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Panlong Saint Emperor, how could he be polite to them, and with a greet, the two emperors of the mad family also rushed up and fought with the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

In this battle, 2 Saints, 4 Emperors, and all are the forces of Ten Directions Star Domain, cream of the crop.

One side is Saint Heavenly Pavilion at the top of the gold field, and the other side is one of the 7 Battle Clan madmen.

The battle broke out, and the entire Heaven and Earth was lost. Heaven falls and earth rends, sunset star damage, constant explosions, alarmingly, everyone changed.

“This is trouble!”

Emperor Lei Lei hidden in the crowd, watching the fierce battle in the sky, his face full of low color.

“Someone came forward to help this kid! But if this opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to deal with him again!”

In his view, since Chu Yan joined the inverse Divine Dao, the strength and innate talent he has shown is almost incredible. Therefore, in his heart, Chu Yan killing intent is increasing rapidly, and he wants to kill him.

However, this meticulously designed game actually caused a violent battle between 2 Saints, 4 Greats, and Two Great Influences.

And that Chu Yan turned out to be a watcher, nothing at all!

However, even if this is the case, the Emperor of Lightning Thunder did not dare to face Chu Yan directly in front of everyone, only to watch.

Not only him, but all four directions, the big influence geniuses and genius, all looked at it quietly, without any intention to shoot.

In midair, Chu Yan, who has been fighting for a long time, finally has enough understanding of the strength and battle method of Saint Emperor Realm and Great Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Originally at this time, to work with the Emperor Tian Can, Chu Yan just wanted to try this level of “Five Elements”.

Just now, with the Emperor Tiancan, 2 moves passed, and itchy at once, Chu Yan carried the long sword and rushed up.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The joining of Chu Yan makes the original balanced battle instantly become one-sided …

So, a few silhouettes flew out of the crowd below and joined the battle.

These are some of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion members who have just arrived, and some are the powerful brothers of the Holy Heaven Sire, whose strength is around the Great Emperor Realm.

In the mountain range, Yue Linglong not at all intends to shoot, but with a pair of eyes, staring closely at the battlefield, and occasionally issuing a few Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

On the one hand, the natural disaster mother-in-law seemed extremely excited, looking at the battle in the sky, her face full of excitement.

“Good! Good kind, deserved to be the Lord, beat him! The one on the left, yes, cut him body protection Gang Yuan! Good kind!”

It was like watching lively, passionate face, eyes glowing, and applauding from time to time.

“To shut up!”

Yue Linglong has been staring at the battle in the sky, his expression is tense, and he ca n’t be bothered by the mother-in-law

“Go stare at the Tomb of Yellow Springs. If it is turned on, someone will rush in front of us and you … hmph!”

Hearing Yue Linglong’s words, the natural disaster mother-in-law suddenly started, turned her head quickly, and looked towards the direction of the Golden Spirit Peak.

Sure enough, because of repeated battles, the formation of Golden Spirit Peak is getting thinner and thinner, and it looks like it will open at any time.

“Who dares! I have a natural disaster here, but it’s not a good thing !?”

The tough answer in the mouth, but the natural disaster mother-in-law is body flashed, like a ghost shadow, moved towards the gold Spirit Peak in the distance, quickly approaching.

At this time, the battle on the sky has entered a heated state.

The power of the Emperor of Heavenly Canal, the body of the Emperor, almost urged to the limit, ignoring the powerful blow of the Emperor Panlong, condensing the power of terror, and integrating into his 8-edge Purple Gold hammer, facing Chu Yan, blasting heavily.

This kind of disregard, completely ignoring another powerful opponent, only staring at Chu Yan’s attacking style, it is not because of the Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor, what tactics!

It’s because he was almost mad at Chu Yan!

This Chu Yan, simply is to take Panlong Saint Emperor as his shield, let Panlong Saint Emperor stand in front, he holds a big move in the back.

Every move came out. When his old force had just gone and the new force was not alive, Chu Yan would suddenly rush up, hit a move, and turn back.

A person faces two opponents, one of which is similar to him, and the other is not weak in battle strength.

In this case, the Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor fell completely into the downwind and was extremely embarrassed in the battle.

In front of so many people, let him be a holy emperor, how to come to Taiwan! ?

Therefore, at this time, even if the Heavenly Emperor Shengdi fought hard to carry the Panlong Saint Emperor, he would have to destroy the Chu Yan first.

This move, Tiancang 9-strike fusion spirit hammer attack, as soon as he shot, the whole piece of void was directly popped out of a big hole.

The violent power, coupled with powerful imperial power, grabbed a force destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, sweeping all directions.

Even in the mountain range below, several higher mountain peaks were directly shattered to the top of the mountain, and countless gravel flying, such as a path of sharp arrows, shot at the crowds, and suddenly caused a group of wage like ghosts and howl like wolves.

The prestige of the Holy Emperor is so horrible!

And now, with a momentum of 10000 thunderbolts, the blow hit the sky all the way, moved towards Chu Yan, and smashed away.

“5 Souls unite, Futian guide!”

Chu Yan black robe is like a flag, welcoming Feng Feiyang, and 5 Profound Light behind him rise up to the sky, and at the same time, they suddenly merge with the long sword in the hands of Chu Yan.

A sword was cut out, Xianxia was splendid, the stream of light was rushing, and the glory passed by. The mountain-like spirit hammer first cracked and then completely collapsed into nothingness.

Only the remainder, a large gang of wind, rushed 4 times, like a wave, moved towards the sky far away, rushing away like a low tide.

shua! shua!

Just as Chu Yan collected his sword and prepared to flash, suddenly, out of 4 scattered energies, 2 illusory shadows, moved towards Chu Yan, which were almost exactly the same as the spirit energy of the hammer, came in a hurry.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, your Fleshy body, it belongs to me!”

Seeing Chu Yan relax his vigilance, Heavenly Desolate Emperor suddenly burst into ecstasy and said with a big smile.

The trick just now, he didn’t think about it, he would kill Chu Yan with one trick. After all, there was a Panlong Saint behind him, and he would definitely rescue him.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heavenly Disabled directly used the “Zhaozhongzhao” to quietly release 2 Avatars, blending into the middle of the spirit hammer attack.

When Chu Yan breaks the spirit hammer attack, 2 Avatar directly attack Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness and Divine Soul by the burst of air waves.

In the sound of laughter, the strongest mystery of the Heavenly Disabled Emperor, the technique of Avatar body possession, the evolution of 2 Avatar, has rushed to the top 10 steps of Chu Yan.

This distance is intentional and unintentional, even if it is God, I am afraid that it will not respond.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Tian Can Sheng Sheng Imperial Capital did not give up the idea of ​​body possession Chu Yan.

As long as Chu Yan’s Divine Soul is destroyed, and the Fleshy body is snatched, Saint Heavenly Pavilion has an explanation there, and he has gotten the benefits of heaven. This is definitely kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing 2 Avatar, directly hit Chu Yan, not far away from the Emperor Panlong, suddenly complexion greatly changed.

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