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Throughout Lingyun Square, the killing tricks and emperor techniques of hiding the sky and covering the earth are brought together, just like the Hong Feng destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, which will destroy everything in the world.

Boom … rumbling!

With the sound of thunderclouds, 3 Martial Soul roared together.

The power of the violent Martial Soul, like a wave of water, collided with the attacking torrent on the opposite side, exploded the weather waves, and collapsed.


The long sword trembles in his hand, and the sword whisper rushes directly to Nine Heavens, the silhouette of Chu Yan, which turns into a black panic, rushes into the sky’s swell, and kills the fifteen genius on the opposite side.

“Not good! He rushed over!”

More than a dozen genius, seeing Chu Yan carrying Shen Zhen, came in a hurry, and suddenly his face was pale.

Chu Yan’s melee ability, but they witnessed with their own eyes, a strong sense of crisis, let them these people, more crazy to urge imperial skills and killing moves, trying to block Chu Yan.

“The pupil of Qilin!”

Drinking a low body, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed with 5-color streamers, and his eyes were swept, piercing through the attacks of a path of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

“Tianbeng Emperor Technique, Yuan Split!”

Left fist strikes like thunder, hits straight out, fist Gang passes, all True Qi attacks, turns into nothingness, instantaneously blasts a straight road, flying by.

With these 2 cards in hand, even in the attacking tide of hiding the sky and covering the earth, Chu Yan can evade and move with ease.

Even if there were some powerful attacks that could not be avoided, they were directly destroyed by the “Yuan crack”.

Divine Consciousness locks 50 genius at the same time, the pupil of Qilin runs to the extreme, and all the attack trajectories cannot escape Chu Yan’s sight.

After standing in an undefeated place first, then, it is time to fight back.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Shiny sword light, like a shooting star in the night sky, sword glow like electricity, flashing 10,000 li, passing through, Ten Directions Star Domain genius one after another, Chu Yan was cut off with a sword, from the sky Crashed down.

The fierce cries echoed the sky of Lingyun Square, like dumplings, falling from the air to the ground of the square.

Chu Yan held a long sword and shuttled through the air. As long as he passed by, there was almost no enemy.

At this time, he is like Heaven and Earth War God, crushing everything!

war! war! war!

kill! kill! kill!

“Don’t you guys look down on the foreign continent !?”

“Don’t you always call garbage !?”

“Don’t you step on 9 mountain ranges and bully Lingyun Pavilion !?”

“Now, you are awe-inspiring ah! But talk about who is garbage !?”

The sword cry sound accompanied by the roar, Chu Yan’s whole body blood, boiling to the extreme, Divine Soul and True Qi, outbreak.

One disciple after another was chased by Chu Yan and cut off with a sword.

The other disciples have been scared and their faces are green. Apart from the fleeing, they dare to stop and fight back.

Because, anyone who dares to attack will become Chu Yan’s primary pursuit target.

At this time, the sky above Lingyun Square, the battle has completely turned into one-sided, unilateral absolute crush.


A dazzling sword light slashed, and the last genius of Ten Directions Star Domain in the air was cut off by Spirit Armament. The body protection gang yuan exploded and fell from the air, hitting the ground of the square and splashing a large dust cloud.

In an instant, the entire Heaven and Earth is clear!

On the vast sky, apart from the tumbling air waves and the thundering cloud, slowly dissipating, only Chu Yan was alone, holding a long sword, surrounded by a Sword Intent, looking down on the square below, one place “Genius”!

A few 10000 pairs of eyes, looking directly at the sky above Chu Yan, a black robe flying, slowly fell.

Behind him, 3 mountain-like Divine Beast Martial Soul, aura mighty, Megatron!

Stepping on Lingyun Square, there are Sword Mark knife grooves all over the place.

More than a dozen Double Top Sect, Tianya Haige, Loulan Sect’s genius disciple, 7 horizontal and 8 vertical, lying everywhere.

The blood was filthy, the screams were one after another, and the face was painful and twisted, and the howling was not stop.

In addition, before the wheel battle, in addition to a Jinfeng, the ground of Three Great Sects, lying on the ground, the number of no fewer than 30 people.

At the beginning, it was these people who were disdainful and laughed loudly at the continent of the outer domain, which was all rubbish.

But now, the only person who can stand in the audience is … Chu Yan!

4 all directions, a few 10000 pairs of eyes, including Elder from Three Great Sects, staring at the square in a daze, Chu Yan ’s silhouette stood upright, completely silly!

The entire Lingyun Square, the entire 9 mountain range, at this time, a silence!

Especially Elder Lin, Elder Tianyahaige, and Elder 3, the beauty of Loulan Sect, almost tremble all over the body, their faces are gray, their mouths twitch, but they ca n’t say a word.


Lost terribly!

Dignified Ten Directions Star Domain, Three Great Sects forces, more than 30 genius disciple, can’t even deal with a continent indigenous people in foreign domains.

Not only the Three Great Elders, but also the host and witness of this battle, Jin Hong Shengdi, but also the stunned eyes, his face full of green.

Such an exquisite layout, such a strong lineup, actually … lost! ?

After going back, how to explain! ?

The faces of 3 elders such as Lin Elder are so ugly that they are extremely unsightly, especially when they think of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Especially the double Top Sect Lin Elder, although this whole plan is encouraged by the Ming clan, he is the real organization and executor.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he not at all notified the Dark Temple, but decided privately.

It was originally intended that after taking Chu Yan, everything is easy to say.

But now, the result is completely different from what he expected! ?

Compared with 3 Great Influence Elder, who is completely ignorant, the continent side of the foreign domain, the big brothers and the genius, froze for a while, but quickly reacted.

“Ha ha ha, Boss won!”

Little White Bear jumped 3 feet high on the podium and excited ao ao called straight.

“Ten Directions Star Domain trash, I told you a long time ago, don’t mess with me Boss, let’s eat shit now!”

“Hmph! Damn it, relying on the identity of Ten Directions Star Domain, bullish ass!”

Little White Bear’s cheering and roaring sound, like a fuse, instantly ignited the audience.

Not only Little White Bear, Situ Yang, who was in an emperor, flushed with red, and his blood was boiling.


too awesome!

My big brother, a man, has upset all the genius disciple of Ten Directions Star Domain Three Great Sects!

“Ao ao….”

Situ Yang became more and more excited when he wanted to, unable to bear, and his hair grows loudly.

“Win! Senior Brother Chu won!”

“Very good! Everything is done! There are no more!”

“Tianah! Senior Brother Chu, there are so terrifying 3 Martial Soul, this is too heaven defying!”

“Three birth variants of the Martial Soul system, one more than Long Tianyao!”

“Fuck, fart, Long Tianyao’s twin variant Martial Soul can only be regarded as top-level, not at all Martial Soul!”

“Ha ha ha, our outer domain continent, also appeared extremely sharp genius!”

“Domineering! It’s so cool!”

“This is genius. Compared with Senior Brother Chu, I really have no face!”


The entire sky of Lingyun Square was almost turned over and turned into a sea of ​​cheers.

Even Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan and the High Priest standing on the podium were flushed and excited with blood!

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