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Chu Yan walked around in his small inside courtyard at random, laid a few bans, and began cultivation.

Recently, Chu Yan found his cultivation speed and began to improve.

It’s gone, after the breakthrough emperor realm, that kind of difficult feeling.

Presumably, it has a lot to do with all kinds of heavenly materials earthly treasures that are constantly refining, especially Hong Qi Spirit Qi and 5 Soul Stones, which have a great effect.

In the current cultivation base, there is only the lower Martial Emperor Realm 7th Layer, but Chu Yan is sure, even if he is given another piece of 5 soul stones like the last cloud ghost city, he can break through to the median Martial Emperor Realm.

Sitting cross-legged, running Five Elements True Qi, St. Rakshasa true body appeared behind Chu Yan, Rakshasa True Qi was the main, Five Elements True Qi was the supplement, within the body among the major meridians, the majestic True Qi, such as The rushing river.

5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, which divides the left, right, front and back, and middle, and enforces the power of 5 souls on Chu Yan.

In particular, White Tiger and Vermilion Bird, 2 Divine Beast Martial Souls with breakthrough to the soul of war, and the enforcement of Chu Yan are almost double that of other Martial Souls.

The entire small courtyard is almost completely covered by the power of Chu Yan’s Five Elements.

In this way, ten days, a flash …

Spirit Qi of Hongmeng is not much, and the spirit of Five Elements is also consumed more and more. If there is no new supplement, Chu Yan’s cultivation speed will gradually slow down.


A path of True Qi rolled in with the body, and suddenly burst like a huge wave.

The majestic Martial Soul power and True Qi, in Chu Yan’s body all around, rolled up a huge tornado, hit the all around prohibition, and shocked the entire small courtyard, trembling.

Chu Yan’s within both eyes, 5 colors of lightning, burst out, a happy color flashed across his face.

Subordinate Martial Emperor Realm 8th Layer!

didn’t expect, this time, Chu Yan’s cultivation base turned out to be a breakthrough.


In one word, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness shone like a wave, shrouded in all directions in 4 directions, and led all 4 scattered True Qi back into the body.

After a full hour, Chu Yan slowly stopped.

Fortunately, before, Chu Yan laid out several prohibitions against Shu, so the breakthrough just now, not at all rushed out of the small courtyard.

Out of the cultivation room, Chu Yan came to the inside courtyard, with a big hand flip, the Clear Sky Sword behind him appeared directly.

“Sword moves but moves, One Sword Chopping Heavens River!”

call out…!

Sword light is like water, Sword Qi like Nine Heavens Heavenly Sword, sprint in the small inside courtyard, 4 times.

At the beginning, these sword light, such as a path of electric shock, crossed the sky, and shed countless Sword Mark,

However, with the continuous development of Chu Yan, the sword light continues to evolve, and finally turns into a piece of sword fog. With the surge of Sword Qi, it floats in the entire small inside courtyard, 4 places.

These sword fogs are like spirits, condensed but not scattered, do not touch the void, nor collide with the prohibition.

Sometimes it is like a torrential rain, and sometimes it is like a clear and drizzle, and it is spreading.


Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly sighed and drank out. The word Sword Qi broke out in an instant, with Clear Sky Sword and sword glow in his hand.

Swaying out, a sword light shaped like a Tianlian suddenly appeared, spanning like a long sword, empty and gorgeous like a flower.

An azure lotus sword light appeared in the middle of the small courtyard, and within a blink of an eye, it gathered into a sword flower lotus pond.

“En !?”

Just as Chu Yan concentrated on the evolution of the Sword Intent, in the sky behind him, a silhouette of a giant green armor emerged slowly.

Looking down at the azure Tianlian held in his hand, he also looked at the lotus pond evolved by the piece of azure sword light in front of Chu Yan.

“I still underestimated you!”

The corner of the blue armor giant’s mouth gently raised, and with this sentence, the silhouette gradually dissipated and returned to azure Tianlian.

At the same time, Chu Yan had closed his sword and stood up, looking at thoughtful face, in midair that slowly faded sword shadow lotus pond, Sword Qi like a fog around him, constantly surging.

The performance of this set of Sword Art just made Chu Yan Divine Soul shock, for a long time, and the trouble of the way of self seems to inadvertently open a small window for him.

This set of Sword Art can’t talk about swordsmanship at all, it is entirely based on the heart. It combines the strength of gold, the breath of wood, the birth of water, the thickness of the earth, the bloom of fire, and the integration of Yin-Yang, Azure Lotus. Knot of Life Spirit Qi.

The most important thing is that Chu Yan will realize for a long time that in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the artistic conception of the azure sky lotus has been fully displayed.

Boom … Rumble!

Chu Yan, who was in the sudden enlightenment of distraction, was suddenly dissipated by the Azure Lotus Sword pool in midair, causing the sword wave to roll over and wake up suddenly.

The exploded Sword Qi, with a harsh murderous aura, ignited the thunder and thunder, shaking all directions.

“Uh … still a little bit worse!”

didn’t expect Finally, the Sword Intent and Violence contained in the sword were still released. Chu Yan suddenly smiled bitterly and shook the head.

However, in this evolution of Sword Intent, Chu Yan’s gains are enormous.

Standing in the small courtyard, raising the raised hand, Clear Sky Sword is sheathed, Chu Yan’s aura is constantly restrained.


Spits out one mouthful of impure air, to accept the breath, Chu Yan cultivation is over, waved to remove the ban, moved towards the courtyard door and walked away.

When I first walked to the entrance of the courtyard, I saw Little White Bear and Yue Linglong, who were already waiting at the entrance of the courtyard. Both of them were worried.

“Boss, you are finally out!”

Seeing Chu Yan appear, Little White Bear jumped up and ao ao called out.

“En!? Why are you here !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“It’s the tenth day, and the crystal wave of the heavenly wheel is about to begin.” Yue Linglong’s pouting Boss said with a displeased expression

“You cultivation madman, don’t you look at the time? If you miss the crystal wheel of the heavenly wheel, it will not be fun!”

“Fun !?” Chu Yan’s eyes twitched twice.

This big young lady in the dark temple, came here to catch the love … play! ?

But also, relative to her identity, what heavenly materials earthly treasures do not want, this heavenly wheel crystal, really good.

“Go! Go … Hurry!”

Chu Yan was not allowed to react at all, Yue Linglong directly pulled Chu Yan, moved towards the outside.

After leaving the manor, 3 people rose into the sky, moved towards the right side of Skywheel City, a large mountain range, flew away.

It didn’t take long for Chu Yan 3 people to arrive at an entrance to Guwu Mountain Range.

From the sky, at a glance, the broad grassland is full of silhouettes.

various sects various sects, cultivation base There are various powerhouses of high and low forces, gathered together, seems to be waiting for something.

“It’s okay to catch up, it hasn’t started yet!”

Yue Linglong showed a smile on his face, and together with Chu Yan, fell in an open place and stood in shape.

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness rushed, the moved towards all around caused Martial Artist to sweep away, sweep away at random, Chu Yan’s gaze fell on a silhouette of a white robe in the distance, immediately frowned.

“Fan Tianhua !?”

Chu Yan didn’t expect, this tiny ten-pointed Tianlun crystal could actually attract Fan Tianhua.

However, when Chu Yan saw Fan Tianhua’s green eyes, staring at Yue Linglong beside him, he suddenly felt suddenly.

It seems that this Fan Tianhua didn’t come to Tianlun Jing.

Fan Tianhua among the crowd swept Chu Yan’s eyes, and his eyes were all cold, but when looking towards Yue Linglong, he was all smiling.

Fan Tianhua would come over as soon as he lifted his foot, and he seemed to want to say hello to Yue Linglong, but the crowd all around suddenly turbulent without waiting for him to lift his foot.

“Look! The people from Tiandong Aristocratic Family are here!”

“Haha, it’s about to start!”

“This time the crystal wheel of the skywheel is said to be the largest in 100 years. I really hope to find a few more!”


Chu Yan followed the voice, looked up towards the sky, and suddenly saw a group of green robe powerhouse, stepping on the Lingyun, dropping from the sky.

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