

Regarding Soul Demon Purgatory, as the elite disciple of the Great Sect and forces, even if they have not been there, most of them have heard of it.

“Oh, then this ghost abyss is another Antiquity God and Demon Great War … battlefield trail!”

The word came to the ground, and the Emperor Gengens who had just looked relaxed were all eyes shrank, their faces full of surprise.

After a moment of sluggishness, on the square, several 1000 emperor genius burst into a pan.

“What !? Another relic of Antiquity God and Demon Great War !?”

“Fuck, what’s the difference with Soul Demon Purgatory !?”

“Nonsense, of course there is a difference! I haven’t heard of this ghost abyss, I’m afraid no one has ever been here to experience it!”

“No one has been here !? Everyone doesn’t know the situation of this ghost abyss, so it’s fair!”

“Fair, fart, you have to know, if no one has been here, how strong are the monsters, the number and the strength of this ghost abyss !?”

“This one….”


All the Emperor Geniuses in the square were all nervous about the “Ghost Abyss” that Emperor Emperor Bang said.

A secret realm that no one has entered, represents only danger!

This ghost abyss, obviously, is of the same rank as the sinister demon purgatory.

You know, in the soul demon purgatory, there are countless lost continent Peak powerhouses. The emperor genius of the Great Sect forces have to enter. Most of them are accompanied by Sect powerhouses, or have map guidance and the like.

And now, in the face of this ghost abyss, simply 2 eyes black, completely rely on strength to break through.

At the thought of this, the genius of the emperor list, all look pale, scalp tingling.

“Remember, the more monsters you kill, the higher your points, and the higher your rank will be! Ranked monsters, the corresponding points, when the 2nd round opens, will be announced together with your rank ranking. ! “

Emperor Di Bang Dao, apparently very satisfied with the reaction of all Di Bang genius, with a smile on his face, continued to explain the rules.

“Among the ghost abyss, you can slaughter! However, it does not affect the points!”

“All kinds of cards are used for endless use, but only monsters killed by hand can get points!”

“This time the battle of Guiyuan fights, the time is set at one month!”

“, …”

One by one, the rules are constantly announced, and the faces of all Emperor Gengens in the square are getting lower and lower.

You can slaughter, but no points! ?

It is equivalent to say that relying on strong strength and wanting to rob others’ points is not feasible.

Only monsters killed by hands have points. I am afraid that they are aimed at some genius with powerful beast slaves and yin puppets. If you want to kill monsters with beast slaves and yin puppies, it is also impossible.

In short, all the unorthodox way is blocked.

If you want to get more points in this battle of Ghost Abyss and improve ranks of the emperor list, you can only fight by yourself.

In the sky, Emperor Bangtao made it, suspended quietly …

After the announcement of the rules is over, wait for the time of hundred breaths, which can be regarded as the preparation time for all emperor genius.

Next, open the 2nd round entrance.

Hundred breaths time, soon passed, Emperor Bang Dao in the sky, waved his hand, 3 golden light gates in the square, shaking the void, appeared suddenly.

Chu Yan and other emperor list genius, according to the requirements of the emperor’s envoy, passed through the golden light gate and officially entered the range of ghost abyss.


The void around him trembles, the light flashes and dims, and within a few breaths, Chu Yan’s feet fall to the ground.

As soon as he looked up, looked towards all around, the sky’s devil qi formed a tidal wave, whistling across, blowing the black robe on his body, rising against the wind.

“Really strong demon qi !? More than 3 times stronger than Soul Demon Purgatory!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness came out, just a slight sense, suddenly eyes shined.

You know, the spirits of Soul Demon Purgatory are almost still. Although the Yin Baleful Qi breath is very strong, but there is no violentness in this ghost abyss.

For others, this is full of endless Yin Fiend Qi’s haunting, extremely dangerous, but for Chu Yan, it is a heaven defying cultivation place.

breathes deeply, the turbulence of the airflow, making the magical energy of all around, wrapped around the rich pole of Yin Fiend Qi, moved towards Chu Yan.

Feeling these magical energies, the holy Rakshasa true body in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly dried up, roar was about to break out of the body, but he was suppressed by Chu Yan.

The reason why St. Rakshasa true body is not allowed to appear is because the silhouette of 4 sides all directions, a followed by a, keeps flashing.

All the emperor genius, after coming out of the Void Transmission Passage, appeared one after another.

After striding out, Chu Yan was too lazy to watch all around’s genius, and he was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a group of people moved towards Chu Yan quickly.

“Chu Yan!”

The genius who walked in the front, aura is deep, and the cultivation base has reached the lower Martial Emperor Realm 9th Layer.

“This place of the abyss is extremely dangerous. One person’s strength is not enough to deal with it. Not equal to me, etc. form a team and hunt for points together. What do you think!”

With a word, the man had come to Chu Yan and looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

Chu Yan pupil light flashed slightly, looked around the crowd, his eyes were like ice, cold and indifferent, and directly refused.

“No need!”

Form a team! ?

It’s nice to say, but it’s just the disciples of these powerful forces who want to pull some backs.

As if, Chu Yan had heard a joke a long time ago.

2 people go on a mountain adventure together and discuss what happens when they encounter rare beast? One person said that we couldn’t match Monster Beast, but the other person said, I just need to run over you, and that’s it!

For this reason, simply is the same.

When encountering strong demon things, as long as someone is in front or escapes slower than themselves, they can use their lives to earn time for themselves to escape.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, don’t fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”

Behind Martial Emperor Realm genius with a black face, a muscular Martial Artist directly spoke to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, do you know who this is !?”

“He is famous, Young Patriarch of Yuwen Hongtian family! The strength is comparable to the existence of the median Martial Emperor. Foreign Domain Number One Genius!”

“We Yuwen Young Patriarch invites you, that’s what you can think of you, don’t be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer! I really thought I was the genius of the top 20 of the emperor list, hmph!”

Seeing Yuwen Young Patriarch complexion ashen, the group of genius who followed him, but 4 scattered, surrounded Chu Yan.

“Yuwen Family !?” Chu Yan hearing this, but was sneaked and said, “putting it that way, the Young Master of the big Aristocratic Family, is supporting me !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Yu Wenxiong ’s face was slightly better, said with a smile, “I ca n’t say it, I ’m doing it for your sake. With the strength of more than 700 ranks in your rankings, if you follow me, keep you safe!”

Yu Wenxiong’s emperor rank rank, 4 eleven.

This is the reason why he was proud in these 1000 emperor genius.

“And, I heard that Chu Yan, you are grappling, as if …”

Facing the endless Tao Wenxiong, Chu Yan’s patience was finally exhausted, and a trace of impatient expression flashed in his eyes.

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