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It was just a few blinks of kung fu, Emperor Thunder Emperor Avatar returned to true body, and immediately before the Golden Spirit Peak Formation, a thunderous thunder sounded.

“Chu Yan, that Tianmu fruit, even if I gave it to you!”

The divine power is like a wave, the sound is rolling, contains the Qi Qi drinking sound, resounds through Nine Heavens ten places.

The gangsters and genius who gathered in front of the Golden Spirit Peak Formation were applauded by a and were shocked at the same time.

Even the powerhouses who were fighting were stopped and looked up towards the magic thunder emperor looking towards in midair.

Countless pairs of eyes, all saw, the magic thunder emperor faced a mountain range facing east, with a smile on his face.

Next moment, everyone’s eyes, following the eyes of Emperor Lei Thunder, looked towards that mountain range鈥?

“Yi!? Really someone!”

“Look, there is a hint of golden light overflowing there, as if … Tianmu fruit!”

“I depend, impossible, that Chu Yan, still alive !?”

“Last time, wasn’t Chu Yan killed by Heavenly Candidate Emperor ?!”

“This impossible !? This guy is not dead ?!”

“Damn, didn’t you see him picking the fruit of the demon ?! People live well!”

“God, even Heavenly Desolate Saint Emperor can’t kill him !?”

“There is that woman too. Did you see that? It was the one who suppressed our 100 people last time …”

“This time it’s hilarious, see the Heavenly Emperor …”

“…… ..”

It was only a moment of stunned breath, and the crowd’s exclamation sounded like mountains and seas.

All of the looks towards Chu Yan’s eyes have become extremely complicated, with envy, admiration, greed, and doubt, but the expression of the most people is one, is it not alive? 2 silhouettes in the looked towards mountain range.

Chu Yan, who was in everyone’s eyes, stood in the mountain range, facing everyone’s eyes, his face getting colder and colder.

He absolutely didn’t expect that this magic thunder emperor was so insidious.

You know, in front of the Golden Spirit Peak, several emperors attacked each other and ran into the Spirit Peak result at the same time, while the others stared at the stone forest behind the Formation. After he and Yue Linglong and the natural disaster mother-in-law used the breathing Spirit Mark , Simply impossible will be aware.

After the roar of Emperor Thunder and Emperor Thunder, everyone’s eyes were all seen. When various exploration methods were not found, it was impossible.

The key is that two of these people are also the emperors of Chu Yan.

Especially the emperor of Heavenly Disabled who failed to hunt down Chu Yan and failed to possess the body possession Chu Yan. At this time, his heart was suffocating with fire.

Therefore, when many Martial Artists who knew the events of the last palace, their eyes fell on the Emperor Tian Can, the kind of suspicion and contempt in their eyes made the Emperor Tian Can almost explode.

“Hmph! Chu Yan鈥?”

A loud hum, the violent prestige of the Emperor, exploded from the Heavenly Desolate Emperor, cold to the extreme gaze, watching Chu Yan, killing intent surge.

“Your own courting death, then … die!”

The emperor of Heavenly Canal drank out a word, the might of the emperor surged, and raising his hand was the mountain range in the distance towards the punch towards.

Heavenly Demon Fruit, of course he wants!

In the golden Spirit Peak Formation behind him, at least has 100 Tianmu fruits.

However, compared to the bombardment of Chu Yan and the recovery of his own Emperor’s Venerable, what are these Heavenly Demon Fruits, what is it! ?

Moreover, the most important thing is that he took the time to summon Saint Heavenly Pavilion and found out that the black robe kid who took away his blood from Yellow Springs turned out to be Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s “sinner”!

Under the eyes of the public, the Emperor Tiancan had no hesitation, and raising his hand was a trick.

However, the awe of the Holy Emperor exploded. With the holy fist empty, the sound of Heavenly Thunder exploded, and everyone in the audience was shocked.

All of them look nervous, looking towards the mountain range in the distance.

In their view, this battle is full of highlights. Before Chu Yan was born from Heavenly Candidate Emperor, was it his own strength or something else! ? Nobody knows.

But now, the battle takes place in front of you, what is the situation, will know when you see it.

Therefore, all powerhouses with doubts in their minds all turned their attention to the distant mountain range.

However, not all people in the crowd hold such thoughts. It is better to be Emperor Kongming and Juling Emperor, absolutely not like this.

Seeing Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor shot, their faces suddenly tightened, brows slightly wrinkle.

They are members of the inverse Divine Dao!

Chu Yan, like them, is also a member of the inverse Divine Dao.

This point, except for the inverse Divine Dao members present, everyone will not know.

What they did not understand is that Emperor Lei Thunder, as the Sea Territory’s palace against Divine Dao’s Xuan Tian Temple, what he just did seems to be framing Chu Yan.

In any case, according to the rules of Divine Dao, members are attacked by others. When there is a risk of damage, other members present must not sit and watch!

The two emperors glanced at each other, and the emperor’s body rose at the same time, ready to start to rescue Chu Yan.

Although the cultivation base of 2 people is just Great Emperor Realm, but the members of Divine Dao, that one is not a giant amongst men, Wuzhong is the leader.

With the strength of 2 people, at the same time, I tried my best to hold the Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor for a period of time, which is not a problem.

With this time, Chu Yan is enough to escape!

However, just when the two people discussed and decided to prepare for a hands-on, a silhouette, but the hurricane broke through and fell in front of them.

“Well, Lord of the Thunder Palace …?”

Emperor Kongming and Juling Emperor looked at the silhouette in front of them, and their faces started at the same time.

“2 people, it’s not a shot at this time, how about watching ?? There is a palace here, and nothing can happen! Rest assured!”

Emperor Lei Lei had a smile on his face, opened the mouth and said.

“It’s not a shot !? Stand still !?” Emperor Kongming and Great Emperor, brows tightly knit, looked at Sage Thunder Emperor.



The doubts in my heart aggravated a point, but the Emperor of Lightning Thunder is the owner of Xuan Heavenly Palace, and their identities are several orders higher than them.

With such a clear opening, the two of them could not be rebellious.

It is a felony not to rescue fellow members!

However, it is a felony not to command the master of the palace, but also to have relatives!

The two emperors of the Human Sovereign Palace, after a little deep pondering, gave up their intention to shoot directly.

“Hehe, Chu Yan, this time, see how you die!”

Stopped the two fellow emperors from helping out, and the Emperor Thunder standing there, looked towards the mountain range in the distance, a look of tyranny.

At this time, on the mountain range in the distance, the face of the Emperor Tian Can was shot, and the face of the natural disaster mother-in-law was green!

“God … day ah! I was found …”

This is not the Holy Emperor Avatar, but this is the true body of the Heavenly Disabled Emperor, what a terrible might! ?

Not only is the natural disaster mother-in-law, but Yue Linglong also has a small white face and a spirit eye trembling …

“Do you want to use the forbidden technique !?”

Yue Linglong within the body, one after another, like the power of the deep sea, constantly rolling.

Not far away, Panlong Shengdi looked at Yue Linglong in the mountain range, standing next to Chu Yan, his face was anxious and he would shoot …

Seeing the fist of the Holy Emperor, in a blink of an eye, the 100 li was broken, before the mountain range was reached, all of them held their breath and their eyes were trembling.

All of a sudden, it seemed that Heaven and Earth were solidified, and everyone looked at with amazement.

However, next moment, an extremely vast force, accompanied by a dazzling 5-color Profound Light, soared from the mountain range.

“Give me … broken!”

Chu Yan shook the sky, with St. Rakshasa suspended, the whole body’s five-colored cloud light condensed on the right fist, the golden glow of the golden palm continued to soar, raising his hand was a “10000 Dragon Dragon Gang”, straight out!

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