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In front of a black palace, on the high plaque, the words “God sees sorrow” gleam.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the palace in front of him, with a stunned expression on his face.

He didn’t expect that Ouyang Nantian said that “the god sees sorrow” will be in this palace.

“Yi !? The word …”

Suddenly, Chu Yan suddenly found that on top of the three flashing gold characters, a fierce Sword Qi rushed out, with a hint of coldness, without any killing intent, but it made Chu Yan feel that this Sword Qi can kill anyone at any time.

“No kill Sword Qi !?”

Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a flash of light flashed up, and my heart was trembling.

“How is it? These three words are not bad !?”

Ouyang Nantian glanced at Chu Yan, and after discovering his state, he directly spoke, interrupting Chu Yan’s sudden enlightenment.


Was awakened by Ouyang Nantian, Chu Yan looked speechless and glanced uncomfortably at Ouyang Nantian.

You know, the opportunity of sudden enlightenment is the greatest blessing of Martial Artist, even comparable to painstakingly cultivated for many years, but did n’t expect it, so it was interrupted by Ouyang Nantian.

“Oh, boy, this is not the time for you to comprehend the Sword Intent! Your cultivation base is not enough. After you break through the emperor realm, let’s talk!”

Of course, Ouyang Nantian saw Chu Yan’s discomfort, but he smiled and explained.

“After the Emperor Realm, can we comprehend !?” Chu Yan startled, his face suddenly.

“Yes! I know that you are a Sword Dao genius. I have guessed long ago that you will be impressed when you see the three handwritten characters of” Swire God, Emperor of Green Wooden Sword “!”

Ouyang Nantian explained with a smile, looking at Chu Yan, his face extremely serious.

“However, there was Sword Dao genius before, just like you, but because the cultivation base was too low and was hurt by the green wooden sword, the cultivation base was greatly damaged, and it was not worth the loss.”

“So, this is not the time!”

With a word, Ouyang Nantian strode out, reached out and pushed open the hall door, and entered the hall.

Chu Yan raised his head again, glanced at the three words, the pupil light turned on, and suddenly turned his head, looking towards the direction of the main hall, his face looking thoughtful.

At the next moment, Chu Yan raised his leg and was about to step into the hall. A voice sounded in the sky behind him.

“Ouyang, are you ready to start !? Hey, this kid, is that Chu Yan !?”

With this sound, Chu Yan turned around and looked towards behind him.

But I saw it, an old man with a white robe and white hair and beard, who flew from the sky and stood in front of Chu Yan.

“Ouyang, you are willing to give up. We go against Divine Dao. Every 100 years, there is only one place to enter the” seeing sadness “. You are not used to solidify your Remnant Soul, but you give the opportunity to this kid … Ha ha!

Old man in white robe, between the words, a pair of eyes, flashing light, hitting up and down is Chu Yan.

“Master Baipao, why are you here !?”

In front of the hall gate, a silhouette of Ouyang Nantian appeared, and when he saw the old man, his eyes lit up and he was happy.

“A few of them Old Guy, although they agreed with your idea, but they are still a little uneasy, let me take a look!”

The old man called Ouyang Nantian as the white robe director smiled and said to Ouyang Nantian, but, for a moment, his eyes returned to Chu Yan.

Still looking strange, he looked at Chu Yan.

“Okay! Okay! Supervise just supervise, let’s see, hmph!” Ouyang Nantian coldly snorted, pretending not to be wicked.

“Ha ha ha, there and there, go and go, hurry in!”

Seeing this, Baipao hurriedly hit a haha, greeted Chu Yan, and walked toward the hall of “God Sees Sorrow”.

Stepping into the hall, a huge mountain near hundred zhang high stands in the empty hall.

The appearance looked like ordinary rocks, but Chu Yan only looked at it and his face changed suddenly.

“This … this is the spirit source !?”

Chu Yan has never seen such a large spiritual source, almost as high as the great hall.

More importantly, the powerful Spirit Power revealed in this rock gives Chu Yan a feeling of being in the cloud.

“This … is it Grade 9 Spirit Source !?”

Chu Yan asked in shock.

“Grade 9 !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, the white robe manager sneered, saying

“What is Grade 9 !? I’m against Divine Dao’s mountain protecting treasure, how could it be just trifling Grade 9!”

Immediately afterwards, the white robe had a proud look on his face, and he looked up and chest

“This is … God Level Spirit Source!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed in shock, turning his head towards the white robe, looking full of disbelief.

God-level … spirit source! ?

In this World, there is even a Spirit Treasure! ?

“Oh, Chu Yan, against Divine Dao, stronger than you think!”

Ouyang Nantian saw Chu Yan’s expression and said with a smile.

Stronger! ?

This is also called stronger! ?

Until now, Chu Yan finally understood why this Ten Directions Star Domain is so much stronger than the foreign domain continent.

It seems that it is not without reason.

“Okay! Chu Yan, please hurry up to cultivate! Remember, as much as you can absorb, 10000000 is welcome!”

Ouyang Nantian’s complexion became serious, without any hint of cracking a joke.

“Good! Despite the absorption, you are welcome!”

White robe director hearing this, but there was a flash of smile in his eyes, and he waved his hand, which looked extremely generous.

“This one….”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept across the divine-level spirit source in front of him, and then explored carefully and asked

“If this spirit source is absorbed by light … Isn’t it very good !?”

To be honest, Chu Yan saw this spiritual source and finally understood why Ouyang Nantian had to let himself come here to break through the imperial realm.

“What !? Absorb light !? ha ha ha….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the general manager of the white robe laughed loudly, and even a smile appeared on Ouyang Nantian’s face, hook the head.

“Boy, this god-level spirit source is my Supreme Treasure against Divine Dao. Do n’t say to you, even in these 100,000 years, the countless powerhouses of cultivation here ca n’t absorb much, just like this cultivation base, Still thinking about absorbing all the light … “

Speaking of which, the white robe is unable to bear and laughs again

“Anyway, if you try to absorb as much as you can, you can absorb as much as you can. It is always worthwhile for Ouyang’s quota. That would be the best!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan is slightly, nodded, saying

“If this is the case, then I will understand!”

With a word, Chu Yan turned around again and bowed deeply to Ouyang Nantian.

“many thanks Senior !”

“You’re welcome to me!” Ouyang Nantian was nodded and replied at will.

At this moment, in front of Chu Yan looked towards, the huge spiritual source of hundred zhang high, in his eyes, the flash of fine awn.


It’s really big!

Not only big, but also god rank!

Since Ouyang Nantian sacrificed a quota opportunity and gave it to himself, then must use it well.

The white robe director, Deacon, the mountain gate of the inverse Divine Dao, explained Chu Yan’s precautions, and then he and Ouyang Nantian quit, “God see sadness”.

After the two people withdrew and started the prohibition outside the great hall, the temple was restored to absolute silence.


Chu Yan body flashed and jumped directly on top of the Lingyuan boulder, sitting cross-legged.

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