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Accompanying the sweeping Dewey, three silhouettes appeared from the gate of the Mission Palace and moved towards the mission Elder.

These three people are the three emperors of Lightning Thunder, Ge Hong and Ji Ming.

“Pay respects to Master of Fantasy Palace, Ge Hong Palace Lord, Ji Ming Palace Lord!”

“Pay respects to Master of Fantasy Palace, Ge Hong Palace Lord, Ji Ming Palace Lord!”

“Pay respects to Master of Fantasy Palace, Ge Hong Palace Lord, Ji Ming Palace Lord!”


In all directions, members of the Xuantian Temple, including the quest Elder, saw three people appear in the Magic Thunder Emperor, all paid respect.

Unlike Chu Yan ’s identity as the Warlord, in the position of the inverse Divine Dao, the Palace Lord and the Palace Lord have real power, and Commander has many members respectively.

Therefore, there are many people in this Mission Palace who are subordinates of their three people.

Chu Yan, the great war emperor, is just a vain, enjoying Elder treatment, but not at all specifically responsible for what.

Seeing the appearance of these three people, Chu Yan raised his eyebrows as well, and had a bad hunch in his heart.

“Everyone is free!”

Emperor Lei Thunder waved his hand with a strange smile on his face, glanced at Chu Yan, and turned to look towards the mission Elder.

“I just received news that someone posted the Yellow Springs Road mission. I brought Ge Palace Lord and Ji Palace Lord to come and pick up the mission!”

Hearing Emperor Thunder’s words, Chu Yan and Mission Elder were at a loss.

“Reporting to Lord of the Thunder Palace, for this task, Chu Yan has just signed up, there are currently only 2 places in total, you see …”

“En !?”

hearing this, the magic thunder emperor suddenly complexion sank, including Ge Hong and Ji Ming’s face, at the same time flashed a strange color.

This Chu Yan dare to take the task of “Yellow Springs Road”! ?

The stunned color on his face soon disappeared, replaced by laughter and coldness all over his face.

The last time, at the Jinlan event, that Chu Yan kept Xuan Heavenly Palace from coming to Taiwan. After almost letting him go back, he vomited a few blood.

At this time, I finally caught the opportunity to take care of him.

What made him didn’t expect is that this day is so coincident that this Chu Yan sent it to himself.

In this case, let him have a good look at what is the dignity of the emperor and what is the style of the palace master!

“hmph! ”

Emperor Lei Thunder lowered his face, hummed again, and swept his eyes towards the mission Elder, opened the mouth and said

“Did you not hear me? I said, the three of us took this task!”

When the Emperor of Lightning Thunder spoke, the authority of the Emperor on his body moved directly towards the task of Elder to suppress it.

This prestige of the Holy Emperor, imposing manner like a rainbow, even the temple pillars all around, and other members watching the lively, all trembling together.

Ge Hong and Ji Ming, who stood on the side, instantly understood the idea of ​​Emperor Lei Thunder, and the face of laughter appeared on his face, looking towards Chu Yan.

Not only Ge Hong and Ji Ming, but also the Emperor Thunder Emperor’s divine power, all around watching the lively people, it seemed that they all understood it.

This Emperor of Lightning Thunder obviously wants to suppress Chu Yan as the owner of Xuan Heavenly Palace!

“This one….”

Task Elder glanced at Chu Yan, his face awkward look.

Chu Yan is the Emperor of the Earth Demon Palace. He won the puppets in the eight Heavenly Dragon battles just now, and behind him is the Heavenly Kunst Lord. He can now be said to be the most inspiring member of the entire Divine Dao.

The Emperor of Lightning Thunder is the Heavenly Palace Second Palace Lord, and the emperor of the Holy Emperor, which is a high weight!

No matter what he does, he will definitely offend the party.

However, whether it is Chu Yan or Emperor Thunder, his small mission Elder can’t afford to offend.

“Phantom Ray Second Palace Lord, take the task, shouldn’t you wait in line! Come first, get it! Do you?”

Seeing the look of the mission Elder, Chu Yan naturally knew his embarrassment, and then turned his head directly towards the 3 Emperor Lei Shengdi, glancing at Ge Hong and Ji Ming, saying

“Even if this task is to be picked up by strength, these two people add up, and they are not my opponents! Hmph!”

Of course Chu Yan knows that these guys, who mean to smile there, will never be polite to them, and Chu Yan is also telling the truth!

“Chu Yan, you …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Ge Hong and Ji Ming were all angry, two faces were purplish red, and they raised their fingers to Chu Yan, but they couldn’t tell.

Because, Chu Yan is really telling the truth!

This but the Devil Palace Emperor, defeated Chen Tianlu, Lin Xuan, Fan Tianhua in 8 Heavenly Dragon battles just finished.

Others may be unfamiliar with them, but Fan Tianhua is very close to the two of them. The two of them together are not the battle strength of Fan Tianhua.

Therefore, Chu Yan said so, they can only hold back.

“Joke! Ge Hong and Ji Ming are the Lord of the Palace in My Heavenly Palace. Isn’t it a match between you and the Warlord of the Earth Demon Palace?”

“I’m against Divine Dao, there are countless warlords, but 3 palaces, 6 palaces and 9 temples are the core!”

“So, these three places today, of course, belong to the three of us. If you don’t accept it, you can fight for one in the future Battle of the Palace Lord!”

Emperor Lei Lei was disdainful and looked at Chu Yan with his nostrils, his eyes, aloof and remote!

Although the inverse Divine Dao is different from the ordinary Sect forces, there are also equal ranks. Whether it is the palace master, the Palace Lord or the Hall Lord, there are naturally some privileges in the inverse Divine Dao!

Emperor Thunderbolt was just right. Chu Yan was in the inverse Divine Dao, and his status was low, so he could do whatever he wanted.

At this point, even if Chu Yan moved Tian Kun Shengzun, it would be useless!

Because, the reason why Tian Kun Shengzun is a cow is that it is because of his strength. At the same time, he is also the master of the Earth Demon Palace. In the Sea Territory second only to Huangfu Yitian.

If you consider the strength, plus the competition between the 3 giant palaces, Tian Kun Shengzun will certainly not give Huangfu Yi Tian a face.

After all, 2 people are basically considered to be an ordinary status!

But Chu Yan is different. As a new member who just joined the inverse Divine Dao, the identity of a warlord has already reached the top.

Compared with the formal 3 houses, 6 halls and 9 halls, it is slightly lower.

Hearing the words of Emperor Lei Lei, Ge Hong and Ji Ming faced with a smile at the same time.

What about your strength! ?

Come to Mission Palace first, how about being in front! ?

all around Seeing the other lively members, seeing this scene, they all shook their heads and looked at each other with sigh.

Newcomers, so sad!

Although, Chu Yan’s reputation has recently become quite boring. Many of the members present wanted to support Chu Yan, but they dared not speak at all.

Chu Yan stood there, watching Emperor Thunder Emperor, with a chill in his eyes, rising continuously.

If the three Thunder Lord Emperors come before you and come in front of them, taking the last three places in this mission, Chu Yan will of course not say anything.

But now, he wants to press himself with his status! ?

“Still dumbfounded !? Would you like me to invite you !? Hmm …!?”

The Emperor Thunder Emperor’s face was filled with anger, and his body was Emperor Wei, moved towards the task Elder fiercely, and suddenly the other party’s souls almost flew out of the body.

“2… Second Palace Lord is angry, I will deal with you for 3 people!”

The mission Elder still dared to rebel against the thunder Venerable Lord, especially himself. He was originally a member of Xuan Heavenly Palace. This mission Elder was just a vain duty, quickly shake out Jade Talisman. The small red appears.

It was the three people of Emperor Thunder, Ge Hong and Ji Ming who took the record of “Yellow Springs Road Murder” mission!

“Ha ha ha….”

Seeing that the mission was completed, the Emperor Thunder Emperor burst into laughter suddenly, looking towards Chu Yan

“Chu Yan, aren’t you a cow? How are you now !? Are you not convinced ah!? When will you become the lord of the palace, come to me to revenge!”

In a word, Emperor Lei Thunder took Elder from the task, took over the task Jade Talisman, and Ge Hong and Ji Ming, who had the same smile on their faces, walked away.

The purpose has been achieved, he did not dare to stimulate Chu Yan too much, otherwise something really happened, he is not good to explain.

Chu Yan stood there and watched the three people leave. The killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

“The Great Emperor Chu, I’m really sorry, there is no way to do it, or … I will help you choose another task and give you some tips for free. What do you think !?”

The task Elder looked at Chu Yan’s eyes, the terrifying killing intent flashing, his legs trembling with fright, and quickly opened a courtesy.

Although the battles between the bigwigs in the 3rd house have been seen a lot, they have never encountered such horrors as today.

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