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Not only Panlong Saint Emperor, but also Yue Linglong, who is far in the mountain range, also the spirit eye suddenly changed, his mouth opened, and he shouted anxiously.

“Little Brother Chu, be careful!”

All the other big brothers and genius who watched the game, all seeing this scene, their faces suddenly changed.

They didn’t expect that the Heavenly Emperor Saint Emperor still has such a hand. This combat experience is worthy of the Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse. It is completely invisible to kill people.

It is extremely shameful for Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor to do this, and everyone looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all eager and worried.

Except that the eyes of Saint Thunder Emperor glowed, the folds all over the face seemed to bloom like blooming flowers.

Above the sky, Chu Yan’s face was calm, looking at the two storms of Avatar, but shook his head slightly, said with a smile

“The same trick, I want to do it again! Ha ha … You really think everyone else is the same as you … Stupid !?”

In one word, in the eyes of Chu Yan, the golden light masterpiece, 2 pupil lights came straight out, blasting on the rushing Avatar, and suddenly 2 sounds of ghostly hissing and howling sounded.

2 Avatar, the emperor, was completely eliminated by Chu Yan 鈥檚 pupil light.

These 2 pupil lights are not the power of the ordinary, but the Qilin Martial Soul who was promoted by the Qilin pupil after the promotion of the War Soul.

It contains the extremely powerful Heavenly Might, which is the god-level emperor technique derived from the “Qilin Heavenly Might Technique” after its great advancement in Jin Dynasty!

Not to mention the Emperor of Heavenly Disabled, this is only a body possession Avatar measured by Emperor’s Power. Even an emperor who specializes in Divine Soul attacks and wants to attack Chu Yan’s Divine Soul, there is no trace of probability.

In other words, after Chu Yan had “Qilin Tiantong”, he did not go to destroy the Divine Soul of others, it was already considered good, others wanted to use the Divine Soul attack to deal with him, cracking a joke! ?

Martial Artist’s God Soul Power can be compared to Qilin Heavenly Might even if it is stronger! ?

The sound of mournful scream echoed into the sky, and everyone’s faces were all in shock.

“Yi!? Power of Divine Soul !?”

“God, this Chu Yan, also cultivated the power of Divine Soul !?”

“The power of Divine Soul, which is really strong, is stronger than weaker than Great Emperor Realm!”

“It’s probably too scared, this Chu Yan, abnormal ah!”


All kinds of exclamations sounded, and their eyes looked towards Chu Yan, from the tension just now, instantly turned into amazement.

Although, Martial Artist in the Ten Directions Star Domain, cultivation Divine Soul type attacks are not uncommon.

However, like Chu Yan, the Martial Artist of cultivation Sword Dao, and the cultivation spirit Soul Power, it is rare.

After all, these two cultivation methods can be said to be very different, and even contrary to each other. Generally Martial Artists are easy to cultivate deviation if their perception and talent are insufficient.

“God … the power of the soul! How can you have such a powerful Divine Soul power, this … impossible!”

The smile on Tiancan Shengdi’s face was completely stiff, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his face was frightened.

You know, his Avatar body possession secret technique is his biggest hole card and unique skill. Even if he met a strong opponent before, this secret technique almost made him reach the same level of invincible level.

But now, the youth who has lost a lot of body possession this cultivation base for two consecutive times has failed!

A Martial Emperor Realm kid, Dual Cultivation! ?

However, the strength of Divine Soul that he came from was completely crushing his own Avatar body possession technique! ?

This … is simply impossible!

“Ha ha ha, good job!”

Not far away, Panlong Saint Emperor was so scared that his scalp had exploded. Now he sees Chu Yan out of danger. He is suddenly full of surprises and laughs out loud.

At the same time, he was also afraid that the Emperor Tian’an would appear any more moths, and quickly waved his sword and rushed forward.

“1000 Demon Blood Slash!”

The bloody blade glow, struck through the sky, and the prosperity of the sword, even if it was the Heavenly Desolate Saint Emperor, it was heart trembled, and suddenly woke up from the sluggishness. In a ball.

Chu Yan long sword waved, condensing Sword Intent and Sword Qi, looking for a gap, also raised his sword.

Such a good mobile phone meeting, Chu Yan will certainly not miss it.

“9 Yang Luo Soul Streamer!”

After being besieged for a few strokes, the Emperor Tianrui fell into the downwind again. Bloodshot appeared in his eyes, his face was blue, he clenched the teeth, took out a Spirit Treasure, and raised his hand like a toss in the air.

This Spirit Treasure is the treasure of the bottom of the emperor’s emperor’s box, and few people show it before.

The enemies who have seen this rare treasure have almost all been damaged. Now, he is also forced to do it, so he took it out with sternness.

9 Yang Luo Soul streamer is a piece of demon rare treasure obtained by Heavenly Desolate Emperor in this Yellow Springs Road, rank has reached the top grade emperor rank, second only to Demi-God Artifact.

If it is used by cultivation people, the formidable power is not even weaker than Demi-God Artifact.

But the Heavenly Emperor Saint Emperor is not cultivation magic skill, if it is not on this rare treasure, there are engraved supporting mysteries, I am afraid that even urging it is impossible.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of supporting secret arts, so the formidable power of rare treasure is extremely terrifying.

The big black flag has a total of 9 sides, each side is printed with a different style of magic symbols, flying together, above the sky, a side of the Great Array is placed.

The strength of the 9 Extreme Yang attribute fell like a 9th layer mountain, and moved towards Chu Yan.

The Emperor Tiancan suddenly changed hands, and the Spirit Hammer attacked the Panlong Saint Emperor, a trick to move the Emperor’s Technique, which was almost a desperate tactic. It was only to drag the other party, not let him have the power to rescue Chu Yan.

The Heavenly Disabled Saint Emperor has absolute confidence in this “9 Sun Falling Soul Streamer”.

Therefore, as long as the Panlong Saint Emperor is dragged down, it won’t take long for that Chu Yan to be suppressed by the 9 Yang Luo Soul streamer, and the soul will disappear.

“St. Rakshasa, destroy it for me!”

As soon as Chu Yan looked up, he saw 9 Great Fallen Soul Stream Great Array, running crazy, waves of attacks, falling like a tide, and might be extremely strong.

But Chu Yan remained unmoved at all, waved his hand, and a tall demon behind him appeared directly.

Saint Rakshasa true body appeared, holding golden trident, fiercely waved …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of Falling Soul Stream attack, was directly crushed by the golden trident, exploded a large wave of air, 4 scattered surge.

Chu Yan aura is like a tide, holding a long sword, with the offensive of Saint Rakshasa true body, a sword is cut out, sword light like electricity, sword power is like thunder, sword word intent on the sword edge is like a path of divine light , Where it refers, Heaven and Earth lose its color.

“Tiancan 9 blows, big wind song!”

Heavenly Candidate Emperor looked at the 9 Yang Luo Soul Stream, almost unable to withstand it, suddenly violently, the body of the Emperor’s might exploded, countless gusts of wind, rushing Heaven and Earth.

However, the Emperor Tiantian was like a wind tunnel entrance, attracting all the wind, moved towards his body, and gathered.

4 The bosses and powerhouses in all directions, all seeing this scene, were all in amazement.

didn’t expect, that Chu Yan, could actually force the Heavenly Disabled Emperor to such a degree.

“This … is the real genius ah!”

A group of people, countless pairs of eyes, flames.

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