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Standing at the side of Ling Shuangtian and the high priest, Jiang Yuchuan heard the conversation between the two people, but his eyes flashed slightly, looked towards Ling Yun Square, and the same looked confused Chu Yan.

“I have understood!”

Suddenly, Jiang Yuchuan’s eyes lit up, anxiously said.

“En !? What !?”

Ling Shuangtian and the high priest turned their heads together and looked towards Jiang Yuchuan.

“With my guess, no … yes.”

Originally there were some doubts, but Jiang Yuchuan reintroduced the whole thing in Sea of ​​Consciousness before speaking, and his tone instantly became very firm.

“These 3 Great Influence, I am afraid not from Chu Yan, but from the secret of him!”

“Chu Yan secret !?” Ling Shuangtian and the high priest started at the same time.

“Good! High priest, I ask you, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, among the multi-strength genius, and Yin-Yang dual-strength at the same time, how much !?”

Jiang Yuchuan’s words were striking, but suddenly he turned around and asked the high priest.

“This … I remember, it seems that there are only 2 Sect’s Stars Ranking genius, and there are Yin-Yang dual-strength, these 2 genius’s Stars Ranking ranked, are on top 10.”

The high priest thought for a moment and quickly replied.

“That’s right …” Jiang Yuchuan’s complexion became more determined.

“They, not really want to recruit Chu Yan, but want to pull Chu Yan into the Sect, and then find a way to dig out him, how to make Yin-Yang dual-line attribute, the secret of coexistence!

“It is said that among the ten town-district emperors of Ten Directions Star Domain, the top 3 ranked are all Yin-Yang dual-strength. Among all the emperors, their strength is strongest!”

Hearing this, Ling Shuangtian and the high priest’s eyes lit up, and they seemed to understand what Jiang Yuchuan wanted to say.


“Yes! Jiang Great Elder’s analysis should be correct!”

Ling Shuangtian’s nodded, and then looking towards the 3 Great Influence’s 3 gangsters, with an eager expression on their faces, finally reacted.

Not bad!

As long as Chu Yan is recruited into Sect, then in various names and means, Chu Yan is equipped with the Yin-Yang dual system attribute, and at the same time, the secrets of the perfect fusion of the other systems are dug out. For these everyday all dreams, think For the Great Peak Master, the Great Hall Master and the others to break through the realm of the Holy Emperor, it is definitely Supreme Treasure.

Moreover, after getting Chu Yan’s secret, everything that was originally paid to Chu Yan can be recovered.

This move, the plan to “hide the sky and the sea” and “flowers on the tree”, brilliant!

“How did you guess !?” Ling Shuangtian looked towards Jiang Yuchuan and asked.

“Not difficult!”

Jiang Yuchuan shook the head, raised his finger, and Jinfeng fell to the ground in a coma in the distance.

“The closer to Martial Dao Peak, the more open and cruel and insidious the open strife and veiled struggle between these forces!”

“In the beginning, there was this Jinfeng, with the Ming tribe and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a dual identity! It also promoted the other 3 cases and wanted to murder a person with a borrowed knife.”

“Later, it was another Lin Mu, who also had dual Top Sect and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, dual identity, and has always been a behind-the-scenes manipulator, watching the same peak of the same sect in the same cabinet being hit hard, but it did not mean to rescue. . “

“These points can be seen in the Ten Directions Star Domain, all influence and Martial Artist, in order to achieve the purpose, almost by fair means or foul.”

“Under such an environment, these three bigwigs can be in a high position. I am afraid that it is an expert. How can it be simple to do things.”

“Without heavy profits, of course they will not bring out so many benefits, and give them away for nothing!”

After a few words, Ling Shuangtian and the high priest, a thin layer of sweat beads appeared on the forehead.

Although I do n’t want to see it, what Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder said is true, but they all know in their hearts that this … is true.

“Ai, I hope Chu Yan will be safe in Ten Directions Star Domain in the future. Let’s take a lesson in advance!”

Ling Shuangtian sighed and turned around immediately, looking towards where Chu Yan was. In his eyes, a flash of fine light flashed, Divine Consciousness sound transmission, shot straight out.

“Chu Yan, these 3 Great Influences paid a big price to recruit you, but they are fancy to you, and they have 5 series of strong secrets!”

“If you promise any Sect, after they have captured your secret, you will become useless to them, when the time comes, you will fall into crisis.”

“Where to go, you 3 think about it!”

Ling Shuangtian looked at Chu Yan and the pupil light flashed, quickly reminding.

For Ling Shuangtian, Chu Yan is his most important direct disciple, and at the same time, it is also the key to the revival of the entire Human Race.

Although he was reluctant, he knew that if he wanted Human Race to really revive, and for Chu Yan, he would have the opportunity to embark on the road of Martial Dao Peak. This Ten Directions Star Domain is a must.

Then, at this moment, we must pass.

However, Ling Shuangtian is even more worried that even if Chu Yan has passed this level, he will arrive at Ten Directions Star Domain, and he has 5 series of strong things. Once it spreads, I am afraid that the entire Ten Directions Star Domain will treat him unfavorable.

Under such severe crisis, this Ten Directions Star Domain is extremely dangerous for Chu Yan.

Divine Consciousness sound transmission, echoed in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After a moment, Chu Yan turned his head slowly, looked towards the rostrum, and cast Ling Shuangtian a “reassuring” look.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan looked at the three gangsters in front of him, watching their three people, and eagerly awaited the eyes of Chu Yan ’s answer. Chu Yan smiled lightly and opened the mouth and said indifferently.

“Sorry! Double Top Sect, Tianya Haige, Loulan Mountain, I will not go!”

The words fell on the floor, and everyone’s face changed in unison.

what! ?

Refused! ?

Also … all rejected! ?

What does Chu Yan want to do! ?

You should know that these three cases are all Sect of continent genius disciple, yearn for something even in dreams.

As long as you can enter it, it has great benefits for Martial Emperor cultivation.

In particular, the conditions for the Three Great Sects, even St. Imperial Capital, were moved, and Chu Yan refused all of them! ?

Is this guy crazy? ?

“Thanks for the love, I have another plan! Sorry!” Chu Yan bowed his hand slightly, his attitude was extremely polite.

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, the three gangsters, their faces froze at the same time, and they couldn’t believe it.

Originally, their three people were ready to wait for Chu Yan to release the conditions, and then raise their chips. No matter what price they paid, they had to be recruited to Chu Yan.

Between 3 cases at most, fight for resources and wealth.

However, how did they didn’t expect? Chu Yan even refused all three cases in one breath.

Not only the three big brothers of Three Great Sects, at this time, even on the rostrum, Jin Hong Shengdi also made a stand, stood up, looked blankly towards Chu Yan, his face was unbelievable .

Be aware that unless Loose Cultivator, Martial Artist does not join Sect.

Especially in places like Ten Directions Star Domain, the powerful Sect can not only help you quickly improve the cultivation base and strength, but also the most important backing in the cultivation tour.

There is no such backing. In the dangerous land like Ten Directions Star Domain, I am afraid that it is impossible to move!

At this time, across the Lingyun Square, several 10000 eyes were shaking together, looking towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan, who was glared at by everyone, was calm, without any intention of changing his mouth, obviously his mind was decided.

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