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A thunderbolt-like roar resounded through the audience like a wave that swept through the rostrum.

In the face of such a declaration of war, the big brothers and genius of 3 Great Influence all changed their faces.

As the forces and disciplines of Ten Directions Star Domain, they were even oppressed by a native, which made them accept it.

“Everyone, this Chu Yan is just bluffing!”

Double Top Sect Lin Elder, stood up and faced 3 Great Influence everyone, Divine Consciousness sound transmission Road

“In a series of battles, this child has already fought a crossbow, and his hole cards have already been exhausted. As long as you take care to avoid being close, it is not difficult to deal with!”

The sound transmission sounded, and the eyes of 3 Great Influence’s gangsters and genius.

Not bad!

This Chu Yan has fought several battles in a row, and each battle is fierce.

This leapfrog battle, even the genius of the cream of the crop, is also impossible.

According to common sense, this Chu Yan, now whether it is True Qi or Fleshy body power, or even Martial Soul power, is definitely very expensive.

“So, next, the rest of our genius, go together, and scrap him directly!”

Hearing Lin Elder’s words, the other two sects of Elder, as well as the disciples, all were nodded, and the eyes in the eyes were shining at the same time.

“Double Top Sect disciple, all play!”

“Tianya Haige disciple, give me!”

“Lou Lanshan, go and kill him!”

3 Elders, turned around at the same time, issued a Slaughter Order to the few inside the sect genius disciple, Divine Consciousness sound transmission behind him.

With this arrangement, 10000 will be guaranteed!

But that Chu Yan is not a strong crossbow, as long as 3 disciplines, all together, nearly fifteen genius disciple, enough to abolish him.

“En !?”

On the Lingyun Square in the distance, on the podium of Chu Yan looked towards, the pupil light flashed.

shua! shua! shua! shua!

Then, on the rostrum, a large sky-splitting sound sounded.

3 Great Influence, the remaining fifteen genius disciple, the silhouette turned into a cloud tide, all flocked to Lingyun Square.

Fifteen genius disciple, while urging True Qi, Spirit Treasure Spirit Armament of various emperors, outburst of rays of light, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the imposing manner brought together, forming a terrifying threat, Surge all directions.


“This … so many people !?”

“Three Great Sects, what are you doing !? How do you get so many people !?”

“Oh my god, they wouldn’t just think …”

Throughout the Lingyun Square, all the continent tycoons and disciplines in the outer domain swept through the dozen or so imposing manners of the three disciplines in a rainbow, all looked pale, and they couldn’t believe it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan and the High Priest broke out Diwei directly, and they stood up with angry faces.

How can they also didn’t expect that the three cases of Ten Directions Star Domain will be so shameless.

“Ha ha ha, don’t get excited, 3!”

Lin Elder saw Ling Shuangtian 3 people were angry, suddenly laughed, opened the mouth and said

“This is what Chu Yan said himself. One person challenged all our 3 recipes. How many of us did not seem to violate the rules?”

Hearing this, the three gangsters in Ling Shuangtian’s eyes were red.


Can there be more shameless than these guys! ?

First, the wheel battle, after consuming most of Chu Yan’s True Qi, then attack together …

Such behavior, do not Ten Directions Star Domain, Hooligan fighting in the ordinary person, the street, will not be so nasty!

This earless cheek level almost reaches the heinous level!

These Three Great Sects, when they first came to Lingyun Pavilion, each and everyone looked arrogant, all of them put on a stupid expression of aloof and remote, but now, they are doing this kind of thing that is unscrupulous and makes everyone shameless. Come.

The power of Ten Directions Star Domain seems to be stronger than Martial Dao, stronger than the continent of the outer domain. In this shameless errant direction, it is far better!

In the next moment, Ling Shuangtian, the three foreign gangsters, did not directly argue with Lin Elder, but turned their heads together and looked towards the Jinhong Holy Emperor sitting in the middle.

This Emperor Jinhong, but the host of this battle!

“Well …”

Seeing the three big men with glaring eyes, Jin Hong Shengdi was hesitant and hesitant to speak.

For the Three Great Sects, this Jinhong Saint Emperor was already with them.

Therefore, he never thought about stopping it, but even the behavior of the Three Great Sects, even as himself, as a Holy Emperor and a middleman, could not be hung.

After thinking for a long time, when I was just about to speak, suddenly, on the Lingyun Square in the distance, a thunderous sound sounded.

“it is good!”

With a loud voice, all the gangsters on the podium turned their heads to look around, but found that the person who spoke was Chu Yan.

Moreover, Chu Yan’s next sentence made everyone twitch at the same time.

“That’s right, one-time solution, happy!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were blazing, True Qi erupted like a volcano, and the Rakshasa field burst away like a Kuroshio, covering all 4 directions.

“Qilin Martial Soul, come out for me!”

In the roar, like a round of golden sun rising, 10000 golden lights shining on the whole Heaven and Earth.

A tall beast with 5 colors of auspicious clouds on his feet, stepping out of the sky, a pair of 5-color streamer dragon eyes swept across the field, the light of the pupil passed by, and the voids were frozen together.

Five Elements Supreme, Qilin Divine Beast, acting on behalf of Heavenly Punishment, 10000 spirits dominate!

Almost at the moment when Qilin Martial Soul appeared, White Tiger Martial Soul and Vermilion Bird Martial Soul had already dimmed the power of Martial Soul and exploded instantly.

roar! roar! Tweet! Tweeted!

Tiger roar shocked the sky, Fengming shocked the night, 3 Divine Beast Martial Soul, the power of Divine Beast released, even 9 Heaven and Earth, all trembling.


“This … this is …”

“No … impossible! How is this possible !?”

On the rostrum, 3 big guys under Star Domain, 6 eyes, stared at Qilin Martial Soul in the sky, almost burst out of their eyes.

At this moment, the Nine Heavens vibrated, the natural phenomenon of mad clouds covering the sky, so that their breathing was rapid, and 3 hearts paused at the same time.

Not only the three bigwigs, even sitting there, the Jinhong Saint Emperor who had just hesitated, was so shocked that the spirit wine in his hand was all scattered.

Earth Element! ?

This Chu Yan, even with Earth Element is very strong! ?

3 students Martial Soul, but also all 3 Series Peak Martial Soul! ?

Even Jin Hong, the emperor of the Holy Emperor, was stunned and stunned.

Such a genius, even if it is in the upper 3 domains of Ten Directions Star Domain, is also the existence of Peak.

On the other side, on Lingyun Square, the imposing manner was like a rainbow, just like a raging wave, rushing to Chu Yan ’s fifteen people, 5 Zong Tian, ​​who was swept by Qilin Martial Soul ’s eyes, and even more shocked, standing still. , Divine Soul trembled.

Their faces were pale, their eyes were wide and their mouths were wide open. They couldn’t believe it. This scene in front of them was true.

In particular, the three horror beasts Martial Soul, who are near the highest zhang high, looked at them like three mountain peaks. It felt like the god of Heaven and Earth, watching a group of ants.

This oppression alone makes them numb all over their scalp.

“Quick! Start together!”

Suddenly, a Stars Ranking genius, his face full of anxiety, shouted loudly.

All the genius reacted together. With the strong cultivation base and the will of Martial Dao, they also calmed down instantly. Various killing moves and imperial techniques that had already been gaining momentum had been madly urged and strikes out instantly.

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