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The task of Elder did not play any role, and Chu Yan ignored it completely.

“Otherwise, I personally pay 100,000 points as compensation …”

Task Elder saw Chu Yan’s expression, only felt scalp all over his body, fiercely clenched the teeth, just about to speak, but Chu Yan directly raised his hand and refused.

“No more!” Chu Yan turned his head, and the murderous intention quickly converged in his eyes, a little deeper, opened the mouth and said

“Help me see if there are other tasks for Yellow Springs Road!”

Chu Yan was extremely angry just now, but not at all attacked directly. Although Chu Yan was not afraid of Emperor Thunder, but he did not want to cause trouble to the Demon Palace. The identity gap is, after all, a reverse of Divine Dao rules.

Moreover, he just communicated with You Wuxue 1000 miles, and has reached an agreement with You Wuxue. Even if there is no Mission of Mission Palace, as long as Chu Yan completes the task and breaks the Heavenly Sword sheath, the news will tell Chu Yan.

This agreement has also passed the intermediary of Tiankun Shengzun, and there should be no problem.

As for the 50,000 points rewarded by the mission, Chu Yan doesn’t care.

“Yes! Yes! There is another task here. It’s about Yellow Springs Road. It’s about …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the task Elder was long relaxed, and quickly spoke to replied.

“Let me do it!” Chu Yan listened for a moment, just an ordinary task of finding the Yellow Springs fruit, and he immediately nodded to agree.

“Yes, I will do it for you!” The task Elder is extremely fast, and the formalities are quickly completed, and the task Jade Talisman is handed over to Chu Yan.

“Devil blood essence! Worth 10000 points, go to the Lingtian Treasury first!”

Chu Yan did not receive the “Yellow Springs killing” task, naturally there is no task item, and can only go to the Lingtian treasure trove and redeem points by himself.

“However, I will put these 10000 points on your head! When the time comes, see you at Yellow Springs Mausoleum!”

Chu Yan took over the mission Jade Talisman and went directly out of the Mission Palace, moved towards the Lingtian treasure trove.

Soon, Chu Yan came out of the Lingtian Treasury and stood on the square, looking towards the direction of Xuan Heavenly Palace in the distance.

In the eyes of a pair of golden eyes, 2 sharp Sword Qi shot straight out.

“Slaughter is strictly forbidden in the inverse Divine Dao, wait until Yellow Springs Road …”

In a word, Chu Yan, like the Great Roc Spreading Wings, went straight to the midnight sun and soon disappeared above the clouds.

At the same time, on the Spirit Peak where Chu Yan’s residence is located, two silhouettes appeared one round and one short.

“Hmph! Damn phantom thunder, dare to be rude to my big brother, kill him!”

Situ Yang had just come back against Divine Dao and heard that Chu Yan had great divine prestige in the 8 Heavenly Dragon battles. He had n’t had time to celebrate Chu Yan yet, so he heard the news about Mission Palace, and of course he gritted his teeth.

“Ao ao….”

Little White Bear was also angry, and ao ao called out.

“En!? You agree, kill them, well, let’s go!”

With a big wave of Situ Yang’s hand, a Spirit Mark broke into a giant gold blade, moved towards the void and directly broke a crack, the silhouette of 2 people flashed, and he fell into the crack and disappeared.

At this time, on the other side, beyond 100000000 10,000 li …

On a silent sky, a little fluctuation suddenly appeared, like a calm water surface, a wave of stones was dropped, and the ripples and water ripples continued to rumble.

Uh …!

A black electric light, rushing straight out of the void ripples, appeared between the silent Heaven and Earth on this side.

“Abyss, here!”

Chu Yan glanced around and looked at all directions in 4 directions, not far away, seeing a gray misty mountain range, softly opened the mouth and said.

In front of me, there is a deserted Gobi, not far away, a sand cliff near a hundred zhang high, like a city wall with no margins, separating the continuous mountain range behind it from the huge foggy sea in front. .

Standing in front of such a scene gives people a feeling of being at the border of 2 Worlds.

It seems that if you take a step back, you are the world, and if you step forward, you are hell!

Even when standing away from the severe li of the sand and earth cliff, you can feel the faint magical energy, overflowing between this piece of Heaven and Earth, giving a cold feeling of Divine Soul.

If it is an ordinary Martial Artist, it will certainly be affected by these demonic qi, and a sense of terror rises in my heart.

However, Chu Yan is different. Being in these free devil qi makes him refreshed, with the body True Qi full.

In the middle of the sand and earth cliff that can’t see the edge, there is a fracture zone, where the grey mist moves like a wave and rushes out.

That’s where the abyss entrance is!

This entrance to the abyss is not the same as the entrance when Chu Yan had been to the abyss twice before.

But according to the task Jade Talisman records, this entrance is the closest to Yellow Springs.

When you reach Yellow Springs, enter Yellow Springs and you are near the Huanghuang Mausoleum. The time required is the shortest.

After all, for that task, five people took it, and Chu Yan had to speed it up.

After rushing over the entrance cliff and entering the Grey Fog World, Chu Yan flew for an hour, and Chu Yan’s figure stopped slowly.

100 li away in front, a towering bloody mountain peak, wrapped in a red envelope, unleashes a powerful aura, making people palpitate and want to escape.

On top of the mountain peak, a huge skeleton piled up, and half of it had collapsed, and the remaining bones in the other half, it can be seen that this is a huge Demon Beast.

With Yan both eyes of Chu Yan, gray gas emerged, and different light flashed.

This huge Demon Beast skeleton gave him a familiar feeling, but he couldn’t even see what Demon Beast was.

“In addition to Dragon Beast, there is such a monster monster Demon Beast, it seems that in this Antiquity era, Ominous Beast is like a forest!”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, while casting Qilin’s pupil, moved towards the bloody mountain peak to see.

“En !?”

With a glance, Chu Yan’s face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Because, the mountainous side of that bloody mountain peak turned out to be hollow, among which there are many powerful Martial Artist aura.

Moreover, among the mountains, there are many buildings such as stone palace and stone palace …

Inside the huge mountain peak, a small city is formed, which should be built by some Martial Artists.

“Weird, Yellow Springs Road is open, it should be a lot of people come to experience it, why is it so little !?”

Chu Yan was not surprised to see the mountainous city. After all, this Yellow Springs Road will open every how many years, and those Martial Artists who are interested in the devil, have come to cultivate for a long time and form a gathering. The place is completely normal.

At present, Chu Yan knows very little about Yellow Springs Road, so Chu Yan pondered a little, and moved away towards the entrance of the mountain, preparing to explore some news first.

Entering the mountainside, there is a large area of ​​Underground City excavated by people, about 1/4 the size of an ordinary city.

Among them, the closest to Chu Yan is a stone building with a restaurant sign, which has the largest number of people.

Chu Yan moved towards restaurant, walked into the first floor, and saw that there were more than 100 Martial Artists, gathered here, all aura powerful, fierce eyes, aura powerful.

Finding a corner at random, Chu Yan ordered some wine and food, and released Divine Consciousness, paying attention to the conversation sound of all around.

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan heard a lot of news about Yellow Springs Road.

It turns out that the entrance to Yellow Springs Road is a Transmission Array in the skeleton above the top of the mountain.

The official opening time of Yellow Springs Road is in Acquired!

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