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Ten Directions Star Domain is as strong as a forest, and there are some huge monsters inherited to the Antiquity era, which are not only powerful, but also extremely distinguished.

Undoubtedly, these three young people, including Li Mingdao, are from such a powerful family.

Therefore, for them, the proud origin makes them pay more attention to these fame and fortune.

“A Loose Cultivator, no clan and no family, in Ten Directions Star Domain, all over the place! Hmph! Ming Dao, who you all have friends with, don’t look at it, and deserve your identity!

Yun Si golden robe youth, turned his head directly, learned from Li Mingdao.

No matter where it is, Loose Cultivator is the most vulnerable class among Martial Artists.

Most of the Loose Cultivator, or innate talent is weak, the ordinary Sect forces, simply do not look down on, will not recruit, and again, they are directly eliminated by some great clan strong, and drove out.

No matter what kind of identity, such identities can not enter his eyes.

“Zhu Tianhu, don’t fart here, talk nonsense, don’t blame me don’t give face!”

Li Ming said hearing this, but he was directly angry, his face flushed, pointing at the Yun Si golden robe man named Zhu Tianhu, opened his mouth and scolded.

This scene reminded Chu Yan to startled, and he immediately remembered that Li Mingdao also directly criticized Long Tianhun in the fairy bureau.

That is Yun Yun City Young City Lord, the son of the Holy Emperor, and his status is not low!

This Li Mingdao, really strong enough, everyone dare to scold, as soon as paying nothing in Heaven or Earth.

However, this is also supported by Fox Race behind him. After all, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, Fox Race is extremely powerful. Even in the 7 Battle Clan, Fox Race is ranked first.


Zhu Tianhu suddenly turned red when he heard what Li Mingdao said.

“Ming Dao, I’m good for you! This Yellow Springs Road, fish and dragons mixed in together, you are not good at the world, 10000 one …”

He didn’t expect, he was so kind, he was even scolded by Li Mingdao.

Moreover, or for such a Loose Cultivator.

“Fart! 10000 a fart, I said, I used to be mixed with Big Brother Chu, who would dare to say that he just couldn’t get along with me Li Ming. Hmph!”

Li Mingdao crossed his eyes and overbearing. If Zhu Tianhu didn’t go on, Li Mingdao would definitely scold him.

“That’s it! Well, meeting is fate. Bring your Big Brother Chu, we will go to the 2nd Floor box!”

Zhu Tianhu looked at Li Mingdao, his mouth twitched twice, and finally resisted, turning his head to look at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“My treat!”

The last sentence I added was looked at by Chu Yan, as if he suspected that Chu Yan could not afford the alcohol.

“Big Brother Chu, go, we …”

Li Mingdao hearing this, turned to look towards Chu Yan, said with a smile, but the words hadn’t spoken yet, but Chu Yan shook his head directly.

“No need, you go! I am here alone, quiet!”


Li Mingdao hearing this, his face started, and he just wanted to persuade him again, but when he saw Chu Yan sitting down lightly, he didn’t pay any attention to them and shut up.

Looking back, fiercely gave Zhu Tianhu a glance, Li Mingdao said

“Okay, Big Brother Chu, I will come back to you when I look back!”

From Li Mingdao’s point of view, he met here anyway, and he must be on Yellow Springs Road, when the time comes to form a team together.

“Hmph! You still have self-knowledge!”

Zhu Tianhu coldly snorted, with disdainful eyes, glanced at Chu Yan’s background, turned around and moved towards the upstairs.

The entrance of Yellow Springs Road, this mountainous city, is open in a dangerous place. Let us not talk about the power of the people behind the restaurant. The price of the restaurant is not the average person’s consumption.

Ordinary restaurant, a Divine Crystal, you can eat and drink at will, even if it is Monster Beast Spirit Grass for cooking, it is enough.

But here, the price of all consumption is at least 100 times the outside world.

Therefore, ordinary Martial Artist came to the Yellow Springs restaurant at the entrance of Yellow Springs. They are all on the first floor lobby, eat and drink at will, as a temporary gathering place.

Like the 2 Layer VIP box, the place where it costs a few 100 Divine Crystal, very few people go up.

So when the silhouettes of these 3 young people disappeared on the 2nd Floor stairs, the powerhouses in the lobby on the first floor were more certain that the identity of these 3 people would most likely be the 7 Battle Clan.

It did n’t take long for Chu Yan to listen to all the news on the first floor, and he got up directly, left the Yellow Springs restaurant, and went out of the mountain city, in the vicinity, found a good place, sat cross-legged, and started cultivation .

Yellow Springs opened in the next few days.

The reason why Chu Yan came out to cultivate is that it is for quietness, and at the same time, I can also see that there are those strong Great Influence and powerhouse, which will enter the Yellow Springs Road at this time.

Time flies, half a day, and quickly passes.

More and more people, from the entrance of Yellow Springs, into the mountain city.

There are even some evil family members who suddenly meet each other and fight directly.

With more and more people, fighting and slaughter have become the norm, and the medicinal smell and bloody smell of fire in the air are getting stronger and stronger.

In this kind of 3 no matter the zone is dangerous Danger Land, the slaughter is impossible to avoid.

at last…..

Above the mountain peak, among the huge beast bones, a dazzling red light rose into the sky, and exploded a red flame on the gray sky.

Those flames, like flamboyant flowers, condensed but not scattered, soon formed a circular vortex light door.

At this moment, in the city of the mountain, a large number of powerhouses keep pouring out, standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up towards the natural phenomenon of the sky.

“Let’s start Yellow Springs!”

“Look, someone in the light door is out!”

“It’s a natural disaster mother-in-law!”

“The treasure map is coming, prepare!”


A path of exclamation sounded, mixed with excitement and excitement, everyone stared closely at the silhouette that slowly appeared in the red light door.

At the foot of the deadwood forest, above a black stone, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes, moved towards the crowd.

Just stood still, as soon as I looked up, I saw a voluptuous shadow of a voluptuous man appeared in the sky, walking in the sky, the feather skirt fluttering, holding a dragon head and turning abruptly, moved towards the people below.

“This … is the natural disaster mother-in-law !?”

At a glance, Chu Yan’s face suddenly started, how could he also didn’t expect, the so-called natural disaster mother-in-law, turned out to be a beautiful young woman with a beautiful face.

It’s just that the faucet in her hand is turning abruptly, but it is too thick and a bit too strong, which forms a strong contrast with her beautiful posture.

“Everyone, 1000 years, time is so fast …”

With a silver bell-like voice, the natural disaster mother-in-law fell to the ground, a dull aura, from the moment her feet touched the ground, suddenly rushed away, sweeping all directions like a wave.

“100 natural disaster maps have been prepared. Please participate in grabbing the maps and pay 3000 Divine Crystal to start immediately!”

In a word, there was someone in the crowd, rushing forward with excitement, rushing to register.

Chu Yan was also striding toward the natural disaster mother-in-law, at the same time, running the pupil of Qilin, moved towards the other side to see.

However, with this glance, Chu Yan’s body trembles fiercely, and the pan of the sea of ​​Consciousness explodes instantly.

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