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“this is….”

Yue Linglong’s spirit eye, instantly magnified, the beautiful little face is all look of shock.

This small piece of animal meat enters the mouth, full of rich and savory gravy, and all kinds of spices completely broke out. The two fuse together, almost reaching the perfect level, and the delicious food can no longer be eaten.

God, this is … barbecue! ?

Such a delicious barbecue, Yue Linglong’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, almost stopped for a full time, it seems that her entire Divine Soul, in Xiangchun’s barbecue, completely lost.

The previous disgust and contempt, at this time, disappear without a trace, now she, in her eyes, heart, mouth, only delicious barbecue.


After Little White Bear had gnawed the first calf leg and reached for the second, Yue Linglong finally broke out.

The sound of roasting meat roars throughout the restaurant!

The diners in all directions looked at Yue Linglong as if he hadn’t eaten in 4 years, and kept eating the barbecue in the jade hand. In this way, it was almost exactly the same as the Spirit Beast, the bear beside her.

Everyone, seeing this scene, his eyes were wide, his mouth wide open, and his chin fell off the ground.

A beauty, with Spirit Beast, grab it! ?

What’s the matter! ?

Is that roasted beast meat so delicious? ?

However, just smelling the smell of the meat that diffused the entire restaurant, less than ten breaths, all kinds of spitting saliva sounded at the same time.

The entire restaurant, in this brief moment, seems to be imprisoned by some kind of powerful space emperor, except Little White Bear and Yue Linglong. Of course, Chu Yan later joined the ranks of grabbing meat, everyone else looked at it dumbly. This scene is like petrochemical.

After a full breaths time, a whole Monster Beast barbecue was just eaten by 3 people, and only the skeleton remained.


Little White Bear’s belly is as round as a ball, 2 greasy bear paws, rubbing his belly, his face is full of happy smirk.

This burp sounded, and all the diners all around awakened in an instant. They went 100 lines of sight and swept the pile of animal bones on Chu Yan’s table, and fiercely twitched the corner of their mouth.

Immediately after that, almost at the same time, with 100 red eyes, simultaneously shua shua turned not far away, the same dull restaurant shopkeeper and waiter.

“Waiter, give me a piece of roast meat!”

“Shopkeeper’s, give me 2 copies …”

“I pay double the price, give me first …”


Among the various roars, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, as well as Little White Bear, had already left the restaurant and took to the streets.

“Didn’t expect, what else do you cook !?”

Now Yue Linglong, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all have changed. A pair of spirit eyes are full of little stars.

“Oh, brother will, more!” Chu Yan replied with a chuckle.

“Uh, big brother, I want to eat barbecue every day!”

Yue Linglong didn’t respond to Chu Yan’s self-proclaiming, but instead directly changed his tongue. In a pair of spirit eyes, the cunning rays of light flashed.

“Yes, no problem!” Chu Yan waved his hand high-spirited and vigorous.

This woman is a strange creature!

However, there is no woman who can’t solve a delicious barbecue, even if there are, then 2 meals!

For his barbecue, Chu Yan still has absolute confidence in this Martial Soul World.

Then, three people walked on the street, looking for the Heavenly Might building.

In Tian Sea Territory, in any city, there is a branch of Heavenly Might building. Chu Yan on the one hand, they want to understand the situation of Tianlun crystal again, and they also want to find a temporary place to live.

When 3 people and 4 people were searching, on the street in the distance, 3 yellow robe Martial Artists hurried towards 3 people.

“Pay respects to the warlord! Below is the deputy Building Lord of the Heavenly Might Lou Tianlun City classification, Shi Weifang!”

Yellow robe old man headed, walked in front of Chu Yan, politely saluted, said.

“En!? How do you know that we are here !?” Chu Yan was a little surprised. Their three people hadn’t found the Heavenly Might building. The Heavenly Might building had to find them first.

“Oh, any way I have the identity of Jade Talisman, close to any branch of Heavenly Might building, there will be news, not to mention that the 2 people still took the task, my Skywheel City classification, naturally responsible for hospitality!”

Shi Weifang speaks extremely politely, and it seems that this is contrary to the status of Divine Dao and is also strict.

“Please come with me 3 people, the accommodation has been arranged!”

After Shi Weifang finished speaking, he took Chu Yan with three people and walked along Main Street, but directly passed through the city and out of Skywheel City from another city gate.

“His deputy Building Lord, why not live in the city !?”

If it wasn’t before, Shi Weifang showed Jade Talisman as the reverse Divine Dao, Chu Yan would even think that this guy wanted to take himself outside the city to rob.

“The Warlord has no idea. This Skywheel City is the site of the” Tiandong Aristocratic Family “, which has been suppressing my Heavenly Might building. Especially recently, the crystal wave of Guwushan Skywheel will soon erupt, Tiandong Aristocratic Family imposes martial law on Skywheel City and has many inconveniences. Therefore, I recently arranged all the members of our road who came to Skywheel City in several manors outside the city. “Shi Weifang explained.

“En !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, immediately frowned.

“This day East Aristocratic Family, why suppress the Heavenly Might House !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Shi Weifang shook the head, smiled bitterly, and explained

“It’s not for Sky Wheel Crystal!”

“Tiandong Aristocratic Family is strong. In Tian Sea Territory, it is one of the 7 major Aristocratic Family forces. It not only controls Skywheel City, but also controls nearly ten cities around it.”

“These people from Tiandong Aristocratic Family will send people at the entrance of Guwu Mountain to forcibly acquire the Tianlun crystal found by Martial Artists at the entrance of Guwu Mountain, and the price is almost the same as that of a Divine. Crystal acquires a Tianlun crystal! “

“A piece of Divine Crystal !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! The price given by my Heavenly Might building is 500 Divine Crystal. Therefore, Tiandong Aristocratic Family’s various troubles to find our Heavenly Might building just want us to stop buying Tianlun Crystal.”

“In ten days, the crystal tide of the heavenly wheel will erupt again. It is said that this wave of crystal tide is not small. Tiandong Aristocratic Family sent a large number of powerhouses to enclose the entire Guwu Mountain, more than a dozen entrances and exits. Including the city, the gate of my Heavenly Might building is blocked! “

When Shi Weifang said this, he was angry.

“Good day Aristocratic Family! Hmph!” Chu Yan coldly snorted, a fine flash in his eyes flashed.

Could it be that Chu Yan had n’t reached the gate of the Heavenly Might building while they were in the city, and Shi Weifang took the initiative to find them, because it was because of the gate that people were blocked.

Several people said while walking, Chu Yan also kept asking about the crystal wave of the Tianlun.

It didn’t take long for several people to reach a huge manor.

This manor was built in a beautiful place leaning against the mountains and the water. Although it is not as grand and magnificent as the palace, it is exceptionally beautiful.

In particular, Spirit Qi, which is all around the manor, is extremely rich, not worse than Cave Mansion, which is the residence of some Sect.

Entering the manor, Shi Weifang took a brief introduction with three people, and then left Jade Talisman to rush to leave.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, as well as Little White Bear, each chose a favorite courtyard, each cultivated.

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