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In less than ten breaths, the aura in the blood cloud is getting stronger and stronger above the sky.

As the speed of the blood cloud drops faster and faster, the height is getting lower and lower, a majestic pressure aura, dropping from the sky, like a mountain, pressing on everyone.

In an instant, everyone, including Chu Yan, was aura.

“En !?”

Chu Yan looked up, looked towards the sky, eyebrows slightly frowned.

Unlike other people, Chu Yan felt a trace of dangerous aura in this falling blood cloud.

Even if it was just now, there was no such aura against the bloody emperor.

What is there in this blood cloud! ?

Not daring to carelessly, Chu Yan stared closely at the blood cloud in the sky. While Divine Consciousness locked, the corners of his eyes glanced across the bloody Saint Emperor in the sky.

I saw that at this time, Cangxue Saint Emperor had returned to calm. The rage just now seemed to have disappeared completely after being subjected to a shock wave and a sword by Chu Yan.

Like everyone else, just raised his head quietly, watching the blood clouds in the sky, with a strange smile on his face.

Such a scene is too weird, which makes Chu Yan’s vigilance even heavier.

Chu Yan turned his head, looked towards 4 all directions….

I can see that at this time, whether it is on the sky or on the ground, the previous 2 clan wars have been carried out until now. It seems that the continent side of the outer domain has occupied the peak.

The number of Martial Artists with almost equal strength between the original 2 races is now significantly less on the side of the Nether race.

This is because Martial Artists of Continent in Outland have adapted to the secret techniques of the Netherworld and have found corresponding countermeasures.

Therefore, with the passage of time, it is only a matter of time before the war between the two sides and the continent of the foreign domain win all round.

This situation was originally a good thing.

However, Chu Yan looked at the sky, the continuously falling blood clouds, and the bloody emperor, who was indifferent from beginning to end, and always felt something was wrong.

Everything seems to be going too smoothly!

You know, a few months ago, the strength of the Ming clan surged, and a strong swept half of the continent.

But now, the Nether side seems to be worse than Chu Yan, and even worse than everyone expected.

Buzz … buzz …

The seed of blood cloud, the cold and dangerous aura, is getting heavier and heavier.

At this time, not only Chu Yan, but even Ling Shuangtian and other foreign gangsters felt it, their faces changed slightly.

After a few breaths, the Martial Artists in the war between the two sides also gradually felt that something was wrong, and they all looked up together, looking towards the sky and blood, full of vigilance.

Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the blood cloud suddenly shuddered, and two black shadows burst out of the blood cloud.

These two black shadows, wrapped in large blood clouds, flew in two directions from left to right, and flew nearly 2 li before they hovered in the sky.

“what is that!?”

Everyone looked up at the sky with a stunned face, but could clearly see that the blood cloud above the huge black shadow was dissipating.

Bang! Bang!

2 The sound is muffled and explodes directly. The whole sky, a lot of bloody aura, burst like a tide.

“Then … that is the altar !?”

Including Chu Yan, everyone looked up towards the sky, all complexion changed.

I saw that two huge rotten red altars appeared in the place where the blood cloud had just wrapped, and at the same time, a huge rotten red altar also appeared in front of Cangxue Shengdi.

There are exactly three red altars in the same shape. On the sky, they are arranged in a three-corner shape, which almost covers most of the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

Almost at the moment when the three altars appeared, three black lightning bolts burst out at the same time, instantly connecting the three altars together.

A large piece of 3-corner door is completely opened in the sky.

Like a sea of ​​blood, in the sky, constantly rolling, monstrous blood energy, with rich Antiquity aura, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

“This … this will not be Zongxuechi!”

Looking at the three bloody altars in the sky and the bloody sea like a sky, the face of the high priest was full of terrified look.

Continent’s high priests in the outer realm, lineage inheritance, extensive knowledge, bloodline inheritance, there are many continent secrets.

shua! shua! shua!

Just as everyone was hearing this, and turned around with a stunned look towards the high priest, in the sea of ​​blood on the sky, suddenly, two tall silhouettes rushed out.

“Mo Shentian, Mo Jitian! How are these 2 Ming clan demon … still alive !?”

2 silhouettes, flying across the sky, steadily landed in front of the Bloody Holy Emperor. As soon as he turned around, Yin Fire’s eyes twinkled into the hollow, and when he swept towards the crowd, the face of the High Priest changed suddenly.

The priest trembling with his face full of disbelief, quickly opened his mouth and explained to the people around and Chu Yan sound transmission

“This Mo Shentian, and Mo Jitian, are the famous powerhouse during the Antiquity period of the Ming clan. They are also two of the few patriarchs in the history of the Ming clan. , According to records, it was damaged as early as 2 100 years ago, how is it possible to appear here now !? “

The words of the high priest sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the gangsters, which suddenly caused a cold airing sound.




It is also the master of the 3 Ming clan, and also the Supreme clan of the Antiquity period …

In fact, there is no need to explain at all by the high priest. Chu Yan has just swept through Divine Consciousness, and has discovered that the two powerhouses that have just appeared, the aura on his body, are very similar to the emperor.

“En !? This aura, like other ancient powerhouses, doesn’t seem to be Supreme Unity …”

Chu Yan explored carefully, and soon found some problems. Under the brows slightly wrinkle, the pupil of Qilin opened instantly.

Sure enough, under the eyes of the 5-color pupil, it was clearly seen that the newly-emerged two were carrying a strong sense of death.

“Yin Puppet !?”

Chu Yan eyes shrank, a faint look appeared on his face.

Yin puppet!

Originally in Martial Soul World, it was a taboo, anyone who practiced Yinyong privately would be punished.

With the end of Antiquity God and Demon Great War, some stronghouse powerhouses, in order to increase the power of Sect, began to quietly refine Yin Puppet.

Since then, Yin Yang has been slowly accepted by everyone, but there are still many shameful taboos.

As it must be, most Martial Artists who refine Yinyin are refined using Monster Beast.

The use of main sect to damage the powerhouse is a big taboo, which will shame everyone and reduce its reputation.

As before, using the corpse of the ancestors of the main family to refine Yinyong is even more forbidden. Martial Soul World has never appeared in the history of endless years.

“The Realm of Confucius, Heaven and Earth Yellow Gate, Kai!”

Under a light shout, Cangxue Saint Emperor’s eyes, looking at the two Yin puppets in front of him, raised his hand to shoot 2 blood lights.

In an instant, three black altars, blood light soared into the sky, hit the middle area, exploded a incomparable gigantic Space-Time crack, moved towards the left and right slowly opened.

The door of Heaven and Earth opened, and the majestic death gas continuously poured out, just like the situation when the Gate of Heaven apocalypse just now.

“Gate of Heaven again !?” Chu Yan’s face started.

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