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Yellow Springs Road is divided into Upper Yellow Springs and Lower Yellow Springs, as well as the mausoleum area at the core of Yellow Springs.

Most of the powerhouses gathered here are preparing to go to the Upper Yellow Springs area. After all, in the Antiquity era, there are more ruins of the strong influence of the Devil.

In the next Yellow Springs, there are some relatively weak demonic forces, and the opportunities to get Supreme Treasure and heaven defying are of course much smaller.

However, whether it is on Yellow Springs or under Yellow Springs, Yellow Springs has everything.

When Yellow Springs Road is opened, the first thing to open is to go to Yellow Springs, and to go to Yellow Springs Road, it will take 5 days to open.

Most of the powerhouses gathered here will come every time Yellow Springs Road is opened. Naturally, no time will be wasted. Go to Yellow Springs Road.

Therefore, most of the people gathered here or waited for the team to go to Yellow Springs Road 5 days later.

“So that’s how it is, first go to Yellow Springs, look for this Yellow Springs fruit, wait for Yellow Springs to open, and then enter it no later!”

Chu Yan listened to the news of all around and made up his mind.

Teaming up and so on, Chu Yan naturally doesn’t need it. If you just wait here, it’s a waste of time.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan was drinking and eating meat, while carefully listening to all the other arguments.

“Have you heard? This time Saint Heavenly Pavilion will come to Yellow Springs Road! Is there any treasure to be born !?”

“The treasure of fart, I heard that Saint Heavenly Pavilion came to the Yellow Springs mausoleum, like looking for an Array of Antiquity Demons!”

“Yellow Springs Mausoleum !? God, the Great Emperor Realm is there, it will be damaged, it’s too dangerous!”

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion powerhouse as clouds, Great Emperor Realm powerhouse is so much that we are not like us, only dare to walk up and down Yellow Springs Road, looking for Yellow Springs!”

“Also, I don’t know if this time Yellow Springs has much fruit! If it were good luck, maybe it could hit a few magic treasures, so good!”

“Magic treasure !? It’s still hit, do you dream !? Without the Yellow Springs map, you still want to find the magic treasure!”

“Yellow Springs map !?”

“Wait, coming soon, it is estimated that the natural disaster mother-in-law will come in 2 days today and tomorrow!”

“I heard that this natural disaster mother-in-law is a descendant of the Mozu. I heard that it is still an Imperial Family. I don’t know if it is true!”

“Who knows, anyway, she only needs to sell the Yellow Springs map. The Emperor doesn’t belong to the Imperial Family. Now the Demon Race is still in ruins. Even the Imperial Family is meaningless!”

“Also, but this 3000 Divine Crystal a Yellow Springs map is too expensive!”

“Hehe, if you grab a treasure map and harvest one or two magic treasures, that’s not easy. Even if it’s an ordinary map, there are several Yellow Springs trees!”

“50 maps, only 5 treasure maps, 45 white maps, too hard to grab! 3000 Divine Crystal is too expensive!”

“3000 Divine Crystal !? By the way, grab the motherfucker directly tomorrow, this Yellow Springs entrance, 3 regardless of the zone, what are you afraid of!”

“Grab! Haha, in that case, there will be a few more 3 stones on Yellow Springs Road!”

“3 Birthstone !? What do you mean !?”

“Do you think that no one has ever touched evil spirits before and wants to rob the natural disaster mother-in-law, you know those people, what is the end in the end !?”

“What … what is the end !?”

“These people have all become 3 lava stones, standing on Yellow Springs Road, forever must not be detached!”

“Oh my God, No way …”

“Understand, this is Yellow Springs Road, what’s impossible !?”


The conversation at one of the tables not only attracted the attention of Chu Yan, but most of the powerhouse eyes around all around were cast.

“Natural Scourge …”

Chu Yan was holding the spirit wine glass, and the corners of his mouth were lightly raised. This … sounds interesting.

The area of ​​Ten Directions Star Domain is really too large. Even if it is a Heavenly Might building, it has an organization that collects information, and it is impossible to know all the news on the World.

Except for some major events that sensationalize a domain, otherwise, some small news is still only known to a small number of people.

It’s like the mother-in-law of this disaster, Chu Yan is the first time I heard.

As Chu Yan pondered, suddenly, outside the restaurant, a powerful aura appeared, and Diwei surged into the entire restaurant’s first floor hall.

The emergence of this powerful Emperor suddenly made everyone look stunned and turned to look at the same time.

The entrance to the Yellow Springs, this place of dragons and snakes mingle, usually comes to the Lord, but whenever the Great Influence powerhouse arrives, it will do so. First, it is to show its status and show its strength, but also to deter everyone and avoid some trouble.

For a time, on the 100 line of sight, looked towards the entrance of the restaurant, looking towards the three silhouettes that appeared at the door.

The head of the person, a cloud golden robe, looks extremely luxurious. The jade pendant hanging from the waist exudes a rich Spirit Qi, which is obviously a high rank Spirit Treasure that is extremely out of the ordinary.

In his face, Innate carried a trace of arrogance, his eyes ignored everything, proud colors, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Obviously, this is a distinguished child of Aristocratic Family, and his identity background is not very simple.

Behind him, one left and one right, followed by 2 people, 2 people dressed up, all gorgeous and decent, strong aura.

“Yi!? Who is this person ah!?”

“I haven’t seen it, look at aura, like the 7 Battle Clan!”

“What !? 7 Battle Clan !? How could they even come to Demon Domain Yellow Springs !?”

“That’s right, the demons lost, and the 7 Battle Clan were the main force!”


The powerhouses full of restaurants, and the three people who walked in at the door were discussed spiritedly, especially when someone mentioned the 3 Battle Clan, many people’s faces changed.

“Le … Mingdao !?”

Chu Yan looked at the silhouette on the left side of the three people, and suddenly looked shocked.

Among the three people, the one on the left is the original Fox Race youth that Chu Yan met in Yun Guicheng, Li Mingdao!

“Yi !? Chu Yan big brother!”

Hearing the voice, Li Mingdao was also surprised, his eyes looked at Chu Yan, first started, and then he was full of surprise joyfully said.

“How come you are here !?”

Chu Yan looked towards Li Mingdao, who came running with surprise on his face, puzzled.

This Li Mingdao, when he first knew himself, said that he was a Fox Race Outer Sect disciple, and later in the fairy tale, listening to the words of Long Tianshun, this Li Mingdao, I am afraid that in Fox Race, his status is very high. .

Otherwise, 9 such Fox Race Supreme Treasure, impossible appeared on him.

And Yellow Springs Road is extremely dangerous. Are these Aristocratic Family children afraid of accidents?

Chu Yan knows the strength of Li Mingdao. It is really dangerous to come to Yellow Springs Road.

“I … sneaked out, I don’t know at home!” Li Ming said softly.

“Yellow Springs Road opened, only once in 1000, don’t see how to do it, Chu Yan big brother, you say yes !?”

When Li Mingdao saw Chu Yan, the smile on his face bloomed like a flower.

“Ming Dao, this brother is …”

The two young people who came with Li Mingdao also followed and asked.

“He is my big brother, Chu Yan! I used to mix with him!”

Li Mingdao was still the character of carefree. When he opened his mouth, Chu Yan was speechless and shook his head bitterly.

Just helped him once, and became a younger brother? !

“This brother, please come from He Zong, who is the Master !?”

After listening to Li Mingdao’s words, the young man was the first, his face suddenly sinking, looked towards Chu Yan, and looked up and down at the same time.

“Loose Cultivator!” Chu Yan replied.

The inverse Divine Dao is a dark force. Members are not allowed to reveal the inverse Divine Dao identity. Chu Yan ’s public identity in Ten Directions Star Domain is just Loose Cultivator.

“Loose Cultivator !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the Yunsi golden robe was a man, and a flash of contempt flashed in his eyes.

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