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With the sky, the powerful Diwei formed a large area of ​​5 colorful clouds and surged with the wind.

Everyone’s eyes instantly became frozen.

Holy Emperor!

Almost at the same time, everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was shaking at the same time.

Shengyun is everywhere!

This is the hallmark of the Holy Emperor!

didn’t expect, actually there is a person Shengdi powerhouse, coming to Lingyun Pavilion.

However, all the people looked up at the sky and looked at the silhouette of the 5 colorful Saint Clouds, but they all looked stunned.

Because, no one knows, who is this Holy Emperor!

After all, above the continent of the outer realm, the emperor of the emperor can count with one palm.

The emperor in front of him is obviously not a continent in the outer realm.

On Lingyun Square, the top three Sects, Tianya Haige, Loulan Mountain 3 forces, just looked at the sky and suddenly changed their faces.

Others don’t know, but they are clear.

This person is really the Jinhong Saint Emperor, one of the Ten Great Saint Emperors of the lone Star Domain in Ten Directions Star Domain.

The so-called Lone Star Domain is of course more than ten Saints, but the Ten Great Saints are the ten most powerful.

Ten Directions Star Domain, a total of 9 blocks of continent, and the lone Star Domain is one of them. Although the area is the smallest, it is also nearly ten times the size of the foreign domain continent.

Everyone’s eyes, all gathered on the sky, the piece of 5 colorful holy clouds falling.

When St. Cloud landed, Lin Elder, Ding Elder, and Loulan beauty Elder, 3 people got up at the same time and bowed saluted.

“Pay respects to Jinhong Shengdi!”

“Pay respects to Jinhong Shengdi!”

“Pay respects to Jinhong Shengdi!”

Although the Double Sea Territory where the Tianya Sea Pavilion is located, and the 3 mountains where the Loulan Mountain is located, are more powerful than the Lone Star Domain, but in the face of the arrival of the Holy Emperor, the Ten Directions Star Domain of strength is respected, visiting saluted is a must etiquette.

After all, in Ten Directions Star Domain, the dignity of the emperor represents the existence of Martial Dao Peak.

“Hehe, polite, polite!”

Jinhong Shengdi shook his jade fan gently with a smile on his face, but he was extremely easy-going. After nodded the salute, he strode out and went directly to the main stage to Ling Shuangtian and 3 Great Influence.

“This is Ling Pavilion Lord! Under Jinhong, turn up without being invited, no stranger, no stranger, hehehe …”

Looking at Ling Shuangtian, Jin Hong Shengdi said with a smile.

“There, there, Jinhong Saint Emperor can come, it is a great honor for me Lingyun Pavilion!”

In Ling Shuangtian’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, the relevant introduction of the high priest echoed, and there was a look of surprise on his face. He reacted quickly and quickly replied.

“Good! Good! That’s good!”

After finishing his speech, Jin Hong Shengdi was also polite. He glanced over and sat directly on the chairman of Ling Shuangtian. He picked up a glass of spirit wine and took a drink.

This scene fell in the eyes of others, but did not dare to have any objections.

Although it was the hobble that took the lead and occupied the position of the host, but the family is the Holy Emperor. ?

“Just now, I think everyone seems to be arguing!”

After a glass of spirit wine, Jin Hong Shengdi raised his head, his pupil flashed a few times in the skin, and looked at everyone present, and opened the mouth and said softly.

“In my opinion, it’s just a trivial matter. Don’t hurt the peace between continent and Ten Directions Star Domain in the field!”

“Bi Yi, 100 10,000 years ago, 2 sides continent, the boundary contract made, but as evidenced by Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao, it is the blood vow, and the guarantees of those …”

While speaking, Jin Hong Shengdi bowed his hands as a ritual, and went to pay homage to the void before proceeding.

“Why not, let me make a suggestion and handle things properly, what do you think !?”

While speaking, Jinhong Shengdi always had a smile on his face, and a pair of golden light eyes flashed back and forth between the continent gangster in the outer domain and the Ten Directions Star Domain 3 Great Influence gangster.

Coupled with the main position he sits in, it is right in the middle of the two sides. The imposing manner of the whole person is like Mount Tai Shi dare to suppress the audience.

“May I listen to the arrangement of the Holy Emperor!”

3 The big brothers of Great Influence glanced at each other and quickly replied.

“I don’t know Jinhong Shengdi, any suggestions !?”

Ling Shuangtian glanced at the high priest, but received a “careful” gaze. Ling Shuangtian’s face remained unchanged, but instead of directly agreeing, he asked.

“Today, it was your sect’s celebration!”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s question, Jinhong Shengdi smiled lightly and said

“So, according to the rules of the celebration, there should be a competition for martial arts!”

“As for the issues you have just debated, I think it is better to let the younger generations of both sides, genius, friends with martial arts, compete and compete.”

“In the end, the winner is respected, and the other parties follow the decision of the winner and convince by mouth!”

“What do you think?”

After finishing the words of Jinhong Shengdi, he looked up towards both sides, but found that the continent side of the outer domain was frowned.

“Oh, there is another point. Today is a celebration, and both sides are in harmony. So, in the competition, it is still up to the point, and Martial Soul, the card, etc. are not allowed.

“And, for the sake of fairness, I personally laid out the Formation to suppress the cultivation base of the genius, and keep the same cultivation base realm!”

The words landed on the continent side of the foreign domain and the emperor genius, suddenly looked relaxed.

What’s more, militants like Miaolian Anju and Little White Bear have even brighter eyes.

I was originally worried that Ten Directions Star Domain 3 Great Influence and genius cultivation base are powerful. If it is a battle, it is not an opponent at all.

Now, the Holy Emperor takes action, lays down the Formation, and presses both cultivation bases to be the same, but it is a possible fight.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, Jiang Great Elder, high priest, I believe you also want to take this opportunity to see the strength of Ten Directions Star Domain genius. At the same time, if you can win it, is it not a good opportunity to inspire Zongwei !?”

Jinhong Shengdi spoke again, persuading speaking of which.

However, Ling Shuangtian was only eyes flashed, and his face became cold.

This comparison seems fair, but in fact there is still a gap.

Imagine that Martial Artist battle strength is determined by Martial Soul, cultivation base and cultivation technique. Even if it is Jinhong Martial Emperor, Martial Soul and cultivation base are sealed.

But Ten Directions Star Domain’s strong Great Influence, inside the sect disciple’s cultivation technique, is definitely more powerful than the foreign domain’s continent cultivation technique.

Cultivation technique determines True Qi level and fleshy body strength and weakness, which are the basics of Martial Artist.

Fighting with such a gap, the continent of the foreign domain has little hope of victory!


Now it is the Holy Emperor who has spoken, and there are 3 Great Influence Tigers, who simply cannot say no.

Ling Shuangtian had already rejected it once, and now the Holy Emperor is doing it. If Ling Shuangtian refuses again, this matter cannot be properly closed. When the time comes, if the face is torn, the consequences may be more serious.

Ling Shuangtian’s eyes swept, looked towards 3 Great Influence and Jin Hong Shengdi, his mind vaguely guessing.

I am afraid that all this is good for them to collude in advance!

Otherwise, look at the 3 Great Influence, why did you deliberately bring inside the sect genius disciple, this is not prepared early! ?

Moreover, Ling Shuangtian can still feel that they are not just for Chu Yan, I am afraid there are other larger plans.

“I … Lingyun Pavilion is willing to fight!”

After pondering for a long time, Ling Shuangtian finally nodded and promised.

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