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Shuttle Space-Time, time stagnation.

Like a breath, again after a long time, Chu Yan’s feet finally landed again.

In front of him, a scene full of Spirit Qi and green mountains and clear water made Chu Yan startled.

This is a bit bigger than the rise of World of Ice and Snow just now.

Spirit Peak in front of you, towering in, a green path, winding down from the top of the mountain, connected to a quaint mountain gate.

“Chu Yan, you are here!”

a familiar silhouette, standing in front of the mountain gate, looking at Chu Yan with a smile.

“Ouyang Senior !?” Chu Yan shocked joyfully said. “The Great Yuan Great Emperor !?”

“Oh, that guy, using the shift symbol, I am too lazy to chase it, and I will come back directly!” Ouyang Nantian said with a smile.

“Come back! Then here is …” Chu Yan looked up, looking towards the tall Spirit Peak in front of him.

“Here is the mountain gate of Divine Dao!” Ouyang Nantian explained.

“Reverse Divine Dao !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! Let’s go, I will take you up!”

Ouyang Nantian beckoned and turned to take Chu Yan with 3 people, moved towards the mountain gate trail, moved towards the top of the mountain.

“Inverse Divine Dao, the number of people is not large, nor is it the ordinary Sect force, so there is no formal founding, just find this Antiquity Sect ruins, as a gathering place!”

Embarking on the mountain gate trail, Ouyang Nantian began to introduce it to Chu Yan.

“So, when you get here, you don’t have to be restrained, just feel free. There are not many people still in the Sect!”

“You mean, let me be here against Divine Dao, breakthrough emperor realm !?” Chu Yan asked slightly, groaning slightly.


Hearing Chu Yan ’s problems, Ouyang Nantian stopped directly and turned to look towards Chu Yan, said solemnly.

“You have the Heavenly Dao spell, plus the secrets in your body, I worry that when you break through the imperial realm, it will trigger some Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, which is perceived by those people, so here is your breakthrough imperial realm The best of it, and … “

When Ouyang Nantian said here, his face disappeared abruptly, grinning, and a strange smile flashed in his eyes.

“Moreover, there is a” sorrow “here that can help you to break through, maybe a surprise at home!”

“God is sad, this name …” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Go! Almost there!”

Ouyang Nantian, raised his finger, and on the top of the mountain in the distance, a palace had exposed a corner, and it looked like, imposing manner out of the ordinary.

As Ouyang Nantian said, in this inverse Divine Dao, there are really few people.

Chu Yan went all the way. As Ouyang Nantian walked through the cluster of palaces and came to the place where the palace was arranged, only 3 people were encountered along the way.

And these 3 people, the aura on their body, are extremely powerful, they just glanced at Chu Yan, not at all said.

Obviously, they knew about Chu Yan’s arrival in advance.

“Chu Yan, you have a good night’s rest here. Tomorrow, find me in the great hall!”

Ouyang Nantian said to Chu Yan, and briefly introduced the spirit array and prohibition in the hall, and left.

“Uh … good!”

Originally, I also wanted to ask Ouyang Nantian, what did he do in the month he left, but when he saw what seemed to happen to him, he didn’t ask much.

After watching Ouyang Nantian leave, Chu Yan, Little White Bear, and Situ Yang took a look at four places at random. After getting familiar with the environment, they each found a cultivation hall and started cultivation.

In the tall golden cultivation hall, the spirit gathering array is extremely powerful. Chu Yan sat in the middle and urged the spirit formation. It took only a moment to feel that the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Power wrapped him all over.

Under a sense of overall comfort, Chu Yan’s mind gradually quieted down and slowly entered into interest adjustment.

During the battle of Ling Yun Pavilion, Chu Yan’s consumption was not small. Although he swallowed Golden Pill, it was not as complete as cultivation.

With the three people in Chu Yan, sinking into cultivation, the residence hall of Nuo Da University also became quiet.

On the other side, within the main hall of the inverse Divine Dao, there are more than a dozen powerhouses, which seem to be intensively discussing what.

In the middle is Ouyang Nantian, a face of calm and collected.

Even if it was questioned by dozens of people, Ouyang Nantian didn’t mean anything at all.

Silent night, with the silence, slowly passed.

The next morning, early in the morning, Chu Yan woke up from the cultivation.

Chu Yan with a stunned look on his face, glanced down at the Spirit Gathering Array under him, his eyes full of fine awns.

The effect of this Spirit Gathering Array is far beyond his imagination, even more than any Spirit Gathering Array he has seen for cultivation, it is more than doubled.

This inverse Divine Dao is worthy of 100 10,000 years ago, the power that beat Saint Heavenly Pavilion down, just an ordinary cultivation spirit Gathering Array, all so strong!

However, although this Spirit Gathering Array works well, it has great benefits for Chu Yan’s own cultivation.

However, Chu Yan woke up from the cultivation at the moment the oriental fish belly was white.

Because, according to the agreement, today Ouyang Nantian will take him to “God Sees Sorrow” to start the breakthrough Emperor Realm.

When I thought of myself, I could immediately break through the emperor’s realm, return to the continent of the outer realm, kill the Ming clan, and rescue my mother. Chu Yan couldn’t calm down.

Simply tidying up, Chu Yan saw that Fatty and Little White Bear were cultivating with all their strength. Without disturbing, they left the residence hall directly and moved towards the main hall of Divine Dao.

Walking to the main hall square, Chu Yan was shocked and stopped, not eager to enter the main hall.

Because, in the main hall square, on a 5-color altar, there is a black Spirit Sword, suspended on it, looks very strange.

This handle of Spirit Sword is dark and has 9 complex Spirit Mark above the sword body, but there is no trace of Sword Qi overflowing.

It looks like an iron sword of ordinary!

“This is …. Heavenly Sword!”

Not far from the main hall gate, a silhouette of Ouyang Nantian appeared.

“Broken Heavenly Sword !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! One sword breaks the sky, one sword breaks the sky! Taikoo Sword God, the emperor’s sword!”

Ouyang Nantian walked to Chu Yan and looked up towards the Black Spirit Sword on the altar, explaining softly.

“My broken heavenly blade is to imitate him and ask someone to refine it, but it has only its surface and no divine might at all! 2 the difference between Heaven and Earth!”

With a sigh in his face, Ouyang Nantian shook his head gently.

“Broken heavenly blade… .the difference between Heaven and Earth !?”

Hearing Ouyang Nantian’s words, Chu Yan froze for a moment, a look of consternation appeared on his face.

You know, in Lingyun Pavilion, Ouyang Nantian held off the heavenly blade, and the knife he chopped out, almost even Heaven and Earth were cut in half.

That knife gave Chu Yan a great shock.

However, in Ouyang Nan’s Heavenly Eye, his broken heavenly blade turned out to be the difference between Heaven and Earth! ?

So how strong is this “broken Heavenly Sword”! ?

“En !?”

Remind by Ouyang Nantian, Chu Yan suddenly found that his Divine Consciousness contact with Clear Sky Sword behind him was suddenly interrupted.

“Go! Follow me!”

After watching it for a while, Ouyang Nantian was not nonsense, and took Chu Yan, moved towards “God Sees Sorrow” directly.

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