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Ling Shuangtian’s words were like a drum of war.

As the master, after Ling Shuangtian’s resignation, other strong conects of the foreign domain will naturally not refuse.

And, from the bottom of my heart, for Ten Directions Star Domain, they also have a heart of war.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second, history has always been so.


Jiang Yuchuan shouted again, and his eyes were crimson.

“My Demi-God clan is always fighting, but I don’t refuse to fight! I don’t believe it. My Demi-God clan’s genius disciple is worse than their Ten Directions star weir!

In his words, like a fire star, all around, all the Great Sect forces in the foreign domain who came to the celebration, were all lit.

“that’s right!”

The wooden scepter in the hands of the high priest took a heavy meal and suddenly turned his head, looking towards the Miaolian living behind him.

With this glare, Miaolian Anju felt only a tremor in her calf, and an unclear feeling suddenly appeared in her heart.

However, as the Number One Genius of Daen Temple, he can never escape.

“This time, the 3 Great Influence, but all are Ten Directions Star Domain, the continent of the first 5 parties, I don’t believe it, can I be strong there?”

The Elder of the Ta tribe is a robust man. At this time, Chen Yuanzhi, their sect, is one of the top ten, who just happened to come to the celebration.

“Didn’t expect, things will come to this step, 3 Great Influence plus Jinhong Shengdi, our outland continent, can only engage in battle!”

Like the Tazu, Tiger Mountain Elder also took Guo Yishan to attend the celebration of Chu Yan.

The Star Peak battle is just over. Although Chu Yan won in the end, most of the newly-generated top ten in the Emperor Rankings, most of the genius, are convinced by Chu Yan.

Therefore, at this time, except for the Malay and Sky Spirit Sect, no one was sent to the celebration. The top ten genius of the emperor list, there were 5 people present.

With such a lineup, the big Sect forces of continent in the foreign domain are full of heart.

“Fight! Fear they are birds!”

“That is, this time, as long as they are defeated, they will not dare to bully my foreign continent in the future!”

“Yes, even if you lose, you have to defeat a few of them.

“It makes sense! No loss anyway, fight!”


You said it to me, under everyone talking at once, a group of gangsters from outside the country settled down directly.

Behind them, the emperor genius of the continent of the outer domain also surging in battle intent, and the whole body aura kept pouring out.

Such a good opportunity, regardless of winning or losing, has a very important effect on their Martial Dao cultivation base.

“Okay! Now that everyone has decided!”

After some discussion, Ling Shuangtian saw everyone’s battle intent boiling, and opened the mouth and said

“All of our Sects unite together and fight with Ten Directions Star Domain!”

The Holy Emperor Jinhong sitting above the throne heard a continent from the outer domain, and a smile appeared on his face.

Inadvertently, Jinhong Shengdi’s eyes swept the directions of Double Top Sect, Tianya Haige and Loulan Mountain not far away, and his mouth was light.

The big brothers of 3 Great Influence are also ecstatic.

Finally entered the pit!

It took so much effort, so big circles, and finally let them obediently obey.

“I will preside over this battle. The rules are very simple!”

Emperor Jinhong glanced back and forth after seeing the two sides unanimously, and then announced.

“We will play 5 players each time on both sides, and finally, 3 wins in 2 innings! How !?”

In a word, Ten Directions Star Domain, nodded directly

“Okay! Just do what Jin Hong Shengdi said!”

However, outside the continent, a group of gangsters are complexion sank, brows slightly wrinkle

“This …. 3 games are too few !?”

The high priest spoke directly and offered different opinions.

“Good! 3 games are too few!” The other big guys were also nodded.

In their view, this time, but their genius inside the sect, a good opportunity to fight Ten Directions Star Domain genius.

Therefore, if there are too few innings, maybe there is no chance of playing in the first game, which is a pity.

“Okay! Then change to 5 innings and 3 wins!”

Jin Hong Shengdi seemed to speak very well, and, before every decision, he did not need to discuss with 3 Great Influence.


Jiang Yuchuan looked at the big man next to him and tentatively asked

“Since it’s Three Great Sects, it’s better to change to 5 rounds per case … Of course, allowing them to play in the same person … 2 times!”

The high priest, worthy of being an old man, glanced at the number of genius behind 3 Great Influence, opened his mouth and said after a little deep pondering.

His proposal can not only be avoided, within 3 Great Influence, a powerful genius, Lien Chan has 5 innings.

At the same time, it also allows the continent of the foreign domain to have at least one chance to play in almost every major powerhouse.

This phrase hits the ground, and continent tycoons from outside the region, including Jinhong Shengdi, all turned their heads, looking towards 3 Great Influence.

“No problem! Just follow your rules!”

But didn’t expect, the three gangsters, who didn’t even want to think about it, agreed directly with nodded.

“Okay! Since that’s the case, let’s get started!”

When Emperor Jinhong opened his mouth, the right hand lifted slightly, just a wave, and nearly 10000 table cases in the middle of Lingyun Square were all turned into powder.

In addition to the one in front of him, at the same time, a large piece of golden light, like a golden flowing cloud, rushed to the middle of the square and began to continually surging, it seemed that it was condensing into a formation like a field.

Obviously, Jinhong Shengdi has already started to arrange the battlefield.

“Everyone spreads out and gives up the middle position!”

Ling Shuangtian is also shouted loudly, making the crowd around all quickly give way to the place.

In less than a few breaths, the venue was completed in an instant.

Golden’s Formulation covers almost half of Lingyun Square’s area, enough for fighting.

The two sides began to choose to play genius. In a team battle of 5 players like this, not only the strength but also the cooperation.

Outside the continent side, the first stage is played by Tiger Mountain Zong Tian, ​​led by Guo Yishan.

However, Saintess of the Demi-God family and Qin Qian’er of Dark Sky Sect also joined in.

The top 2 of the 4 emperor rankings can be said to be a luxury lineup, plus the Saintess of the Demi-God family, which is good at assisting skills and can improve the other 1 people, and many battle strength.

On the other hand, 3 Great Influence seems to be extremely casual, and there is not even discussion. When I saw the continent of the foreign domain, I sent 2 female Martial Artists and the beauty of Loulan Mountain Elder and waved gently.

Behind him were five female disciplines, all beautiful and alluring. They turned over the toilet. In each hand, there was a silver needle with a foot and a forearm length.


Guo Yishan led the team, waved his big hand, continent 5th genius in the outfield, and then stepped directly into the golden knot within the realm.

At the same time, there are 5 female disciplines in Loulan Mountain.

“First battle, start!”

Jin Hong Shengdi opened his mouth and announced the start of the battle.

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