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Too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, or to listen to the proud words of the other party, Chu Yan raised his hand and took it straight.


With a loud slap in the face, Yu Wenxiong’s face, a slapped hand seal, swelled high.

In an instant, everyone in the audience, his pupils shrunk, staring straight at Chu Yan, all of them were stupid, and they simply couldn’t react.

what’s the situation! ?

Just now … that Chu Yan, fanned Yu Wenxiong with a big mouth! ?

Too fast, is it wrong! ?

Yu Wenxiong is the lower Martial Emperor Realm 9th Layer, which is only one line away from the median Martial Emperor.

Moreover, Yuwen Family is a foreign continent, comparable to the Antiquity inheritance Aristocratic Family of the top ten racial forces, with strong strength!

How dare this Chu Yan …

All the talents, including Yu Wenxiong, staring at the eyes and sullen, suddenly reacted.

“You … dare you hit me !?” Yu Wenxiong stared at the bloodshot eyes and raised his finger to Chu Yan.

With this sound, Yu Wenxiong’s anger within the body burst out, and the whole body of True Qi rose frantically.

“I’m going to kill you!”

shouted loudly, Yu Wenxiong raised his hand is punched out, violent force, exploded a large void hole, straight to Chu Yan.

In front of so many people, he was faced by a human brat with more than 700 ranks in the emperor list, which made Yu Wenxiong how to bear it.

I do n’t have a good lesson. How can I mix myself in this abyss, how can I mix in a continent in a foreign domain? ?

“hmph! ”

Seeing Yu Wenxiong shot, Chu Yan coldly snorted, his right fist was raised, and he burst out straight.

The genius of the emperor list, with a stunned face, just looked at it, one red and one gold, two fists, collided in front of them.


The moment when the fists touched, the moment when the power of terror hit his fist, the pupils of Yu Wenxiong’s eyes shrank suddenly, and there was a look of fear on his face, and he wanted to regret it, but it was too late.

Boom … Rumble!

Energetic, the explosion exploded in an instant. Golden Dragon Shadow’s fist, roaring the void, shattered Yu Wenxiong’s fist and fist directly, hitting his chest heavily.

Poor Yu Wenxiong, even the body protection Gang Yuan was too late to urge, was directly blasted by 10000 dragons.

After flying 100 steps backwards, he rolled down to the ground. Like a bottle gourd, it brought up dust and hit a mountain rock before stopping.

At this moment, everyone in the audience, staring at cattle-like eyes, all stood still on the spot.

Especially the muscular man who just represented the master son Yu Wenxiong and scolded Chu Yan, even with a big mouth that could stuff a cow, was completely stupid.

What … what happens! ?

One fist blasted Yu Wenxiong! ?

That is the presence of the next Martial Emperor Realm 9th Layer, rank 4 eleven!

“Yuwen Young Master, it seems that with your strength, I can’t guarantee my safety!” Chu Yan closed his fist, looked towards the distance, covered in gray, Yuwen Xiong, who climbed from the ground, his face coldly said.

This word fell to the ground, all around the emperor list genius, all look pale, no one dared to say one more word.

“You … dare you hit me !? You … kind of!”

Struggling to stand in shape, a blood-stained Yu Wenxiong, his eyes full of light, looked at Chu Yan, the whole body was murderous aura rushing

“Today, I must kill you! I want you to know, my true strength of Yu Wenxiong!”

A path of fire-colored rays of light, from within Yuwen Xiongquan, constantly erupted.

“die for me !”

The sound exploded, Yu Wenxiong raised his hand and waved, a sword with a whole body of flame rushing appeared, and raising his hand was a flame blade glow, moved towards Chu Yan.

The fire knife roared, rolled up the waves of fire, and burned the magic energy of all around into nothingness.

The emperor genius all around felt the formidable power of this flame blade glow, and his body shuddered as if his whole body were to melt.

The might of this move, the strength of the next Martial Emperor 9th Layer, show its fullness!

Seeing the flame blade glow falling, Chu Yan looked up, his mouth light, his head slightly shook, his right hand raised, almost punched out just like before.

Boom … rumbling!

The fist exploded into the void, and the golden dragon of 10000 dragons slammed into the sky and burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, Dragon Shadow collided with the flame blade glow. The blade glow was like crystals, bursting apart and bursting apart.

The strength of Long Jin Quan Gang did not weaken in the slightest, hitting Yu Wenxiong, and a screaming sounded, Yu Wenxiong was once again flying.


Yu Wenxiong, who had drawn a parabola in the air, spouted a big mouth of blood mist, which was obviously heavier than the last time he was injured.

Smashing the ground beyond 1000 steps, there was no movement.

“True strength !?”

Chu Yan glanced, Yu Wenxiong lying on the ground like a dead dog, disdain coldly snorted and said “It seems that it’s not too good!”

Chu Yan, who possesses the spirit of Chaos, is now comparable in strength to an Aristocratic Family Young Master.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, looked around the audience, and opened the mouth and said coldly

“Who else !? Keep me safe !?”

While speaking, Chu Yan looked at the muscular man who had just clamored.

The muscular man, seeing Chu Yan’s gaze swept away, was suddenly scared of complexion changed, his whole body was shaking, he waved his hands repeatedly, retreated several steps, and his entire face became green.


Standing tall, pulling a residual image in the air, Chu Yan disappeared directly on the spot.

After Chu Yan left the full ten breaths time, those stiff emperor genius finally reacted and ran towards Yu Wenxiong in the distance.

Wait for them to lift Yuwen Xiong up to check his injury.

However, at a glance, I saw the trauma on Yu Wenxiong’s body, horrible to see, everyone unable to bear Qi Qi suck in a breath of cold air.

The inner armor of Spirit Treasure of Emperor Realm was blown out of a big hole, and even Yu Wenxiong’s chest was hollowed out.

The lower Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse fleshy body is absolutely comparable to a Spirit Treasure.

In other words, Chu Yan casually’s punch just blasted 2 pieces of Spirit Treasure, this …

Looking at Yu Wenxiong, True Qi was scattered all over the body, and the outgas was less than the inflow, as if he had to hang at any time.

Everyone slowly looked up, looking towards the direction where Chu Yan had just left, his face was pale, and his pupils kept shaking.

With one punch, the Young Patriarch of Aristocratic Family Yuwen! ?

“That Chu Yan’s strength … seems to be …” One of them shuddered.

“Good! Chu Yan’s cultivation base seems to be ranked with the emperor list, which is not very consistent!”

“Terrifying! It seems that his cultivation base, even Martial Emperor Realm has not arrived, just the quasi-imperial Peak!”

“If this allowed him to break through the Martial Emperor Realm, let alone restore the rank of the original Emperor Ranking, I am afraid that it will impact the top 10!”

“Human Race…. How could this evildoer be cultivated !?”


The genius of the emperor list in the audience was shocked and difficult to determine, all with a look on his face, the more he feared the more he thought.

By this time, Chu Yan had flown to beyond a thousand li… ..

In the dense fog of endless magical energy, only the situation within the square li can be seen vaguely.

And Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, just spread out, attracted a powerful monster, directly blocking Chu Yan’s way.

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