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Chu Yan just glanced, his brow lightly wrinkle lightly.

I saw that this group of Martial Artists came from the Lingyun, all of them were arrogant, aura was outgoing, and they all ran into the aura of everyone.

This group of Martial Artists wearing “Heaven” robes, headed by purple long hair, draped over their shoulders, half of the face is skewed, a face of ruff, a pair of thieves’ eyes, looks nothing like the monastic Martial Artist.

Instead, this person’s image is like a kind of Hooligan leader who collects protection fees on a certain street.

“No! Young City Lord, Yang Huang !?”

“Why is this 2nd lord responsible for the entrance and exit here, this is troublesome!”

“This guy is relying on father, the might of Heavenly Wheel Emperor, and bullying other Martial Artists everywhere. It is really not a good person!”

“Hush, be quiet, don’t let him hear it!”


Martial Artist all around, seeing the appearance of Yang Huang, all with a chilling look on his face, full of look of dreading.

“Heavenly Emperor !? Tiandong Aristocratic Family, one of the 5 Saints !?”

Hearing Martial Artist’s comments, Chu Yan immediately understood.

This Tiandong Aristocratic Family, the 5 strongest emperors of the East, is known as the Tiandong 5 Saints. It is the Tiandong Aristocratic Family that can become the first card of the Sea Territory great clan Aristocratic Family.

Moreover, Tiandong Aristocratic Family is Tian Sea Territory, the only one qualified to become Ten Directions Star Domain, one of the forces of Aristocratic Family Alliance.

Ten Directions Star Domain’s Aristocratic Family alliance is no worse than Primeval Beginning Palace, Dark Temple and other 1st Rate Influence.

Just because of his strong life experience, let’s not say that Yang Huang is in the Sky Wheel City, even if it is in the Sky Sea Territory, they are the masters of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.

Normally, these 2 lords are rampant, arrogant and despotic, and they are not afraid of anyone in their eyes.

Just when everyone in the audience glared at the Aristocratic Family in Tiandong, then Yang Huang had already reached the crowd, a pair of thieves’ eyes slipped across the crowd, grinning, opened the mouth and said

“I announced that everyone will have to pay 50% tax on this crystal wheel!”

This phrase landed, all Martial Artists in the audience immediately started, and then the whole crowd exploded.

“What? 50% !?”

“This is not equal to paying half of the Tianlun Jing, what a joke!”

“Why !? It’s not fair. In the past, we only paid 20%, why mention 50% !?”

“Why don’t you grab it !?”


All kinds of crazy roars, the huge sound waves, and the mountain peak that shakes all around are buzzing.

“Ha ha ha, fair !?”

Hearing everyone’s words, Yang Huang didn’t take it at all. He raised his hands and scratched his ears and eyes, and his face was ragged, directly said with a big smile

“Yang Huang’s words are rules, I say fair, it’s fair!”

“People who don’t want to pay, get Laozi get lost now! Otherwise, kill without mercy!”

A killing character fell to the ground, and a crowd that had just been boiling suddenly quieted down. Everyone’s face was full of anger, but they dared not say anything.

Because, Yang Huang, Aristocratic Family of Tiandong, will really kill people!

In Tianlun City, some Martial Artists who have been in the mountain range of Guwu for many years, how come they do n’t know that every time, the crystal wave of the Tianlun, this Yang Huang will appear somewhere to enter and exit the level.

As long as there is a level where Yang Huang appears, Martial Artist will definitely be damaged. Those people may just be angry, and they will be directly killed by Yang Huang.

Therefore, when Yang Huang said “kill without mercy” exit, the whole scene, everyone, all became quiet.

Chu Yan stood in the corner of the crowd, his face cold …

This Yang Huang is really arrogant, but it is best not to provoke yourself, otherwise, Chu Yan would not mind shooting.

“Hmph! He’s so cheap!”

When Yang Huang saw that no one dared to nibble anymore, he immediately laughed and waved his hand directly.

“You go to open the ban and prepare to let go!”

“Yes, Young Young City Lord!”

The few Aristocratic Family of Tiandong who followed Yang Huang heard Yang Huang’s order and turned to move towards an altar not far away.

This altar is located at a mountain pass, and behind the mountain pass is the mountain range of Guwu.

Therefore, this mountain pass is one of several entrances to the Guwu mountain range. Normally, they are completely blocked by Tiandong Aristocratic Family, and they are completely blocked.

At this moment, Fan Tianhua among the crowd, with 2 people, came close to Yue Linglong with a smiling face.

“Oh, Moon Girl, what a coincidence!”

Fan Tianhua smiled and said hello to Yue Linglong, but just exchanged the frost on Yue Linglong’s face, and ignored him.

Yue Linglong wears a white dress with a veil to cover her face, and her temperament is like ice. If she stands there, she reveals a pair of star-like spirit eyes, which can attract all around, and countless crimson eyes.

The two people who followed Fan Tianhua wore the same robes and embroidered the words “Lingyu” on their chests.

“Moon Girl, I heard the name for a long time, in the lower Lingyu Mountain, Inner Sect disciple, An Luhai!”

This man, who thought he was handsome, had a strand of hair on his forehead, was full of fat and powder, and bit the word “Inner Sect” heavily to Yue Linglong opened the mouth and said.

“In the lower Lingyushan discipline, Ji Ming! I have seen the moon girl!”

Another disciple of Lingyu Mountain also smiled at Yue Linglong opened the mouth and said.

If you export it, the result in exchange is no different from that of Fan Tianhua. Yue Linglong didn’t even look at them from beginning to end. Behind the tulle, in a pair of spirit eyes, there was still 2 years of ice that could not be melted.

Chu Yan stood aside and smiled gently, looking at Fan Tianhua and the disciples of 2 Lingyushan, and stood there awkwardly.

Ling Yushan, Chu Yan knows that it is one of the ten Great Influence in the Sea Territory.

“Get lost!”

Seeing three people pestle there, Yue Linglong’s face finally flashed a bit of displeasure and spoke directly.

What! ? roll….! ?

Fan Tianhua and An Luhai, as well as Ji Ming, startled at the same time.

3 People came with smiles on their faces and were originally very confident, but didn’t expect, Yue Linglong’s mouth is a “roll” word.

Although Lingyu Mountain ranks behind in the Ten Great Influence of Sky Sea Territory, An Luhai and Ji Ming are genius Martial Artists ranked 1000 in the Heaven Ranking, and they are somewhat famous in Sky Sea Territory.

But didn’t expect, in front of Yue Linglong, as if not even a fart.

“Oh, Moon Girl, anyway, we can be considered all the way. There is no problem standing here !?”

Fan Tianhua did not directly name the inverse Divine Dao, because the inverse Divine Dao is still in the dark. There is iron law that prohibits members of the inverse Divine Dao from disclosing their identities outside.

However, Fan Tianhua knew that Yue Linglong had another identity, so he would not give up easily, but his face became thicker and thicker.

“Moon Girl, since everyone is here for the heavenly wheel crystal, there are many people, and Ji Ming and I have been here a few times. I am quite familiar with this Guwu mountain range, maybe I can help the girl on the moon. Busy! “

An Luhai and Fan Tianhua, with almost the same cheeky face, face Yue Linglong’s cold color, and have no intention of flinching.

“That is, this crystal is very rare, but it is not who, you can find it in the Guwu mountain range, even if it is not good, you can’t even save your life!”

When Ji Ming spoke, Chu Yan looked towards Yue Linglong, his face looked contemptuous.

“Let you go, didn’t you hear !?”

Chu Yan glanced at Yue Linglong, turned his head to look at 3 people, and spoke indifferently.

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