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Five Elements Futianshu!

Divine Beast, the power of the 5 series Martial Soul, was blasted out with 10000 dragons of imperial skill. With the potential of destruction, the strength of Heaven was turned into a huge boxing fist, which greeted the Holy Emperor. fist.

Fight Heaven and Earth, heaven defying!

An arrogant Heaven and Earth, the imposing manner of the majestic wave, rises from the sky, straight from the mountain range.

It is this … Chu Yan who issued this imposing manner!

Under such a situation, there is no way to retreat, and avoidance is inevitable, then …


In all directions, no matter whether it is Emperor Thunder, 4 Emperors, or Panlong Emperor on the sidelines, all complexion changed.

Even Yue Linglong, who was standing beside Chu Yan, and the mother-in-law of the Scourge, were also surprised to see Chu Yan in an imposing manner like a rainbow.

In front of the Golden Spirit Peak on the other side, many powerhouses and powerhouses were shocked and their eyes widened.

Is this guy … crazy? ?

Even with the power house of Shengdijing, the front is tough! ?

Do you want to live, do you want to commit suicide, or just find someone happy! ?

Even the Heavenly Desolate Emperor who shot, his face was stagnant, and his face was unbelievable.

This kid, want to play against me! ?

“Ha ha ha, good! Very good!”

After a moment’s stun, the Emperor Tiancan issued a loud laughter.

For him, the most worrying thing is that Chu Yan, just like the last time, turned around and fled, and then hid in the remains of a Yellow Springs.

In that case, not only would a lot of time be wasted to hunt down, but at the same time, if the tomb of Yellow Springs was opened here, he would have missed it completely.

Now I am very happy to see Chu Yan taking the initiative to face the battle.

“Since you are so acquainted, you are anxious to die, then I will fulfill you! Qiankun 10000 law, only one is lacking!

After a loud laugh, the emperor of Heavenly Canal was full of majesty, and the boxing fists burst into a wave of wind, hiding the sky and covering the earth, like a tsunami of empty space, where moved towards Chu Yan Mountain range, snapped.

Although the Emperor Tiancan said on his mouth, he was still worried that Chu Yan would sway a spear and turn around to escape, so he directly moved a large-scale holy technique to completely seal the entire mountain range.

Heavenly Canal 9 Strike is the famous Battle Skill of Heavenly Candidate Emperor!

Even if it is a random move, it is more than enough to deal with this Chu Yan.

This move took out, the mighty heavenly emperor’s prestige, extremely horrible, as if the entire mountain range was to be smashed into powder.

In an instant, 2 attacks, fiercely hit together!

Boom … Rumble!

The violent explosion of the air blasted the entire mountain range of trees four times, and a tangible air wave quickly pushed away from the center of the explosion point.

With great energy, the whole powerhouse Divine Soul was trembling, his eyes were wide, and he saw at the same time, above the sky …

5 The golden fist wrapped in Xia, slammed into that vast tidal wave, as if hitting a large wave of waves, passing through the five-color lightning, Heavenly Dragon, tiger roar, Divine flame monstrous, layering the tidal wave, layer The layers are torn, completely crushed and burned into nothingness.

Less than a breath of time, the original violent wind erupted, the sky trembling in the void, there is no trace of the power of the wind.

“Wh … what !?”

A smile on his face, waiting to see Chu Yan in the sky of Tian Can, the emperor of Tian Can turned into powder, the smile on his face was completely frozen, and his eyes were like a ghost, looking straight at the opposite side. In the mountain range, the black robe silhouette still standing there.

In the face, in the eyes, in the heart, it is unbelievable!

“This … how is this possible !?” The Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Emperor Tiancan, some of which can’t work, has pupils with enlarged eyes.

This Chu Yan’s strength, a few days ago, the Heavenly Candidate Emperor pursued and killed along the way, fighting no less than 100 moves.

At that time, Chu Yan also needed to join forces with the woman in white clothes and two people to barely block her attack.

But now, even with one’s own strength, he blocked his own card trick! ?

This is absolutely impossible! ?

At this moment, not only the Heavenly Disabled Emperor, but also all around, Emperor Thunder Emperor, Giant Spirit Emperor, Panlong Saint Emperor, Yue Linglong, natural disaster mother-in-law and other powerhouses and powerhouses, also stunned. !

One punch, shattered the prestige of the Holy Emperor! ?

Also … still positive! ?

Just now, Heavenly Paralympic Emperor became a famous battle skill, and the Formidable power of Heavenly Paralympic 9 hits. Everyone sees it, absolutely impossible that there is water!

Obviously, I thought, in one move, Chu Yan, along with the entire mountain range, was completely smashed!

The mighty Holy Emperor’s prestige, even the others on the scene, felt palpitations, Divine Soul was uneasy, but now, it was just that Chu Yan that broke … ?

How long has this been! ?

Just a few days, this Chu Yan, how to change a person! ?

“Tiancan, do you have this strength !? How can it be like not having a meal !? Take out the battle strength of the Holy Emperor, don’t make me look down on you!”

Just as everyone stood on the spot, in the distant mountain range, a sneer sounded.

Everyone’s eyes were in a fight, and at the same time, they turned their heads and looked, but they only saw that in the mountain range, a black robe silhouette, slowly lifted off, long robe like a flag, hunting in the wind, surrounded by 5 color gang yuan, a pair of cold eyes, Looking directly at the Emperor Tian Can.

The word hit the floor, everyone in the audience, and suck in a breath of cold air.

In particular, they saw that there was a trace of scorn on Chu Yan’s mouth ….. contempt!

That’s right!

Absolutely correct, that sneer, obviously with a touch of contempt.

Facing countless pairs of horrified eyes, Chu Yan quickly reached the midair, a pair of cold eyes, sweeping towards the Heavenly Desolate Emperor, and the Emperor Thunder Emperor below, and the contemptuous color at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Not bad!

For Chu Yan, whether it is Emperor of Lightning Thunder, insidious shameless, or Emperor of Heavenly Desolation, and overwhelming the people, it is nothing but vain!

In the face of all this, only one word is enough …


Fighting the world, the gods and demons will be destroyed in one battle!

Chu Yan has just completed the fusion of 5 souls and awakened “Five Elements”. He is looking for a suitable opponent to give it a try.

“Smiley boy, you are courting death!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the corners of the Emperor Tiancan’s eyes twitched twice, and the blue muscles burst directly, his face getting darker and deeper.

The prestige of the Holy Emperor, no blasphemy!

This kid dared to provoke himself in front of so many people! ?

Divine Soul, the emperor of Heavenly Canal, shivered with rage, and the roar in the Sea of ​​Consciousness made him the power of the emperor, boiling like a tide.

At this time, Heavenly Canal Saint Emperor, completely angry!

True Qi, the emperor of the sky like a flame, with the hands of Heavenly Canal constantly raised, madly soaring, quickly condensing in front of him.

Within a blink of an eye, they gathered together like a hill-like Saint Emperor Gang Yuan.

This is the extremely pure Saint Emperor Gang Yuan, with no trace of inclusions, and the dazzling golden light, which punctured all around to watch the crowd, and could not open his eyes.

It seems that everyone is staring at the golden sun.

Under the wrath of the Heavenly Desolate Saint Emperor, even the Emperor’s Technique directly gave up, urging the extremely terrifying Gang Yuan of the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, suddenly pushed and smashed into Chu Yan in the midair opposite.

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