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3 The big influence’s big brother, who landed on Lingyun Square, the two Elders on the rostrum quickly flashed in front of them and bowed down again to worship

“Pay respects to great hall Lord!”

“Pay respects to Great Peak Master!”

“Pay respects to Great Hall Lord!”

This shout of worship had a hint of relaxed in the tone.

Originally, this time they took inside the sect disciple, came to the foreign domain continent, but didn’t expect to come up with such a result.

Now, the three Sect gangsters are coming, then next, for this Chu Yan, the trick is to kill them, they will be decided by them, and the pressure will no longer be on their own.

These 3 big guys, it was so timely!

“Double Top Sect, the first Hall Lord!”

“Tianya Haige, First Palace Lord!”

“Lou Lanshan, the first Peak Master!”


The full field of foreign elders and disciplinary positions, the second time I heard the voice of worship, and finally reached, the three powerhouses that came, really are the senior leaders of 2 Great Influence.

After this reaction, the look of shock appeared on everyone’s face.

Immediately afterwards, several 10000 pairs of eyes moved almost at the same time. All of a sudden, they all fell on Chu Yan in the middle of Lingyun Square.

No need to guess at all, the big brother of 3 Great Influence is coming at the same time, of course, for Chu Yan.

With the exception of Chu Yan, all of them are added together, and I am afraid they will not attract even one of them.

Under the gaze of a few 10000 line of sight, Chu Yan’s face was calm, with no slight expression change, just a pair of 5-color pupil light, and at the same time looked towards 3 Great Influence’s big brother, without saying a word.

Just just now, he personally defeated nearly 3 Sect genius of 30 Great Influence, and, most importantly, exposed Qilin Martial Soul.

Originally, in the previous Battle of Star Peak Emperor List, he exposed St. Rakshasa and White Tiger Vermilion Bird, after winning the first place.

His 4 series of vigorous hole cards, almost all of the outfield continent know.

And just after the first battle, I exposed Qilin Martial Soul and appeared a Earth Element, so that it became the 5 series.

It happened that Elder of 3 Great Influence was present, naturally immediately, and passed the news back to their respective Sect.

Therefore, the 3 big influencers of 3 Great Influence will come so fast.

“Jiyuan Emperor, Houhai Emperor, Yuelou Emperor, 3 dear ones, excuse me for not going out to meet you! I do n’t know what happened to my continent in my foreign land today !?”

On the rostrum, the high priest arched his hands remotely, a smile on his face, opened the mouth and said.

As a high priest, the relationship between the forces of Ten Directions Star Domain is not bad, but these three big men are all high-level leaders of 3 Great Influence. In the event of an accident of 3, it is very likely to cause Sect Conflicts, even between two continent.

Such an extreme situation really happens to foreign continent, which is absolutely catastrophic.

Therefore, the high priest is not unwilling to cope with it.

“High priest, you’re welcome!”

Among the three gangsters, the Houhai Emperor headed, bowed his hands in return, and his attitude was easy going.

Hearing this sentence, the high priest’s heart was slightly relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it ’s not for trouble …

Immediately afterwards, the three gangsters turned around and looked towards Chu Yan on Lingyun Square.

“You are Chu Yan !?”

The Houhai Emperor, with his eyes like a vast ancient sea, swept across, and seemed to see Chu Yan completely through.

“No, I am!” Chu Yan nodded.


Seeing Chu Yan’s calm face, the emperor of the thick sea was unable to bear, slightly nodded applauded.

“I’m here this time, on behalf of Tianya Haige, I invite you to join, directly become a core disciple, inside the sect status according to Elder rank, all resources, priority supply, do you agree !?”

The words landed on the floor, and everyone’s eyes lit up.

Tianya Haige, core disciple! ?

The status is the same as Elder! ?

This condition is not much better than the recruiting conditions of the top ten in the Emperor List on Star Peak!

“A core disciple is a fart!”

At the time when everyone was shocked, on the Lingyun Square, the big Hall Lord of the Double Top Sect directly shouted

“We double Top Sect, a Supreme Elder direct disciple quota, plus a” 2 instrument fruit “, can enhance your Yin-Yang dual system attribute, 30% formidable power! How about!”

Double Top Sect Hall Lord, the opening conditions, once again let everyone in the audience stunned.

Supreme Elder, direct disciple! ?

It can enhance the Yin-Yang dual-attribute, 30% formidable power of “2 Yiguo”! ?

However, without waiting for everyone to exclaim, the Loulan Sect beauty Peak Master on the other side was opened the mouth and said immediately.

“These things are all dead things, what …”

Loulan Sect Peak Master, charming eyes were like silk, body trembling, suddenly led to a huge peak in the chest, at the same time trembling, that charming, almost made the audience disciples, eyes fell out.

“As long as you join me in Loulan Sect, inside the sect female discipline, let you form a Dual Cultivation, even if it is Saintess, you can …”

Biting the vermilion lip, the eyes are charged, the charming Loulan Peak Master is absolutely a special thing in the world.

In particular, the conditions she offered, almost every normal man, could not refuse.

Not bad!

As she said, the conditions for the other two sects were dead.

Only the conditions she offered by Loulan Sect were the most attractive.

You know who Saintess is, but he will be the heir of Sect Master of Loulan Sect in the future.

If you really become Dao Companion with Saintess and become a Saint King in the future, it will be equal to the entire Loulan Sect, and it will become a thing in your palm.

Plus, a beautiful Saintess, it can be said that it is almost the Peak of the combination of human resources and wealth.

In an instant, everyone in the audience stood still on the spot!

Even the emperor Jinhong on the rostrum sent out the rays of light with eyewitnesses.

The entire Lingyun Square, in this brief moment, became dead.

In addition to the bang bang heartbeat sound with 10000 hearts, there is only a heavy gasp, all eyes are blood red.

Such conditions, even the Holy Emperor, could not refuse.

Lou Lan’s Peak Master, vermilion lip lightly, revealing a faint smile.

Obviously, she also believes that Chu Yan simply impossible to reject such a condition, especially compared with Double Top Sect and Tianya Haige.

In addition, the two major categories are the wealth resources and status.

Now, her Loulan Sect, equivalent to transforming, sends the entire Sect to Chu Yan.

In this case, who else can open a higher condition than her! ?

this this impossible… ..

“It seems something is wrong!”

On the rostrum, apart from Chu Yan, the only person who could maintain a trace and soberness and calm was Ling Shuangtian.

He looked towards 3 gangsters, but was slightly wrinkle, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

“Chu Yan’s innate talent is indeed amazing, especially after just showing the power of Earth Element, it is now equal to the strength of the 5 series!”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s opening, the high priest turned his head gently, looking towards Ling Shuangtian, nodded, explaining

“Good! In the Ten Directions Star Domain, in the top 5 domains, the genius of the cream of the crop, but the 3 series is very strong!”

“But what about the last 5 domains !?” Ling Shuangtian asked.


The high priest hearing this is also frowned.

“In the last 5 domains, there are not many 4 series of extreme force and 5 series of extreme genius, but there are, at least, the first-class Sect of the last 5 fields. As far as I know, there are some strong Sect, through cultivation technique and Spirit Treasure, You can directly give the 9 series of discipline such extreme! “

“That’s weird!” Ling Shuangtian hearing this, frowning more tightly.

“Under such circumstances, these 3 cases do not require such terrible conditions at all !? Especially the Loulan Sect, which is simply catching up, is it true that Ten Directions Star Domain’s Sect is so worthless !?”

This sentence suddenly made the high priest startled.

“That’s right! It’s strange!”

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