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Lu Tianming’s affirmative answer was obtained, and Yin Yin’s tricks were turned on, making Lu Tianming’s eyes become red-hot. Yu Wen’s ambition suddenly became very proud.

With a glance, he flew directly to the Human Race camp and walked up to Chu Yan with a high face, with a malicious smile

“Boy, dare to provoke me Yu Wenxiong, you are the first!”

Hearing the sound, Chu Yan raised his head, looked towards Yu Wenxiong, browses slightly wrinkle, and suddenly remembered that this person was the Young Master of the Yu Wen Aristocratic Family who was beaten by himself before the 2nd round began.

“Come again to beat !?” Chu Yan coldly smiled said.

“Hmph! Boy, you are waiting to die! This time, I asked Lu Senior Brother to help me, as long as you are in the ring, you will definitely die!”

“When the time comes, you will know, provoke me to the end!”

Speaking of which, Yu Wenxiong’s face, killing intent surging, looked at Chu Yan and the crowd of Human Race Elders behind him, raised his finger, pointed to the crowd

“And you guys, Human Race! When this kid dies, my Yuwen Aristocratic Family will also let you Human Race, completely continent wiped out from the outer domain!”

“Treasure this last time! Ha ha ha… ..”

The more he said, the more excited, and the more proud he was, as if Yu Wenxiong, whose Heaven and Earth were at his feet, laughed in the sky.

“Weak, wise!”

Chu Yan looked at the other person’s expression, but shook the head, opened the mouth and said.

“What !? You … cough cough … cough cough …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Yu Wenxiong burst into laughter and almost suffocated!

“Little … kid, you are dead, you are dead!” Yu Wenxiong flushed, coughing, and growled at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan, who looked disgusted at the face, shook the head. He glanced at Yu Wenxiong with the same gaze as Bai Bai. He turned directly and walked to the side.

Why is it that every time, before the war starts, you will encounter such a disgusting guy, it is really a bad mood.

“you you…”

Yu Wenxiong, who was ignored by Chu Yan, looked at Chu Yan’s background and fiercely twitched his mouth twice. You have been helpless for a long time, but you just gritted your teeth and turned back.

In his view, Chu Yan was a dead man right away, and angry for the dead was not worth it.

The scene happening here is naturally all around, the other Sect forces who are also waiting, as well as the emperor genius, look in the eyes.

For Chu Yan’s blatant bid against Yuwen’s Aristocratic Family, all Elder and genius shook their heads.

After all, the war is imminent, at this time offending Great Influence such as Yu Wen Aristocratic Family, there is no benefit.

With all around eyes and discussion, Chu Yan simply did n’t care. When he walked around, he wanted to get close to the main battle stage, and to the three gangsters on the battle stage.

These three people gave Chu Yan a very special feeling, especially the black robe old man, the aura on his body, which made Chu Yan a little puzzled.

So, after Chu Yan was ready to get closer, he used Qilin’s pupil to peep carefully.

However, after a few steps, suddenly, a strange sound sounded.

“Yi!? Brother Chu !?”

Crying out in surprise, Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment and looked at it, but found that he met an acquaintance.

“Brother Miaolian!”

Chu Yan looked towards that man, arching his hand with a chuckle.

With a yellow robe and a rosary in hand, it is the wonderful lotus residence of Daen Temple.

After several years of refining experience, the two people are already familiar with each other.

“Haha, I finally met! We were not in a small world in 1st round. When I was in 2nd round, I was looking for an ancient relic and concentrated on cultivation. But I lost the opportunity to meet Brother Chu.

Upon seeing Chu Yan, Miaolian Anju immediately strode forward with passion and said with a smile.

“Ancient relics !? Again gaining !?”

Chu Yan smiled and immediately remembered that Miaolian lived in the last battle on the ancient martial arts battlefield.

“Hehe, it’s okay!” Miao Lianju smiled, her mouth lightly raised, and her face was obviously rewarding.

However, Chu Yan knows that he doesn’t like to win or lose, but he is more interested in treasure wealth.

Chatting with Miaolian Anju, Chu Yan urged Qilin’s pupil, moved towards the stage and swept away the three Ten Directions Star Domain gangsters.

However, the gap between the cultivation base is too large. Chu Yan’s pupil of Qilin can find nothing but the approximate cultivation base.

But Chu Yan vaguely affirmed that the double Top Sect gangster in black robe should be the magic of cultivation.

In other words, this double Top Sect should be demonic path Sect.

According to Chu Yan’s understanding, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, in addition to Primeval Beginning Palace, the dark temple of demonic path is also extremely powerful.

Even before, the Southern God Emperor Chu Yan met was destroyed in the hands of the Dark Temple.

Chu Yan had promised Emperor God of the South to do something for him, and this matter was related to the Dark Temple.

Over time, not long after, a huge golden light rose into the sky above the huge imperial palace.

Buzz …!

Void tremor, Thunder Nine Heavens.

The Golden Spirit Array opened, and the majestic Heavenly Dao’s prestige rushed down and enveloped the audience.

“Everyone! The 3rd round of the emperor list battle, start!”

General Golden Armor, headed up, glanced up at the sky, then stepped out and announced loudly.

His voice sounded, and the entire Palace Square, whether in or out, was immediately quiet.

Next is the announcement of the rules, including three introductions from Ten Directions Star Domain Sect.

With within the body, it’s not much different from 8 Elder’s explanation of Chu Yan.

Golden armor, he is more careful. He talked about one hour, especially the introduction to Primeval Beginning Palace, which is more specific.

Leading to the square, Young Emperor is not genius, his eyes are red.

Obviously, as the representative of Primeval Beginning Palace, it is hoped that several outstanding disciplines will be included in the continent’s emperor list battle.

The 3rd round of genius battles is divided into initial battles, rematches and decisive battles.

In the first battle, all the emperor list genius were eliminated by sea election. Only 400 people remained, and they were eligible to enter the rematch.

In the resumption of war, regardless of success or failure, as long as the performance is good, with the approval of the three big brothers on stage, they will have the opportunity to enter the three cases.

The top 50 are determined in the rematch, all of them are eligible to enter the 3 cases, but the top 1 in the emperor list have the qualification to choose which one.

Of course, this choice, as long as your strength and innate talent are strong enough, it will surely cause 3 cases, open up favorable conditions, and be selected.

Basically, an Inner Sect disciple, or elite disciple, is not difficult.

Even, there will be a strong Spirit Treasure and Emperor’s art, as the recruitment conditions, it is not uncommon.

After the rules are announced, it is the row number.

The genius within the 2000 ranks all got a number plate with numbers on it, which is the ranked number of the 2nd round of the ranks.

The 3 gangsters grouped the 2nd round ranked top genius.

Basically, the top 50, in the first battle, will not meet.

This is a nice reward!

After all, this is a knockout battle. Everyone has only one chance. If you lose, you are knocked out.

Therefore, there is no willingness to hit a strong opponent on the 1st round, directly losing qualifications and opportunities.

The ranking ends, and the initial battle begins directly.

Above the square, ten golden battle stages were divided into 100 areas by the Spirit Array. In one round of battle, there were 100 battles and 200 people played at the same time.

In this way, it only takes about 20 rounds and the initial battle will be over.

Chu Yan glanced at the serial number of War Zone, and he will not play until the 3rd round.

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