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With the rage of the bloody emperor, a large amount of bloody aura spread rapidly in the blood cloud rolling above the sky.

“hmph! ”

Seeing the bloody Saint Emperor rushing out, Chu Yan was coldly snorted, a large number of Rakshasa True Qi, surging out, condensed into a mountain-like silhouette behind him.

In an instant, Yin Fiend Qi was like an ocean tide, rushing into Heaven and Earth, sweeping away.

“St. Rakshasa, come out!”

Holding the double fork of gold and silver, the true body of St. Rakshasa near hundred zhang is no longer like before, just a mass of illusory shadow, fuzzy.

At this time, whether standing in the front or in the distance, it is clear to see that on the body of St. Rakshasa true body, a path of complex golden spirit mark is spread all over the body.

A golden pupil, a silver pupil, flickering at the same time, like a Demon God standing between Heaven and Earth, the overbearing trend spread out on the battlefield above heaven under earth.

In addition to the high-ranking Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse such as Ling Shuangtian, some people who were close were directly retreated by this aura, and the impacted body suddenly collapsed, which was completely unbearable, and the outburst of the state under Rakshasa imposing manner.


Swept the whole heaven and earth!

Martial Artist below the median Martial Emperor Realm, Divine Soul has tremors, the whole body trembles slightly, and his legs are sore, he almost wants to kneel down directly.

From the moment Chu Yan suddenly emperor’s realm, Rakshasa Everlasting Art, officially entered the Great Accomplishment Realm!

Saint Rakshasa true body, a large amount of Yin Fiend Qi and demonic energy devoured by “Soul Demon Purgatory” and “Abyss 4 Elephant Demon Market”, at the moment of Chu Yan breakthrough Emperor Realm, had undergone a quantitative to qualitative transformation.

The true body of St. Rakshasa at this time is not what it is today!

“hmph! ”

The demon body of hundred zhang high stepped out in one step, and the entire mountain range was trembling.

A word of magic sound was drunk, just like the explosion of Lei Zhentian, with a strong Divine Soul impact volume, forming a naked eye visible ripple, moved towards the bloody Holy Emperor falling down from the sky, blasting away.


The bloody Saint Emperor in anger, without any defense, was suddenly hit by the magic sound of Saint Rakshasa.

Suddenly, the magic sound of the naked eye hit the body of the bloody emperor, bursting out instantly, moved towards 4 all directions, and spread like a ripple of water.


A mournful scream sounded, and the face of the Bloody Saint immediately twisted into a ball, and the color of pain appeared.

In his eyes, two lines of blood and tears flowed down, his hands holding his head, roar again and again, and the entire face instantly became pale.

His Divine Soul was hit by the magic sound of Saint Rakshasa just now!

Perhaps, the Fleshy body power of the Holy Emperor Realm is ten times that of Chu Yan. Perhaps, the cultivation base True Qi of the Holy Emperor Realm is much more powerful than Chu Yan.

However, Martial Artist’s Divine Soul has never become stronger because of the improvement of cultivation base True Qi!

Divine Soul is always the most vulnerable existence of a Martial Artist, and also the most difficult restricted area for cultivation.

The only thing that can protect Divine Soul Sea of ​​Consciousness is Martial Artist’s own Divine Consciousness power. Obviously, the Divine Consciousness power of the Bloody Saint is one of his weaknesses.

As everyone knows, Pill Master’s Divine Consciousness is much stronger than Martial Artist of the same level.

Chu Yan, as the Grade 9 Golden Pill division, the only thing that can compete with the power house of the Holy Emperor Realm is the power of Divine Consciousness.

Cangxue Shengdi would never think that Chu Yan is not only a genius of cultivation Martial Dao, but also a genius of Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation.

Grade 9 Golden Pill division is almost the pinnacle of Pill Dao!

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness power, after Qilin Martial Soul’s increase, coupled with the increase of the blue armor giant, plus St. Rakshasa’s innate talent skills, the power is far greater than that of the same level Martial Artist.

Of course, if Cangxue Shengdi could think of it earlier, or be more cautious, and protect the Sea of ​​Consciousness with the power of Divine Consciousness, it would not be easily defeated by Chu Yan.

However, seeing Supreme Treasure at the bottom of his box, “Gate of Heaven” was taken away by Chu Yan, and completely lost his sensible bloody emperor, how could it not be a trick! ?

Buzz …! Buzz …! Buzz …!

Above the sky, the spread of the magic sound, with the ripples visible from the naked eye, continues to spread.

After passing by, it was like a tide, after the overthrow of the bloody emperor, there were some fighting clansmans along the way, which directly shocked people to turn their horses.

For a time, above the sky, it was like dumplings, rustling sound, a large number of Ming clan powerhouse, moved towards the ground.

The various battlefields that were originally in a fierce battle situation, because of this sudden Divine Soul shock wave, instantly stagnate, whether it is the Human Race side or the Nether side, looked towards that Saint Rakshasa standing Heaven and Earth, like Demon God His tall body is full of look of shock.

The sky’s blood cloud was tumbling violently, one after another Yin Fiend Qi, devil qi and death qi continuously spread out.

“Kaitian Sword Art, sealing the heavens!”

Just when everyone was shocked, the Clear Sky Sword in Chu Yan’s hands finally moved.

Everyone, only saw a flash of cold glow, just like between Heaven and Earth, a thunder, when I saw it, I couldn’t see clearly, and it was fleeting.

And in the next breath, what everyone can see is that the sky where the thunder and lightning just passed suddenly pulled out a long deep slot and moved straight towards the bloody emperor.

pu chi!

A muffled sound of sword-into-meat sounded, and the blood-heavenly emperor struggled with a twisted body, fiercely shuddered, and he instantly stopped.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes, fiercely shuddered, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Cangxue Shengdi.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a blood flower finally bloomed on the chest of the Crimson Blood Emperor, ejecting a blood mist.

Sword Mark of bone can be seen clearly, dazzling …

The Lord of the Nether, the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, and the Blood Emperor, were injured! ?

Even the Cangxue Saint Emperor had his eyes wide, his mouth wide open, his face blank, slowly looking down, looking towards his chest.

A glance across the chest, a half chi long Sword Mark, black blood stains, zi zi braved blood, and the pain finally reached his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“I … I was injured !? Ben Sheng was actually injured …”

The expression on his face was unbelievable. The bloody emperor extended the hand fingers, wiped his chest and reached his eyes, and the liquid on the fingertips was his own blood.

“Ha ha ha… .how many years !? This saint was actually injured! Ha ha ha… ..”

For a long time, the Bloody Saint Emperor finally reacted, but to everyone’s surprise, he turned his head up and laughed.

In this laughter, with a trembling voice, everyone looked at this scene in dumbfounded.

Not only the Blood Emperor himself, but also all the big men on the Human Race side, as well as the number of 100000000 million powerhouses fighting on both sides, all were a little unbelievable.

Cangxue Shengdi played against Chu Yan, and the wounded turned out to be the blood of the Ming clan in the Shengdi Realm! ?

Moreover, this is only the first time the two sides have fought!

First of all, the Sea of ​​Consciousness was broken, Divine Soul was injured, and then, the defense of the fleshy body was also broken …

This Chu Yan’s battle strength is so terrifying! ?

shua! shua! shua!

Countless pairs of unbelievable eyes, all turned around, all looked towards the other side of the sky, holding Clear Sky Sword, with a black robe silhouette indifferent.

Boom … Rumble!

Above the sky, the tumbling blood clouds slowly descended, like a sky, falling!

A burst of strange sounds came out from the rolling blood cloud …

Between Heaven and Earth, there seemed to be a horrifying laughter of the bloody emperor, a cold and bloody aura, rushing wildly.

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