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Looking at the 2 Space-Time cracks where they disappeared, Chu Yan’s face was as iced, and his face was unwilling.

It is a pity that this time continent counted 100 forces Sect united, but failed to destroy the Nether clan, or let them escape.

The strength of Cangxue Shengdi is too strong.

In this outer continent, there is almost the existence of Peak. There is no powerhouse of equal strength to restrict him. Running away from the whole body is really not a big problem for him.

Moreover, he took it by the way and took away almost half of the clansman of the Nether tribe.

As for where they went, because of the Space-Time transmission, there is no way to check, let alone chase.

“Damn, let them run away!”

The high priest and the others were equally unwilling and shouted.

You know, this time, the slaughter caused by the continent in the Outer Tribe, but it swept most of the continent.

Martial Artists who have been slaughtered and killed by them are probably no less than 100000000 million.

For the continent, which is not a powerful foreign domain, it is almost a disaster.

“Damn Clan, damn bloody emperor, the strength is too strong!”

“Yes! This time the Ming tribes are in trouble, and the power they show is far beyond our imagination.”

“That is, normally, simply did not notice that the Ming clan had hidden such a powerful potential!”

“The worst thing is the Wu clan, which was regarded as the main target by the Ming clan, and almost the whole clan was destroyed!”

“Fortunately, at this time, a high priest came forward, and we, the Sect, could only contend with it.”

“I don’t know, this Ming tribe fled there, I’m afraid it’s already not in Continent in Outland.”

“No matter where you go, let all the Sects find them together, even if they are other continent, they must be found out.”

“That’s right, when the bloody emperor was leaving, it seemed to say that when he broke through the divine realm, he would come back and take revenge.”

“Oh, who is Aoki he said?”


After the war ended, the big brothers of the foreign domains gathered together, and everyone talking at once started talking.

Ling Shuangtian and the high priest, as well as Jiang Yuchuan and several other gangsters, gathered around Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, what shall we do next?”

The high priest asked directly.

Hearing the problems of the high priest, Ling Shuangtian and several others all looked towards Chu Yan, his eyes flashing.

“In my estimation, this Ming tribe must have left the continent outside the realm.” Chu Yan said.

“Good! If they dare to stay continent in the foreign domain, we have so many Sects, it won’t take long, even if he hides in the underground 10,000 zhang, he can dig it out.”

“The Nether tribe escaped from a great clan. So many clansman need cultivation, and they must need resources. Therefore, impossible cannot be closed, and naturally impossible will remain continent in the outer domain.

“In my opinion, I should have escaped to Soul Continent, or Dream Continent. These two continent, which are closest to our outland continent, are also 2 Star continent.”


Ling Shuangtian and they discussed it and planned to send a large number of Martial Artists to these 2 continent to explore the remains of the Ming tribe.


However, before they finished speaking, Chu Yan shook his head directly, interrupting their negotiation.

“They should have gone to Ten Directions Star Domain. Somewhere in the 9 Star Domains, they have already arranged a retreat and hiding place.”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, Shen Sheng spoke.

“Ten Directions Star Domain !? This …”

The high priest, his face started, some looked towards Chu Yan who could not believe it.

Not only the high priest, but Ling Shuangtian and Jiang Yuchuan are also incredible.

Because, according to the strength, the power of the Ming tribe, the 2 Star continent in the outer domain continent may be quite powerful.

However, if you arrive at Ten Directions Star Domain, there are countless great emperors and many emperors there. I am afraid that the Ming Clan may not even rank 3 Sect.

Most importantly, Ten Directions Star Domain is almost a taboo for 2 Star continent like continent.

If the Ming clan really went to Ten Directions Star Domain, then it would be troublesome to deal with them again.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion, has to do with the Underworld!”

Chu Yan certainly saw the doubtful expression on the faces of the big men, so he said.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion !?”


“, …”

The three gangsters heard the three words “Saint Heavenly Pavilion” and suddenly changed their faces.

Compared to Ten Directions Star Domain, the reputation of Saint Heavenly Pavilion scared them even more.

That simply is not the existence they can cause. It can even be said that Saint Heavenly Pavilion only needs to breathe to destroy any of them.

“Everyone, next, let me deal with the matter of the Ming tribe!”

Since Chu Yan opened up the Saint Heavenly Pavilion to the Ming clan, he was open and honest, and naturally he did not intend to let the Outer Continent fight Saint Heavenly Pavilion, so Chu Yan continued.

“This mountain range of the Netherworld cannot be left, it must be destroyed!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the other big guys turned their heads, looking towards the mountain range of the Ming Clan, while being nodded.

So, next, under the leadership of big priests and Ling Shuangtian and other big brothers, all continent coalition Martial Artists rushed to the underworld and destroyed everything they saw.

Among them, the continent wealth collected by the Ming tribe is evenly divided into 100 Sect.

As for the blood pool of the Ming clan, a group of big brothers, let go of Divine Consciousness, turned the inside and outside of the mountain, and turned it upside down, but did not find it.

Obviously, Zongxuechi was taken away by the Cangxue Saint.

This is not beyond Chu Yan’s expectations. Such a treasure is related to the revitalization of the Ming tribe and is extremely important to the Ming tribe.

Moreover, in order to restore this blood pool, the Ming tribe accumulated a full 100,000 years, how can it be easily discarded.

Therefore, the final result is naturally not found.

Boom … Rumble!

A day later, with the loud noise of heaven shaking earth shattering, the whole mountain collapsed.

In the dusty sky, Chu Yan took her mother Lin Muxue and all the gangsters, left the mountain range and returned to Lingyun Pavilion.

Chu Yan was very considerate of mother’s mood and flew all the way, and it took less than half a day to return to 9 mountain range.

Father Chu Jiang, Big Brother Chu Zhan, already outside the mountain gate, looking forward.

Finally, on the edge of the sky, a huge black spot appeared first, followed by the black cloud tide 9 Sect disciple.

Riding the black marsh lion scorpion, Chu Yan’s mood is even more exciting than Lin Muxue.

That night many years ago, in the Chu Family study room, Chu Yan once told father that within 2 years, he would definitely pick up his mother.

Although in the end, it took more than 2 years and finally reunited with a family …

In the next 3 months, Chu Yan did not go there, nor did he cultivate. With Yue’er, he accompanied his family in Lingyun Pavilion.

Moreover, under the strong demand of father mother, Chu Yan and Yue’er finally got married.

For a time, the entire Lingyun Pavilion, guests from all sides came to congratulate, with joy and joy.

In 3 months, Chu Yan not only reunited the whole family, but also formed a relationship with Yue’er. The whole person’s heart was wrapped in happiness.

However, the time of joy is always short, and the time to set off for Ten Directions Star Domain has finally arrived.

Originally, Chu Yan was prepared to stay longer.

But there was news from the ear of Emperor Tianqilou that the cloud ghost town of Ten Directions Star Domain was being auctioned … 5 Soul Stone!

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