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Chu Yan is attacking the Space-Time rift, while Ling Shuangtian and other outland powerhouses join forces to attack the Cangxue Shengdi.

The powerful attacks of the sky are brought together and merged into an attacking torrent, hiding the sky and covering the earth, even if the blood-stained emperor saw it, it was numb.

After all, the combined blow of 10000 powerhouses is definitely not to be underestimated.

Chu Yan’s attack was mainly aimed at the Space-Time crack.

Because Qilin Martial Soul, with the power of Space-Time, collides with the Space-Time crack of the Ming tribe, it will naturally disturb the stability of the Space-Time crack.

However, after all, the strength gap is somewhat large, so Chu Yan can only continue to attack.

On the other side, the Crimson Blood Emperor’s face was fierce, watching the hiding the sky and covering the earth attacked by the torrent, only brace oneself to die.

Behind him is the Space-Time crack, and a large number of clans clansman are evacuating through the Space-Time crack.

At this time, if he gave way, the attacks of 10000 continent cream of the crop powerhouse in foreign domains would hit the crack of Space-Time.

When the time comes, whether it enters the Space-Time crack or does not enter the Space-Time crack, I am afraid it will be damaged.

“explode for me !”

On the Blood Sage Emperor, blood light was rushing, the waves were tide, roaring and roaring, all the blood True Qi condensed into a huge blood cloud, moved towards the opposite torrent of attack, fiercely crashed.

Boom … Rumble!

2 forces, colliding together, a terrifying to the ultimate explosive energy, crazy spread.

Anyone swept by this force, whether it is forest or mountain peak, instantly collapsed and burst.

The mountain range of the Nether tribe, even from the middle of the mountain range, broke a huge crack like a gap and turned into a wide canyon.

Under this force collision, the blasted canyon, forcibly changed the mountain range of the Nether tribe, divided into two, from the original mountain range to two.

It is enough to show how terrifying the formidable power of the attack just now was.

“You can’t let the Nether Race escape!”

Seeing the first wave of confrontation between the two sides, the game was tied, Chu Yan’s eyes were like fire, and he roared loudly.

“Five Elements Tianlian!”

There was no hesitation, behind Chu Yan, 5 Profound Lights were shining brightly, and an azure sky lotus appeared in his hand, quickly merging into a Five Elements sky lotus again, and his hands flew to the Space-Time crack not far away.

Although in addition to Qilin’s Space-Time power, other True Qi power and attribute power have almost no effect on Space-Time cracks.

However, Five Elements Tianlian is Chu Yan’s formidable power strongest attack. Even if it can’t shake the Space-Time crack, it can also kill many clans clansman who are rushing into the Space-Time crack.

boom…! boom….! boom…!

For a time, 2 waves of fighting broke out in the sky.

Outland gangsters, united together, fighting with the bloody emperor, all kinds of killing emperor techniques, attacked like a volcano eruption.

All of a sudden, Heaven and Earth changed color, and the storm surged …

Standing in the distance, the Martial Artists of the continent coalition forces who watched the battle in the outer realm saw the scene in the sky, and they were all shocked by Divine Soul.

In this kind of gangster-level battle, they simply cannot participate, and the strength cultivation base is not enough. If they dare to go up, I am afraid that a vigorous aftermath will make them lose.

Some cultivation bases can’t reach the emperor’s realm, or even swept by the aftermath of the mighty air wave that exploded in the sky, they were directly pulled over to the ground, and they couldn’t stabilize their bodies.

Climbing up from the ground, retreating in horror, withdrawing 100 li away, barely managed to stabilize the body.

This battle of continent’s Peak in the Outer World, influenced by might’s strength, covered nearly 100 li.

However, Martial Artist, who was outside the field, did not leave alone, but all stared at the sky with a stunning face.

You know, for them, such a battle, I am afraid that you can only see it once in a lifetime.


The bloody emperor above the sky found that the attack of the big brothers was getting stronger and stronger.

With one’s own strength, against the powerhouse above the 10000 median Martial Emperor Realm Peak level, even if he is the emperor of the Holy Emperor, it is impossible to persist for too long.

Fiercely glanced over all the big guys in front of him, the eyes of the Crimson Saint, finally fell on the body of the two Ming clan elders.

“Give me a swallow!”

a light shout, the bloody holy emperor raised his hand and waved, 2 blood lights waved out and rolled straight to the 2 clan elders.

pu chi! pu chi!

2 muffled sounds came out, under the Devouring Power urged by the Blue Blood Saint Emperor, the bodies of the 2 Ming Clan elders exploded instantaneously, turning into 2 strands of black red qi and blood, and rolled back into the Blood Blood Saint within the body.


The Cangxue Saint Emperor who devoured the 2 clan elders qi and blood, a huge force on his body, directly exploded, and the cultivation base True Qi increased frantically.

“Ha ha ha…. Very nice feeling!”

The loud laughter of Cangxue Shengdi, resounding through the sky, felt the unprecedented power of the body, and the trace of inspiration that never touched. Now the Chongxue Shengdi has finally reached the Peak of life.

“God, he … swallowed the clan elder !?”

“So deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors, it’s a big deal!”

“This guy has gone crazy! Even the main family’s predecessors devoured it, which is not as good as wild beast.”

“Be careful, he is very powerful!”


The continent big brothers across from the outside world were all surprised when they saw this scene.

Although the Qi and blood devouring secret techniques of the Ming tribe have been strange, but it is really shocking to start with your main family ancestors.

At this moment, Cangxue Shengdi shot!

Buzz …! Buzz …!

With your hands apart, one after the other, at the same time, two blood palm seals were exploded, respectively attacking the big brothers on the opposite side, and Chu Yan at the crack of the Space-Time.

Suddenly, whether it was a joint attack by the big brothers, or Chu Yan’s Five Elements Tianlian, it hit the two palm seals and was suddenly shattered.

“really strong !”

Turning around and looking at the Cangxue Saint Emperor, Chu Yan’s face instantly sank.

At this time, the bloody Saint Emperor, the blood color on his body was surging, an aura that made Chu Yan feel palpitation, and spread continuously.

Even, the void within 100 steps of his body, under the impact of this aura, continued to crack and could not be recovered at all.

Cangxue Shengdi slowly turned his head, looked towards Chu Yan, said with a sneer

“Chu Yan, you are very good!”

Looking at Chu Yan, the bloody Saint Emperor’s face, the original anger disappeared without a trace at this time. Instead, it was a weird joke.

“If you don’t have your Five Elements Spirit Qi, maybe I will never be able to peep into the god realm, even if you devour more qi and blood, it’s useless!”

In fact, in this battle, the Cangxue Saint did not go out of his way.

Almost half of Divine Consciousness and True Qi are divided. During the battle, the refining and comprehend are constantly rejuvenating Five Elements.

However, the consumption of True Qi in battle made him very slow to refining the Five Elements, and there was no gain at all. Only until just now, he took the taboo of the world and devoured 2 clan elders.

His True Qi instantly returned to Peak, and because of this, the spirit of Five Elements was finally refined by him.

Hearing the words of Saint Blood Emperor, Chu Yan certainly understood what it meant, after all, this Five Elements qi was given to Saint Blood Emperor.

Therefore, Chu Yan knows more about the role of Five Elements.

“Chu Yan, this time, you have won, but when I break through the realm of the gods, I believe we will meet again, when the time comes, whether it is continent in the outer realm, or your Human Race, you have to … dead!”

With a word, the bloody emperor’s big hand waved, and the sky in front of him was directly torn apart by a huge crack, directly a flash, the silhouette of the bloody emperor, instantly disappeared into the Space-Time crack.

“Aoki, wait, the next time you meet, even your Divine Soul will be swallowed by me, haha ​​…”

The wanton laughter, resounding through the sky, with the closing of two Space-Time cracks, the Bloody Saint and the Nether, all disappeared.

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