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imposing manner Rainbow-colored blood emperor, standing in the sky, with a proud look on his face, as if he could control Heaven and Earth with his hands.

“Your qi and blood and Divine Soul can increase the Gate of Heaven by one point …”

After taking a look at Chu Yan, the Blood Emperor flew across and fell on the Gate of Heaven of Blood Red, then shot with right hand a hand seal.

The hand seal rushed into the Gate of Heaven, which suddenly caused the Gate of Heaven to tremble violently, and a lot of blood energy tumbling out of it, condensed into a huge bloody skull before the gate, and suddenly burst out.

Bloody skull, pulling up the monstrous death gas, the speed is fast as lightning, just a flash, then completely cover Chu Yan.

“Kid, die!”

Bloody Saint Emperor coldly smiled, watching Chu Yan swallowed by blood skeletons, pulled by the package, turned into a red light, and involved in the Gate of Heaven.

With the silhouette of Chu Yan disappearing into the Gate of Heaven, the two doors closed suddenly.

A cold smirk appeared on the face of Cangxue Shengdi …

Swallowed by the Gate of Heaven, even if it is the Holy Emperor’s cultivation base, only the end of body and soul destroyed, there is never an exception.

Cultivation base level, True Qi, only represents more time to live in the Gate of Heaven.

“A group of ants, also want to fight me Saint Race !?”

Cangxue Shengdi looked sideways, looked towards all around, and finally landed on Ling Shuangtian and other foreign gangsters on the mountain peak in the distance, coldly snorted out his voice.

And all the gangsters from outside the world, their faces covered with gray, looked at the Gate of Heaven above the sky, their faces were all terrified look.

Could it be … Chu Yan is really broken! ?

Not only Ling Shuangtian, Lin Muxue and Yue’er standing behind 9 Ming, but also sorrowful and heartbroken, who wanted to rush to the sky and look for Chu Yan.

However, with 3 sharps and 2 Dragon Race defenders holding 9 sharp and 8 blade spears, they were loyal to their duties and firmly protected her in the middle, unable to move at all.

Everyone in the audience, only the distance, a little White Bear who shot the Martial Artist of the Dead Clan, glanced back at the Gate of Heaven, grinned at the bear’s mouth, and grinned.

At this time, on the other side, Chu Yan, who was in the sky of bloody death, holding Clear Sky Sword, was in a different space, looked up at the sky of blood, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Still thinking about how to take this Spirit Treasure, didn’t expect, Cangxue helps, hehe …”

As soon as the words fell, on Chu Yan, a large 5-color Vermilion Bird emperor fire rushed out and instantly wrapped the whole body, burning all the blood and death like the tide of Ominous Beast into a void.

And Chu Yan, slowly closing his eyes, the majestic Rakshasa True Qi poured like a tide, urged Vermilion Bird emperor fire around him, quickly swept to all around.

Before the blink of an eye, the entire sky was shrouded in five-color emperor fire, and there was no trace of bloody death.

Uh …!

The next moment, Chu Yan body flashed, disappeared in place, but when it reappeared, it was already at the center of this blood cloud of death world.

On top of a tall Blood Peak, there is a ghost shadow-like human standing.

This ghost shadow is the core existence that controls the world of this blood cloud of death, that is, the ancient god powerhouse Remnant Soul during the ancient times.

“Gā gā gā….”

Seeing Chu Yan approaching, that bloody ghost shadow, screams of horror and made a thrill.

Chu Yan’s face was full of sneers, the blue eyes in a eyes flashed, and the five-color Qilin light flashed in a eyes.

shua! shua!

One blue and one color, 2 pupil light bursts, puncturing the bloody ghost shadow in front …

“Cang Old Ghost Blood, let me enter the Gate of Heaven, it will be your last regret!”

Chu Yan looked in front of him, his whole body was trembling, blood energy kept overflowing, the ghost shadow humanoid, coldly opened the mouth and said.

But at this time, on the outside sky of the Dark Mountains, the Bloody Holy Emperor suddenly shot, and with a punch, he rushed towards his own Emperor Realm powerhouse and blasted into a mass of blood mist.

At the same time, with both hands, the blood mist surged, and the Gate of Heaven flew away towards the sky.

“What a nice Fleshy body aura, and it can improve the Gate of Heaven, hehe …”

Between the words, the Emperor Cangxue raised his hand, he would open the Gate of Heaven, and devour this flesh and blood, but …


Right hand solidified in the air, the Gate of Heaven in the distance did not respond at all, and the smile on the face of the bloody emperor instantly solidified.

“Lost … lose contact !? How … is this possible?”

A pair of crimson pupils shuddered suddenly, the bloody Saint Emperor’s hands quickly sealed, and shot several Saint Emperor’s Taoist Seals, shot towards the Gate of Heaven.

Weng! weng! weng!

The bloody Holy Emperor Dao Yin ran into the Gate of Heaven, and instantly dispersed, as if hitting a wall, and collapsed directly.

“No … not good!”

With the shock of the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Bloody Holy Emperor, his face was almost distorted, and the consternation in his eyes made him completely dull.

what happened! ?

Why is this Gate of Heaven suddenly and out of control! ?

Uh …!

A black silhouette suddenly passed through the closed Gate of Heaven, and walked across the sky, just came out.

With a light smile on his face, he walked calmly and calmly, just like a walk in the garden.

“Cang Old Ghost Blood, many thanks to each other!”

Chu Yan stopped and looked at the sky, which was already petrified and covered with a smiling expression of the bloody emperor, said with a smile.

Seeing the appearance of Chu Yan, the eyes of Cangxue Shengdi almost flew out directly. The mouth with the big mouth was circled in an O-shape, revealing the full back molars, and the face was full of ghosts.

“You … this … impossible!”

A loud roar blew, the body of the bloody emperor, the power of the violent emperor, rushed out, and the vibrating side was trembling.

Looking at the bloody Holy Emperor who was going crazy on the sky, Chu Yan was just hooking the head and was too lazy to care about him.

If just now, the Emperor Cangxue took advantage of his chance of being involved in the Gate of Heaven, and entered into it, fighting with himself, I am afraid it can still be suppressed.

But the Emperor Cangxue simply thought that, with the blood cloud in the Gate of Heaven, he was enough to refinish Chu Yan, regardless of it.

As a result, it was cheaper Chu Yan.

Relying on the relationship with the green armor giant, Chu Yan, with the help of Five Elements fusion power, used only one trick to suppress the ray of Remnant Soul in the Gate of Heaven.

After engraving the Divine Soul brand, that god Remnant Soul, in order not to be annihilated, completely became a slave of Chu Yan.

As a result, the strongest rare treasure of this Ming clan changed its owner and became one of Chu Yan’s Spirit Treasure.

“Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely … absolutely impossible!”

It took ten breaths time for the Cangxue Shengdi to react from the sluggishness, and took a few more breaths, and finally figured out that the Supreme Treasure that he pressed at the bottom of the box was taken by Chu Yan!

“I have been cultivation for 1000 years before refining this treasure. How could you be so fast !?”

The Emperor Cangxue’s eyes glared at Boss, and he couldn’t believe how Chu Yan did it.

“1000 years !?”

Hearing the words of the Holy Blood Emperor, Chu Yan grinned and directly took the head, replied with disdain

“That only shows that you are a pig!”

The word fell to the ground, the bloody emperor started, and then the entire face was instantly distorted and deformed, angrily roared

“Chu Yan, I want to eat your meat and drink your blood, go die for me!”

In the trembling roar, the bloody emperor’s whole body aura, burst out instantly, moved towards Chu Yan and rushed away.

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