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The battle stage starts and the silhouette rushes to fly.

First Stage, the 200 emperor genius, flew to the battle stage, and the battle broke out with a single order.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All kinds of martial skill, True Qi and Martial Soul were urged together. In an instant, on the 4 golden battle stages, they were all masterpieces of lightning, True Qi soaring into the sky.

Up to now, this is the key issue.

First Stage battles are almost determined to succeed or fail, no one will keep any hands, only to win to continue.

After one battle is over, the next one will start. Each War Zone will almost not stop.

Less than an hour later, it was Chu Yan’s turn.


Flying to the stage and landing steadily, Chu Yan looked up and saw the other party, but it was started.

“Sky Spirit Sect !?”

Seeing the other party’s Zong robe, Chu Yan’s mouth suddenly lifted, and a smile appeared on his face.

It’s really a coincidence that the opponent of First Stage is the discipline of Sky Spirit Sect.

Seeing that the opponent was Chu Yan, the Sky Spirit Sect disciple named Li Dongze, he suddenly grinned, and the play on his face was particularly conspicuous.

“Boy, count your bad luck!”

Looking up towards Chu Yan, Li Dong carried his hands on his shoulders and opened the mouth and said Yan Yan as a senior.

“We Senior Brother Lu confessed that if anyone meets you, you must abandon your cultivation base.”

“Lu Tianming !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s pupil light suddenly froze.

Between him and Lu Tianming, it was just a two-sentence ending, didn’t expect, this Lu Tianming would be in the same sect, and he would abandon his cultivation base.

Originally, I just won the battle, and my mind suddenly changed.

Then looked up towards Li Dongze’s pupil light, a cold flame emerged.

“Of course, my Sky Spirit Sect is Great prestigious families, so Lu Senior Brother is very kind and gives you a chance!”

Li Dong was proud and raised his chin, and each minding their own business said there, not paying attention to the change in Chu Yan’s expression.

“This opportunity is that you kneel in front of me, call 3 grandfather, and swear, to my Sky Spirit Sect 100 years of slavery, I can let you go!”

“How about, this is already a case for you … um !? You …”

With a glance, Li Dong finally found out that Chu Yan’s True Qi kept pouring out, with killing intent eyes looking straight towards himself.

“You … don’t admit defeat !?”

Seeing Chu Yan’s appearance, Li Dong was stunned, and some reactions were overwhelming.

In the battle of the Emperor Rankings, although it depends on its strength, in the previous battles, some small forces of Martial Artists, when they saw the powerful discipline, almost did not dare to take the initiative.

After all, if the weak weak discipline wins the opponent, he will worry that the opponent will come to trouble after the war.

Therefore, when Li Dong saw Chu Yan without saying a word, he urged True Qi directly, which was a bit stunned.

“Hmph! Courting death!”

After the reaction, Li Dong will be polite there, running True Qi all over the body, instantaneously rushing.

Oh la la !

A huge wave of waves set off behind Li Dongze, rushing out of the huge waves hiding the sky and covering the earth, quickly gaining momentum.

This Li Dongze, cultivation is the water line a, including Martial Soul, all are water line attributes.

It can be said that being able to mix with elite disciple in Sky Spirit Sect relies on water line attribute specialization.

In addition, Li Dong ’s cultivation of “The Water and the Sky” is one of the 3 Earth Grade cultivation techniques rarely seen in Sky Spirit Sect.

Not only does it defend against invincible, but it also attacks, whether it is a single fight or a group fight, the formidable power is extremely amazing.

Because of this, Li Dong is in the Sky Spirit Sect, which is also the genius of ranked top 10.

With his current strength, in the lower Martial Emperor Realm 5th Layer realm, almost the same level of invincible exists.

Therefore, even if Chu Yan does not surrender, in Li Dong’s view, it is only a few tricks.

“Boy, this is your own courting death!”

In a word, Li Dong raised his hand with a palm and shot it horizontally. The monstrous water wave behind him moved with the air and turned into a huge water wave palm seal, moved towards Chu Yan.

This palm shot, all around watching Martial Artist, Qi Qi complexion changed.

Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, if combined with a powerful cultivation technique and martial skill, then the formidable power, just seeing, makes people Divine Soul tremble.


“God, First Stage met Li Dongze of Heaven Spirit Sect, the Martial Artist of Human Race, I am afraid it is over!”

“Unfortunately, I thought he could survive the first battle, no chance,”

“Li Dong took at least 50% of his power, not to mention a quasi-imperial rank, even if it is of the same rank, I am afraid it will not be able to connect.”

“It’s over! It’s over!”


The exclamation of all around was turbulent. When I saw Li Dong, he was very excited, and the other party was still a Human Race dark horse, and the top 50 of the emperor list.

Therefore, the War Zone where Chu Yan is located immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Even Lu Tianming, Sky Spirit Sect, turned his head, his mouth lightly hooked, sneaked, said

“Boy, you have no chance to meet me, you are good luck!”

Lu Tianming is very clear about Li Dongze’s strength.

Therefore, Chu Yan, a quasi-imperialist cultivation base, is not in his eyes at all. Even if he has several strengths, he is definitely an opponent of Li Dongze.

Sure enough, flipping the palm seal of the heaven overflowing giant wave, with the earth-shattering momentum, fiercely fell and directly hit Chu Yan.

This palm is not only amazing, but also extremely fast.

Everyone in the audience watched dumbfounded. Chu Yan’s silhouette was completely swallowed by the palm seal.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire battle stage shuddered suddenly, the palm seal exploded, violently surged, all around the void, all shattered.

Li Dong glanced at it, and sneered at once, this human brat, his attitude was so arrogant, and his strength was merely this.

It seems that it takes only one trick to solve it.

Even if he is good luck, he can retrieve a life, at least it is the result of a serious injury.

However, next, when the energy on the opposite side spread out, Li Dong glanced across his face and smiled, but it instantly solidified.

“No … impossible!”

I saw that the violent surge of vitality center hit the black robe and greeted Feng Feiyang. The tall figure stood upright like a mountain.

The human brat, standing there, there is a thing there, not even a wrinkle on the clothes.

Li Dongze, who glared at Boss, looked at Chu Yan in the center of 4 Qiqi, his mouth wide open, his eyes almost burst out.

“Sky Spirit Sect, also just this!”

Chu Yan sneered, punched out.


The dragon was galloping, roaring the void, and the golden dragon shadow fist turned into a lightning, blasting straight to Li Dongze.

The sound of thunder moved exploded, but the fist of 10000 dragons did not hit Li Dongze, but hit the huge wave of water behind him.

There, it is the Martial Soul field of Li Dongze.

Boom … rumbling!

Just like the Long Potian wave, the sky was blasted, and the huge tide field was directly bombarded into a big hole.


Martial Soul’s field was broken, and the force of the riots backlash. Li Dong shuddered, ejecting a large mouth of blood mist, and his feet retreated.

True Qi in a water line was broken in an instant, and the monstrous aura just disappeared for half.

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